Nell Scovell


Half the Picture
At a pivotal moment for gender equality in Hollywood, successful women directors tell the stories of their art, lives and careers. Having endured a long history of systemic discrimination, women filmmakers may be getting the first glimpse of a future that values their voices equally.
Five former college roommates gather years later for an emotional reunion. Although their lives have taken different paths, they still feel a strong bond and each reveals a dark, personal secret.
Hello Sister, Goodbye Life
A college student must take care of her 7-year-old half sister after the death of their parents.
Hayley Wagner, Star
Executive Producer
Having outgrown her role, a pampered child actor returns to her family and tries to be an ordinary youngster.
Hayley Wagner, Star
Having outgrown her role, a pampered child actor returns to her family and tries to be an ordinary youngster.
Hayley Wagner, Star
Having outgrown her role, a pampered child actor returns to her family and tries to be an ordinary youngster.
『ミクロキッズ』で子どもたちをミクロ化し、『ジャイアントベイビー』では赤ん坊を巨大化させるなど、人類にとって意義あるはずの発明を次々と生み出しているにもかかわらず、なぜか結果として周囲を大パニックに陥らせてばかりいる天才科学者サリンスキー博士を主人公とした、『ミクロキッズ』シリーズの第3作。 今回は、ついに博士夫妻が友人夫婦まで巻き込んでミクロ化。 彼らにとって最大の脅威となるのはもはや巨人にしか見えない彼らの子どもたち。