Ralph Christians


Operation Napoleon
Executive Producer
In 1945, a German bomber crash-lands in Iceland during a blizzard. Puzzlingly, there are both German and American officers on board. Flash forward to the present. The U.S. Army is clandestinely trying to remove the wreck of an airplane from an Icelandic glacier. A young Icelander, Elías, inadvertently stumbles upon the excavation and then promptly disappears. But before he vanishes, he manages to contact his sister, Kristín. She embarks on a thrilling and perilous adventure, determined to discover the truth of her brother's fate
Two by Two: Overboard!
The Honeymoon is over… How we enjoyed the party when our amphibious Nestrian chums discovered their incredible newfound agility underwater! But, when we revisit our curious, loveable pals, the entire animal kingdom’s survival is once again at stake. Amid the prospect of no new land on which to live and prosper, not to mention the ever-diminishing food resources, the mood on board the Ark is laden with mounting tensions, which regularly spill over into ark rage. Fragile peace is frequently broken with general chaos ensuing. How can our unlikely heroes help? And what lies beneath for Finny in an oceanful of possibilities when he quite literally falls into some rather surprising new company?
ワールドエンド! フィニーとノアの箱舟
ある日、世界中のありとあらゆる動物たちが集められる。大洪水が襲ってくるまえに “ノアの箱舟"に乗って出航するためだ。しかし、乗られるのは乗船者リストに名前が載っているものだけ。 ライオンが管理するリストに入っていない不思議な動物“ネストリアン"の親子、デイヴとフィニーは乗ることが許されない。そこにたまたま出くわす肉食動物“グリンプ"の母娘、ヘーゼルとリア。デイヴ親子は、彼らと同じグリンプに成りすましてどうにか箱舟に忍び込むことに成功する・・・・・・が、出航した箱舟にフィニーとリアの姿がなかった!遊びに熱中しすぎてうっかり船から落ち、陸に取り残されてしまったふたりは、腹を空かしたコウモリ夫妻に狙われるなか、愛する家族が待つ箱舟に戻ることができるのか!
空とぶニコ!! 小さな弟と僕の大冒険
Executive Producer
Set right before Christmas, Niko the reindeer must deal with his mom getting re-married and his being tasked with looking after his little stepbrother.
Hans Christian Andersen Animated Classics: The Ugly Duckling
Executive Producer
The Ugly Duckling is the heart-warming, and sometimes heart-wrenching, story of a little "ugly" duckling. Ridiculed and laughed at, the Ugly Duckling leaves his home and journeys through the world, searching for a place to belong. But after a lonely and cold winter, the duckling is transformed and shows his true feathers as he discovers how being different can be beautiful.
Derrick - Die Pflicht ruft!
Inspector Stephan Derrick has made it: the crime rate in Munich has fallen to the 0% mark. His prestige is high, and he even has his own elevator with a body-friendly entrance. However, the elimination competitions for the "European Song Contest" force an abortion of his trip to Lapland due to fatalities. The hit king Arno Hello, apparently a parody of Dieter Bohlen and Jürgen Drews, is determined to win the contest...
Northern Tales
Three tales of children each in a different nothern country, Greenland, the Pharoe Islands and Iceland.