George A. Walker


Black Rainbow
Executive Producer
Martha Travis is a medium who makes contact with spirits "on the other side" and connects them with their loved ones still alive, in public performances. Trouble begins when she gives a message to Mary Kuron from her husband, Tom. But Tom isn't dead... yet. And Martha not only knows he will die, she also knows who killed him. And the murderer knows she knows...
天国から来たわんちゃん チャーリーのお話
Executive Producer
1939年のアメリカルイジアナ州ニューオーリンズで雑種のシェパード犬チャーリーとブルドッグのカーフェイスは犬用カジノを経営していた。しかし儲けの半分を分けることに嫌気のさしたカーフェイスはチャーリーとその相棒であるダックスフンドのイッチーを嵌めて犬用の刑務所に収監させてしまう。 その後チャーリーとイッチーは脱獄に成功しカジノに舞い戻るが、カーフェイスに嵌められたと気付いていないチャーリーはカーフェイスの策略により車と共に川に突き落とされ死亡する。死んだチャーリーは犬の天国に行くが、カーフェイスに対する復讐の捻により死に切れず命の時計を奪い下界に舞い戻る。
American Gothic
Executive Producer
When six friends fly off on a weekend getaway and are suddenly plagued by engine trouble, they're forced to land on a remote island. Looking for shelter, they're grateful to encounter Ma and Pa and their children - an eccentric family living in the island's backwoods. But what begins as simple hospitality turns into a terrifying race for survival as the friends start disappearing one by one ... and turning up dead.
The Bitch
Executive Producer
The owner of a trendy disco starts having problems with the men in her life and the Mafia, which is trying to move in on her place.
The Stud
Executive Producer
Fontaine Khaled is the wife of a wealthy but boring businessman. She spends his money on her nightclub, The Hobo, and partying. She hires a manager, Tony, to run her club, but it is understood that his job security is dependent on him satisfying her nymphomaniac demands.