Bombardier Yossarian is stationed on the small island of Pianosa during World War II. In addition to the enemy trying to kill him, Yossarian also has to endure the bureaucratic SNAFUs of group leaders and the insane antics of other 256th Squadron members. Failed television pilot for a sitcom adaptation of Joseph Heller’s satirical black comedy novel Catch-22.
Ass-breaker Dingus Magee is looking for a gold train when he comes upon old acquaintance Hoke Birdsill on stage to San Francisco, and robs him of his money. Hoke goes to the nearby town of Yerkey's Hole, where Belle Knops is both mayor and bordello-mistress. She appoints Hoke Town Sheriff and tries to get him to stir up the Indians so the soldiers at the nearby fort (the main customers) won't go to Little Big Horn. Dingus tries to stir up more trouble and get involved with the pale, baby-talking Indian, Anna. The film is a send-up of the oft-repeated phrase "the Code of the West" and exaggerates it and what it stands for into the ridiculousness that it is.
秘密組織スメルシュによって各国の諜報部員が次々と抹殺されて行く。英情報部は、007のコードネームを後輩に譲り今では隠居生活を営む元祖ジェームズ・ボンドにスメルシュ打倒を依頼するが……。ショーン・コネリーの007が人気を博していた当時、唯一版権が製作会社イオン・プロになかった『カジノ・ロワイヤル』をプロデューサー、チャールズ・K・フェルドマンがコロムビアで映画化した一大パロディ。笑いは泥臭く全く洗練されていないし、5人の監督の個性が裏目に出たのかシーンによっての落差が激しく、お世辞にも良く出来た作品とは言い難いが、とにかく賑やか。呆けて見るにはこれ以上の映画はないだろう。バート・バカラックの音楽は絶品、大ヒット主題歌“愛のおもかげ(Look of Love)”も素晴らしくサウンドトラックの充実が最大の魅力。
A womanizing reporter for a sleazy tabloid magazine impersonates his hen-pecked neighbor in order to get an expose on renowned psychologist Helen Gurley Brown.