Josh Daugherty

Josh Daugherty

出生 : 1975-02-14, Eugene, Oregon, USA


Josh Daugherty is an actor and director.


Josh Daugherty


Rosebud Lane
When a middle aged Hollywood filmmaker receives an unexpected card from his young son whom he has never met, he makes the difficult decision to go see him in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. Both of their lives then take a life-altering turn as drama surrounding the boy’s mother unfolds in the small mountain town.
County Line: No Fear
Tom Marshall
Alden Rockwell's retirement plans are interrupted when a crime syndicate threatens the family of neighboring York County sheriff Joanne "Jo" Porter, starting a chain reaction that turns into a battle for the future of the two counties.
Undercover Brother 2
Sixteen years ago, Undercover Brother and his younger brother were hot on the heels of the leader of a racist, worldwide syndicate, but accidentally got caught in an avalanche of white snow. After they were discovered and thawed out, Undercover Brother remained in a coma. Now, it is up to his little brother to finish the job they started.
Mr. Barnes
妻に先立たれたカーソン・ドリューはシカゴの喧騒を離れて、娘とリバーハイツで静かに暮らすことを決断した。でも16歳のナンシー・ドリューにとって、小さな町での生活は退屈そのもの。彼女が求めているのは興奮と冒険、何よりも新しい変化だった。そこへ絶好のチャンス到来。ツインエルム屋敷で怪奇現象が発生し、その調査に誘われたのだ。きしむ足音や破裂する電球、不気味な生き物の正体を、はたしてナンシーは突き止められるのか? これって学校の不良デレク・バーンズの作った仕掛け? それとも屋敷の元の持ち主マルコム・コルファックスの幽霊が、復讐のために舞い戻ってきたの? 親友のジョージとベス、さらには地元の“イジワル女”ヘレンまで巻き込むナンシー。この私が絶対に謎を解いてみせる! ソフィア・リリス(スティーブン・キングの『IT/イット “それ”が見えたら、終わり。』)がナンシーを演じる、最後までハラハラドキドキの謎解きミステリー!
Custody Road
A struggling comic resorts to extreme measures to prevent his party-girl ex-wife from gaining custody of their young son.
アザーズ 捕食者
Edward Cox 'Ed'
A Mother's Rage
Brad Knowles
A mother and her daughter, Conner, embark on a journey to Conner's new school - both unaware of how many "bumps" they may find along the way.
Rowdy #1
Sp4 Robert Ouellette
ベトナム戦争の最中、ハルムーア大佐(メルギブソン)とその兵士(約400人)が1965年11月に「死の谷」として知られる地域に上陸しました。 戦争の最も激しい戦いの1つ。