Tim Perez

Tim Perez


Tim Perez


Mr. Yorkes
失踪した恋人を捜す男を待ち受ける真相を描いたサスペンススリラー。グラフィックデザイナーのデビッドは恋人でアマチュアカメラマンのクレアと一緒に暮らしていたが、ある日突然、クレアは姿を消してしまう。デビッドは友人や警察にも相談し必死で彼女の行方を捜すが、何の情報もないまま1年が過ぎる。ある日、デビッドはクレアが撮影した未現像のフィルムを見つける。現像してみると、そこには手がかりになりそうな場所や人物が写されていた。しかしそれ以来、デビッドの周囲にCIAやマフィアの影がちらつきはじめ……。 日本未公開。
The Christmas Shepherd
Truck Driver
Sally Brown, a successful children's book author and Army widow loses her late husband's German Shepherd, Buddy, only to later find him adopted by a new family - single father Mark Green and his teenage daughter Emma. Each finds a sense of Christmas spirit as they struggle to decide with whom the dog really belongs.
A Sister's Nightmare
Police officer Jane Rydert's life goes into a tailspin the day her older sister, Cassidy, shows up at her door after sixteen years of confinement in a psychiatric hospital.
A young girl buys an antique box at a yard sale, unaware that inside the collectible lives a malicious ancient spirit. The girl's father teams with his ex-wife to find a way to end the curse upon their child.
The Pregnancy Project
The Pregnancy project tells the real story of Gaby Rodriguez, a seventeen-year-old who attended a Washington state high-school and made her senior school project the treatment of pregnant teenagers by pretending to be pregnant.
The Stranger
Police Chief
The Stranger is a man with no name, no memory and absolutely nothing left to lose. But when he finds himself hunted by both the FBI and the Russian mob, this amnesiac decides to fight back. Pursuit cannot stop him. Torture will not break him. And with every beating, bullet and betrayal, he’ll remember another piece of the horror that took away his career, his family and his identity.
AVP2 エイリアンズ VS. プレデター
Mr. Thomas
南極に存在したピラミッドでの死闘の末、宇宙船の中でプレデターの体内からチェストバスターが誕生するという衝撃のラストシーンで前作は終わった……。しかし、それはこれから地球で起こる惨劇の序章でしかなかった! プレデターから飛び出たチェストバスター=ニュー・エイリアンは、宇宙船の中で“プレデリアン”へと成長し、プレデターを次々と殺戮していく。コントロール不能となった宇宙船はコロラドの森へ墜落し、“プレデリアン”をはじめ、宇宙船に潜んでいた無数のエイリアンたちが獲物を求めて飛び出していった。一方、宇宙船の異変に気づいた、エイリアンを駆逐することを生業とするニュー・プレデター<ザ・クリーナー>が地球へと乗りこんでくる。そして遂に始まった、人類の眼前で次々と繰り広げられる壮絶かつ凄惨な戦い……。史上最も恐ろしい2大モンスターの激突の行方は? そして人類を巻き込んだ戦いの果てに待ちうける、驚愕の結末とは? 人類が最も恐れていた悪夢が現実となる……。果たして地球に明日はあるのか?
ローグ アサシン
Mexican Interpol Agent
Dr. Perry
Christy (Zehetner) returns to her hometown years after a car accident that disfigured her older sister. Haunted by the accident in which she was the driver, she learns that her worst nightmares have either come true ... or are about to.
Anna's Storm
Jason Cortez
When a barrage of meteors hurtles through the atmosphere straight for Mayor Anna McPherson's town, Anna must lead the desperate fight to save the town and her family from the flaming balls of destruction shooting down from the sky.
Crossroads - A Story of Forgiveness
Oscar Pena (as Timothy Paul Perez)
A tragic street racing accident kills a wife and her child leaving her husband to pick up the pieces and pursue justice against the boy that killed them.
Cabbie #1
A college professor who moonlights as a forensic psychiatrist for the FBI, receives a death threat claiming he has only 88 minutes to live.
To Be Fat Like Me
Pretty, popular, and slim high-schooler Aly Schimdt had plans of earning a sports scholarship to college but a knee injury ruins her chances. She decides to enter a documentary contest in the hopes of winning money for college. She believes that overweight people, like her mom and brother, seem to make excuses about how the world perceives them. So Aly decides to attend a rival high school as a heavily overweight person for the documentary, but not change her personality. Aly intends and hopes to prove that personality will outshine physical appearance. But when she's met with ridicule, harassment, and name-calling she begins to see things differently.
Sam and Gray are such a well-matched pair that it is difficult to believe they are brother and sister rather than husband and wife. They both share a love of 1940s movies and dancing, and when they meet Charlie, they have something else in common: They both fall in love with her. Sam must deal with unexpected feelings of jealousy, while Gray struggles to come to terms with her sexual orientation.
In the troubled city of Edison, a young journalist, his jaded editor, and an honest investigator from the district attorney's office join forces to gather evidence against corrupt members of an elite police unit.
Basketball Player
The fledgling romance between Nick, a playboy bachelor, and Suzanne, a divorced mother of two, is threatened by a particularly harrowing New Years Eve. When Suzanne's work keeps her in Vancouver for the holiday, Nick offers to bring her kids to the city from Portland, Oregon. The kids, who have never liked any of the men their mom dates, are determined to turn the trip into a nightmare for Nick.
The Street King
Eduardo Ortega
In life, there's silver, and there's lead, says Rikki Ortega, as he moves to be king of the street in "Ánglio," L.A.'s east side. Older brothers and a brother-in-law are in his way. While they think they are driving out the Rojas, a local gang that runs the meth trade for bosses in Cabo San Lucas, Rikki is running an elaborate double-cross on his own family. He's not happy just to run this fratricidal con, he also wants to cash in as much as he can of one hundred kilos of crystal meth that he stole from the Rojas (and the Mexicans), seduce the girlfriend of one of his victims, and stay ahead of a cop who was a childhood friend. Will he end up with the silver?
Security Guard
Relax... It's Just Sex
Gus Rogero
A tight-knit group of thirty-somethings -- gay, lesbian and straight -- struggle to live, love and stay friends in modern-day Los Angeles as circumstances conspire to tear them apart.