Naoki Kayano


Director of Photography
『ルパンの消息』(ルパンのしょうそく)は、日本の小説家・推理作家である横山秀夫のデビュー作である。2008年9月21日にWOWOWのドラマWで映像化され放送された。1990年(平成2年)12月。忘年会に出席していた某警察署の署長、後閑耕造(ごかん こうぞう)のもとにある知らせが届く。それは15年前に起きた高校女性教師自殺事案について、ある人物の密告(タレコミ)により殺人である可能性が浮上したので至急署に来るようにとの呼び出しだった。一方、喜多芳夫は突然警察官に署に来いと命じられ、反抗するも強制的に連れて行かれる。取調室で問われたのは昔、悪仲間三人で企てた「ルパン作戦」なる期末テストを奪う作戦についてだった。
茶々 天涯の貴妃
Director of Photography
Kôryû: Ierô doragon
Director of Photography
Jun (Miyamoto) is a girl who is rumored to hold the key to the antibody to an infamous evil drug her father created known as Yellow Dragon. She is forced to go on the run from the various mobsters who want to know Yellow Dragon's secrets. To honor a promise he made to her father, former special forces operative Go (Kurata) pledges to protect her and the secrets of her strange birth.
Hibi tells about mother who does pottery and lives rather simple life, growing her children up. She does remarkable job in pottery, finding a new way to make natural pottery in her own tunnel kiln. Then, her son gets leukemia. And entire family has to fight hard to find a donor who has matching bone marrow.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
東野圭吾の同名小説を広末涼子主演で描いた、ミステリータッチの甘く切ないラブ・ストーリー。愛する妻と娘に囲まれ満ち足りた生活を送る杉田平介。だがある日、 妻・直子と娘・藻奈美が乗ったスキーバスが崖から転落する。 二人は病院に運ばれるが、まもなく妻は息を引き取る。娘のほうは、なんとか一命を取りとめたものの、意識が戻った彼女は自分は妻の直子だと告白する。やがて平介もそれを信じ、直子は人前では17歳の藻奈美として振舞い、二度目の青春を謳歌するが……。
Togashi, an enthusiastic marathon runner and his wife are occupied with their daughter Mayumi's grade school entrance examinations, but he becomes jobless when his company folds. To regain his confidence Togashi decides to join the marathon that is taking place on the very day of his daughter's examination and the all important interview.
平成 極道 伝 夜叉 が 裂く !
Seven years have passed since the incident of the previous work. Yakuza Seiji, who was called a "Bodhisattva" and was afraid of being a "Yaksha" if he had a dos, started working at a hunting station and a town factory. There, I met Keiko, a clerk. Keiko lived with her son, who was born to a yakuza. Seiji's former group was crushed by the Ryujinkai, and Akamatsu, who had a grudge against Seiji, was at the top. Knowing the source of Seiji, Akamatsu begins revenge using bodyguards Kobiki and others. Seiji lived in peace, but the people around him were harmed and his heart returned to "Yaksha" ...
Director of Photography
A comedy about the uproar in a yakuza office, before the dissolution ceremony the next day. The day before the dissolution of the Yamamuro group, it is reported that the leader of the hostile organization was assassinated by someone.
平成 極道 伝 阿修羅 が 斬る !
Tachibana of Mutsumi Yato Kogyo, whose leader was assassinated. He is glared at the work of the hostile organization Konan Service, but his big brother Kurosaki is well rounded up with his traces as bait. Masa and Jun, who are the thugs, ignore the unsuccessful executives and aim for the Konan service leader who was the chairman of the Mutsumikai, but failed! Jun is captured and killed. Kurosaki tries to secure Yato Kogyo in exchange for Jun's life.
Director of Photography
The story of a love triangle between two high school best friends and their cancer-stricken female classmate.
ラストブロンクス -東京番外地-
The leader of Soul Crew, the toughest gang in Tokyo, was viciously killed. Shortly after that an anonymous challenge appeared in graffiti scrawls all over the city "inviting" all of the city's gang leaders to a fighting tournament that will settle which group has the power to rule Tokyo. Everyone knew refusing to participate was not an option.
Camera Operator
A suspenseful story about an earnest and kind-hearted taxi driver who, by chance, turns into a violent murderer and races through the darkness of the city.
Shall We ダンス?
Director of Photography
ボタン会社の経理課課長として、優しい妻やちょっぴり生意気だが可愛い一人娘にも恵まれ、念願だった一軒家も手に入れて、仕事や家庭に何の不満もない杉山正平。しかし、彼には満ち足りない何かがあった。正平は、ある日の会社の帰り、電車の中から見えるダンス教室の窓に、物憂げに佇むひとりの女性岸川舞を見つける。その美しさに目を奪われた彼は、数日後、そのダンス教室を訪れ社交ダンスを習い始めることに。 ほんの「スケベ心」から、家族にも会社にも内緒でダンスを習い始めた正平であったが、社交ダンスの魅力と会社の同僚青木富夫やプライドの高い高橋豊子、有閑マダム然としたたまこ先生といった個性的な仲間との交流を通じて純粋にダンスにのめり込んでいく。また、ある事件から最初は正平に心を閉ざしていた舞であったが、正平のダンスへのひたむきな姿を見るうちに、だんだんと心を開いてゆき、自らの心の傷も癒えることを覚える。一方、正平の妻は急に帰宅が遅くなったことに、浮気しているのではと心配し探偵を雇い正平の身辺調査を始める。 舞らの後押しで正平は豊子とペアを組んで東関東アマチュアスポーツダンス大会に出場することとなり、観衆の前で猛特訓の成果を披露することとなるのだが…。
麻雀飛翔伝 哭きの竜
Director of Photography
There is a man, who always win a mahjong game... His name is Ryu the Caller.
Zero WOMAN 警視庁0課の女
A famous businessman's links with organized crime are looked into by the Zero Division of the Tokyo Police, with the investigation being headed by a highly trained, extremely violent and very beautiful female officer. When not having shoot-outs with the crime syndicate thugs trying to kill her, she spends most of her time in her apartment, wearing lingerie and taking showers. A sub-plot involves the businessman's S&M-obsessed daughter.
Director of Photography
800 Two Lap Runners
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
A scramble of love and friendship that unfolds painfully and refreshingly, mainly on a university campus. A vivid spectacle of youth runs at full speed towards the motorcycle race that takes place around the woman of your dreams!