Lisa Hamil


A Snowy Day in Oakland
A Snowy Day in Oakland - A magical urban tale about a beautiful psychologist from San Francisco who decides to end a stalled romance with her longtime, high-profile, psychiatrist, boyfriend/business partner. She moves on with her life by opening her own private practice in a vacant, street-front office space in the middle of a small, commercial block located across the bay in Oakland, turning the predominately African-American and psychologically ignored neighborhood on its emotional ear.
A Snowy Day in Oakland
A Snowy Day in Oakland - A magical urban tale about a beautiful psychologist from San Francisco who decides to end a stalled romance with her longtime, high-profile, psychiatrist, boyfriend/business partner. She moves on with her life by opening her own private practice in a vacant, street-front office space in the middle of a small, commercial block located across the bay in Oakland, turning the predominately African-American and psychologically ignored neighborhood on its emotional ear.
Bad Behavior
Trapped overnight by an unknown assailant, a babysitter struggles to stay safe. As the hours tick by, she realizes that the greatest threat might be from the very children she's trying to protect.
Bad Behavior
Trapped overnight by an unknown assailant, a babysitter struggles to stay safe. As the hours tick by, she realizes that the greatest threat might be from the very children she's trying to protect.
Murder in the Dark
When a group of young people camping in the ruins of a medieval Turkish town play a party game called 'Murder in the Dark', they soon discover that someone is taking the game too far...Produced in an experimental shooting style, this murder-mystery features a cast of actors who were not allowed to see the script. The actors' choices interactively changed the shape of the story. They had to use clues to solve the mystery laid out before them by the filmmakers.
Lost Lake
A young couple travels to a deserted town to try and find their mysterious uncle, only to discover that ghosts are real and very dangerous.
Kill Speed
KILL SPEED is a high-octane, youth oriented, TOP GUN meets FAST & FURIOUS tale about best friends who fly home-built, high-tech planes to deliver Mexican manufactured crystal meth throughout rural California in order to fund their Hollywood, rock-star lifestyle.
One-Eyed Monster
In February 2007, ten people went to the remote mountains of Northern California to shoot an adult movie. What happened next was something no one expected, but everyone saw coming.
Hope & Redemption: The Lena Baker Story
Based on true events, The Lena Baker Story recounts one African-American womans struggle to rise above the challenges of her life, to face the choices she makes, and to ultimately triumph over her...Lena Baker was the first and only woman to be sentenced to death by the electric chair in the state of Georgia and was executed in 1945. She was pardoned posthumously in 2005.
Everybody Wants to Be Italian
Are all relationships based on lies? Jake Bianski runs a fish market in north Boston, surrounded by Italians. For years, he's carried a torch for Isabella, an ex-girlfriend now married with three children and no interest in Jake. Yet, he tells everyone she's his girlfriend, including Marisa, a veterinarian his employees set him up with at the Italian singles club. She's interested in him until he tells her about his girlfriend, then he's persistent in asking her to be his friend. As the friendship bumps along, Jake realizes that reality may be better than fantasy, but what if Isabella changes her mind about Jake, and what if it comes out that Marisa, like Jake, isn't Italian?
Casting Director
A young pathology med student suspects that the spirit of a dead cadaver in the hospital morgue where she works is killing off all those who handle or desecrate the body.
Casting Associate
Casting Associate
フレディ・クルーガーは人々が帰還することを恐れる必要があるので、彼は恐ろしいジェイソンを復活させることにしました。 しかし、「13日の金曜日」の主人公は彼を手放す準備ができていません。 2つの神話のセルロイドキャラクターを互いに戦わせるこの形式は、映画では目新しいものではありません。フランケンシュタインはすでに1943年に狼男に直面し、28年後にドラキュラと戦うために復活しました。 また、20世紀を通じて、巨大なゴジラが到着し、キングコングと日本にパニックをまくような一連のミュータントで終わる準備が整いました。 今回は、1980年代の映画の古い殺人犯の2人が参加しました。 その結果、予想されていたのは、死、四肢切断、そして軽装の女の子です。