Victor Steinbach


Veronika Decides to Die
After a frantic suicide attempt, Veronika awakens inside a mysterious mental asylum. Under the supervision of an unorthodox psychiatrist who specializes in controversial treatment, Veronika learns that she has only weeks to live.
Prof. Horner
No Way Home
Mr. Winograd
An ex-con's future is threatened by his brother's involvement with drugs.
Across the Sea of Time
A young Russian boy, Thomas Minton, travels to New York as a passenger on a Russian freighter. Close to Ellis Island he gets off and thus starts his journey to America the same way as all immigrants in former times. Thomas is searching for the family of one of his ancestors, who had emigrated decades ago, but once sent a letter home together with a sample of his new profession: 3D-Photography.
Don't Drink the Water
Herbert Gruber
Somewhere behind the early 1960s cold-war iron curtain, the Hollander family cause an international spying incident when Walter photographs a sunset in a sensitive region. In order to stay out of jail, the Hollanders take refuge in the American Embassy, which is temporarily being run by the absent Ambassador's diplomatically incompetent son, Axel.
The Big Picture
Andres Vargiak
Hollywood beckons for recent film school grad Nick Chapman, who is out to capitalize on the momentum from his national award-winning student film. Studio executive Allen Habel seduces Nick with a dream deal to make his first feature, but once production gets rolling, corporate reality begins to intervene: Nick is unable to control a series of compromises to his high-minded vision, and it's all he can do to maintain his integrity in the midst of filmmaking chaos.
Quiet Thunder
Vasily Brovnik
A bush pilot and a senator's wife try to survive in the jungles of Africa after witnessing an assassination.
Thin Russian
When their music teacher needs an expensive operation after being mugged, a group of precocious middle school students attempt to raise the money by selling fake military secrets to the KGB.
Nikolaj Ternovsky
傑作「2001年宇宙の旅」の続編。 2001年のディスカバリー号の木星探査は失敗に終わり、生き残った船長デビット・ボーマンは木星の衛星軌道上で巨大なモノリスと接触し、謎のメッセージを残して失踪する。 それから9年後、米ソの緊張が高まる中、ディスカバリー計画の責任者ヘイウッド・フロイド博士は、HAL9000の開発者チャンドラ博士らとともに、ソ連の宇宙船レオーノフ号で木星へ向けて旅立った。そこで明らかにされるディスカバリー号のHAL9000の反乱の真実。そしてフロイドの前に表れたボウマン船長の幻影が語る。