John Eaves

出生 : 1953-04-08,


The Evolution of the Enterprise
This is the story of the evolution of the starship "Enterprise".
Secret Service Agent
第四次中東戦争の最中、イスラエル空軍に所属する1機のA-4が戦術核爆弾を搭載して基地を離陸するが、飛行中にアラブ連合軍の2K12地対空ミサイルによって撃墜される。パイロットは死亡し、機体も空中で大破するが、搭載されていた戦術核は原形を留めたまま砂漠の砂中に埋もれてゆく。 それから月日は流れ、ロシアで前大統領が急死しチェチェン紛争に関して強硬姿勢も辞さない新大統領ネメロフが就任し、米ロ両国の緊迫した関係を改善するため米国はCIAの長官キャボットとその補佐のジャック・ライアンをロシアに派遣する。しかし、両国の間で生じた相互の不信はぬぐえず、これを利用したネオナチやKKKを中心とした勢力が戦争を起こそうと策動を始めた。
Ski to the Max
White Magic
Famous ski stunt cameraman Willy Bogner's third movie features breathtaking pictures of extreme skiing, snowboarding and a lot of other things you don't want to try at your next skiing holiday. The story surrounding the whole thing is completely insignificant compared to the wonderful pictures. Nearly all the actors in the movie are world champions in their category. Willy Bogner's most famous work are probably the ski stunts in most of the James Bond movies.
Fire & Ice
Their first meeting is a disaster: he falls off the ski lift, and when she jumps to rescue him he leads her on a Key Stone Cops chase down the mountain. For JOHN EAVES, six-time winner of the Freestyle World Cup and stunt man for James Bond, it's love at first sight. For World Champion Freestyle skier SUZY CHAFFEE, it's a see-ya-later-buddy. But John doesn't give up easily. He decides that if the only way to win her means following her across country, then that's what he'll do. Starting in Manhattan he trudges 3,000 miles, through urban jungle and flatland desert, all the time fantasizing about what they'll do when they're together. Spectacular filming of incredible ski stunts and snow dancing blend with a power-punching soundtrack to make FIRE AND ICE a movie packed with action and adventure. If you don't ski, you will!