The film follows a rebellious teenager on leave from the Marines who falls in love with a female musician. The relationship is threatened when she develops a mental illness...
The film follows a rebellious teenager on leave from the Marines who falls in love with a female musician. The relationship is threatened when she develops a mental illness...
The film follows a rebellious teenager on leave from the Marines who falls in love with a female musician. The relationship is threatened when she develops a mental illness...
Two estranged brothers (Danny Nucci, Del Zamora) get together at their father's death and decide to run the family's New Mexico ranch. Only trouble is the old place is dilapidated and badly in need of a cash influx. The two then set out on a series of comedic cash ventures which are all failures. The film's title refers to their venture as hunting scouts. Adding to keeping the one brother around is his old flame (Dana Delany), a local saloon owner who is currently dating a weird local cop (Paul Le Mat) that she would just as soon be rid of.