Julian Rhind-Tutt

Julian Rhind-Tutt

出生 : 1968-07-20, Middlesex, England, UK


Julian Alistair Rhind-Tutt (born 20 July 1968) is an English actor. He is best known for his starring role as Dr "Mac" Macartney in the comedy television series Green Wing, the second series of which finished onChannel 4 in May 2006. He has also appeared in various other television shows and films.


Julian Rhind-Tutt


Man vs. Bee
Christian Kolstad-Bergenbatten
A house sitter named Trevor finds himself entrenched in an ongoing battle with a bee while lodging amidst an elegant mansion.
ブライズ・スピリット 夫をシェアしたくはありません!
Dr. George Bradman
Delia Derbyshire: The Myths And Legendary Tapes
Brian Hodgson
A true pioneer in audio exploration and psycho-acoustics, Delia Derbyshire conceived one of the most familiar compositions in science fiction, the Doctor Who theme, while working in a BBC basement. Her soundscapes felt like they connected to another realm. Kicking off with the discovery of 267 tapes in an attic, along with a treasure trove of journals hidden in her childhood bedroom, this film tunes in to Derbyshire’s frequency; that of a life-long non-conformist, whose peals of laughter in an archive interview tickle with delight and eccentricity. Featuring a rich archive, interviews, fictional embodiment and Cosey Fanni Tutti’s psycho-sonic channelling, director Caroline Catz traces acoustic pathways on her archeological dig into Derbyshire’s resonant life.
The Rizen: Possession
Blast Door Scientist
A group of young urban explorers and a private military unit could become the final pieces in a 60-year plan to reopen a door that should have stayed closed. But what they unleashed could almost tear our world apart.
Dave Allen at Peace
Richard Stone
Filmed in homage to his original TV series, this fictionalised account follows Dave Allen from childhood to becoming one of the UK and Ireland's comedy greats, with just a whiskey, a cigarette and nine-and-a-half fingers. Dave Allen is played by Aidan Gillen
Slovenia, Australia and Tomorrow the World
Roger Brown
Slovenia, Australia and Tomorrow the World is a drama film with elements of comedy. The central character Boris works as a machinery maintenance man in a factory, hoping that his work and efforts will be awarded in the future. And indeed, he is given an opportunity by Cosmica, a company providing door-to-door sales and counselling services as well as investment in securities.
Chubby Funny
Oscar thinks he's special. He isn't. He thinks it's everyone else's fault. It's not. Moving to London, he gives himself a year to break into showbiz, but ends up waylaid by the same old problems: friendships, flings, and finding ultimate fulfillment. Say what you like, but it's tough being Chubby Funny.
The Rizen
Blast Door Scientist
The year is 1955. NATO and the Allied Forces have been conducting secret, occult experiments in a bid to win the Arms Race. Now, they have finally succeeded but what the Army has unleashed threatens to tear our world apart. One woman must lead the only survivors past horrors that the military has no way to control - and fight to close what should never have been opened.
Burn Burn Burn
Following the death of their friend, two girls in their late twenties embark on a road trip to spread his ashes. Seph and Alex take turns driving. Dan is in the glove compartment, in tupperware, decreasing in volume as the trip progresses.
ブリジット・ジョーンズの日記 ダメな私の最後のモテ期
Alpha Male Smith and his Beta, Keith, move to take over a local community. They hook up with restless Female, Denise, igniting a deadly feud in which emotions run high and deep-seated grudges resurface amongst the tribe. Are we not men? Or are we simply beasts?
Castles in the Sky
Albert Rowe
England, while the storm clouds of Nazism menace Germany. Robert Watson Watt and a team of eccentric and brilliant meteorologists struggle to turn the mere idea of radar into a functional reality.
The Limey
The Wipers Times
When Captain Fred Roberts discovered a printing press in the ruins of Ypres, Belgium in 1916, he decided to publish a satirical magazine called The Wipers Times - "Wipers" being army slang for Ypres. Full of gallows humour, The Wipers Times was poignant, subversive and very funny. Produced literally under enemy fire and defying both authority and gas attacks, the magazine proved a huge success with the troops on the western front. It was, above all, a tribute to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of overwhelming adversity. In his spare time, Roberts also managed to win the Military Cross for gallantry.
Anthony 'Bubbles' Horsley
1970年代、毎年2人が事故で死亡するF1の世界で伝説となった2人のレーサーが存在した。 ジェームズ・ハントは野性的思考であり、毎日を人生最期の日の様に謳歌する豪放なプレイボーイで、勘を活かした走りを得意としていたイギリス人。ニキ・ラウダは「コンピュータ」と評される論理的思考であり、レーサーのイメージとはかけ離れた勤勉な男で、工学の知識を活かして自らマシンを整備する走りを得意としていたオーストリア人。全く正反対の性格の2人はやがてライバル関係となり、度々レースで競い合う仲になる。 そして1976年― シーズン成績1位を独走するラウダとそれを追うハント。ドイツグランプリのその日は朝から豪雨でニュルブルクリンクの状態が悪かったため、レースを決行するべきかどうか審議が行われた。ラウダは中止を主張したが、ハントは決行を支持し、最終的に予定通り開催されることとなった。しかし、そのレースでラウダはクラッシュし、生死をさまよう重症を負ってしまう。ハントは彼のクラッシュの原因が自分にあると考えショックを受けるが、その後のラウダが参加できないレースでラウダとの差を埋めていく。一命は取り留めたラウダは、病院でその様子を見て奮起し、事故後わずか42日後にレースに復帰する。
Wodehouse In Exile
Malcolm Muggeridge
An all-star cast heads up this intimate film about how author, P.G.Wodehouse, came to face a charge of treason during the Second World War and how this quintessential Englishman, creator of Jeeves and Wooster, became an exile from his own country and never set foot on English soil again.
The Lady Vanishes
Mr Todhunter
Young socialite Iris Carr befriends an older woman while traveling solo by train. When Iris wakes from a nap, the woman is gone and other passengers claim she never existed.
John Le Mesurier: It's All Been Rather Lovely
Michael Palin, Clive Dunn and Ian Lavender are among those who contribute to this candid portrait of actor John Le Mesurier.
ロード・オブ・クエスト ドラゴンとユニコーンの剣
Any Human Heart
John Vivian
A novelist's life ricochets from 1920s Paris to '50s New York and '80s London. Along the way he meets Ernest Hemingway, Ian Fleming and the Duke and Duchess of Windsor - the exiled British king and his mistress Wallis Simpson.
Meant To Be
A delightful romantic comedy about about a guardian angel who falls for the young woman he is protecting.
Not Again: Not the Nine O'Clock News
A look behind the scenes of satirical sketch show Not the Nine O'Clock News.
Channel 4 at 25
A documentary showcasing the shows of Channel 4 on it's 25th Anniversary.
The Shadow in the North
Alistair MacKinnon
Sally Lockhart crosses paths with the nefarious industrialist Axel Bellman, the richest and most powerful man in Europe. She's determined to prove him guilty of corruption and fraud, whilst Bellman will stop at nothing to destroy her case.
In a countryside town bordering on a magical land, a young man makes a promise to his beloved that he'll retrieve a fallen star by venturing into the magical realm. His journey takes him into a world beyond his wildest dreams and reveals his true identity.
The Secret Policeman's Ball: The Ball in the Hall
Dr. 'Mac' Macartney / Rev Green
The rebirth of Amnesty International's legendary SECRET POLICEMAN'S BALL at the Royal Albert Hall on 14th October - after a 15 year hiatus - was a resounding success. Bigger, Better and Ballsier than ever before, 'The Ball In The Hall' is a non-stop, rapid-fire, relentless smorgasbord of comedy and music. 6,000 people turned up to create a fantastic atmosphere as some of the best contemporary comic and music talent from both sides of the Atlantic delivered one show-stopping performance after another. Featuring never-before-seen collaborations, brand new sketches, explosive stand-up, off-stage performances, surprise ingredients and an anthem for the world, there has been nothing like it in the comedy world for years.
Rabbit Fever
The Rabbit is the world's belling-selling vibrator. In the past year alone, millions have been sold all over the globe. Now experts are warning the Rabbit is becoming the new addiction; women who start using often find they simply cannot stop. RABBIT FEVER is the first film to follow the trials and tribulations of a group of Rabbit Addicts as they attempt to kick their Rabbit habit.
The Summer of Rave, 1989
In the final days of the yuppie decade, the summer of ’89 saw a new type of youth rebellion rip through the cultural landscape, with thousands of young people dancing at illegal Acid House parties in fields and aircraft hangars around the M25. Set against the backdrop of ten years of Thatcherism, it was a benign form of revolution, dubbed the Second Summer of Love – all the ravers wanted was the freedom to party… The rave scene, along with the drug Ecstasy, broke down social barriers and even football hooligans were ‘loved up’, solving a problem the government had never managed to crack. But lurid tabloid headlines and cat-and-mouse games with the police eventually turned the dream sour, as the gangster element moved in at the end of the summer.
The River King
Eric Herman
Abel Grey is sent to investigate the death of a boy from an exclusive local school, who is found floating in the river. Fearing scandal, the school insists it was suicide. But after discovering from the boy's girlfriend, Carlin, that he was being badly bullied, Abel suspects that a dangerous schoolboy initiation has gone horribly wrong and he secretly solicits the help of a sympathetic teacher, Betsy. He is warned off the investigation by his boss, as the school is a generous benefactor to the Police benevolent fund. Abel, however, cannot let the case go, not only because his own brother committed suicide years before, but also it seems that the spirit of the dead boy is leaving them clues as to what really happened that night.
Einstein's Big Idea
Antoine Lavoisier
Over 100 years ago, Albert Einstein grappled with the implications of his revolutionary special theory of relativity and came to a startling conclusion: mass and energy are one, related by the formula E = mc2. In "Einstein's Big Idea," NOVA dramatizes the remarkable story behind this equation. E = mc2 was just one of several extraordinary breakthroughs that Einstein made in 1905, including the completion of his special theory of relativity, his identification of proof that atoms exist, and his explanation of the nature of light, which would win him the Nobel Prize in Physics. Among Einstein's ideas, E = mc2 is by far the most famous. Yet how many people know what it really means? In a thought-provoking and engrossing docudrama, NOVA illuminates this deceptively simple formula by unraveling the story of how it came to be.
A recounting of the relationship between General Fairfax and Oliver Cromwell, as they try to cope with the consequences of deposing King Charles I.
A librarian begins a passionate affair with a mysterious woman who walks into his library. When she suddenly disappears he travels down to London to search for her only to discover that she has three identities - dancer, dominatrix and con-woman. But which one is the real Miranda?
Mr. Pimms
Sword of Honour
Guy Crouchback joins the war effort during World War 2, an idealistic quest to join the forces of good in the fight against evil. But his efforts is not rewarded, he never has any chance to join any real fighting, circumstances always prevent it. Instead he finds himself in the middle of an army full of cowards, incompetents and a few outright evil men. They of course reap the fortunes of war, promotions and fame, but never Crouchback. His war is just an endless list of transfers and an hopeless but noble quest for righteousness.
The Trench
2nd Lt. Ellis Harte
The Trench tells the story of a group of young British soldiers on the eve of the Battle of the Somme in the summer of 1916, the worst defeat in British military history. Against this ill-fated backdrop, the movie depicts the soldiers' experience as a mixture of boredom, fear, panic, and restlessness, confined to a trench on the front lines.
'Time Out' Journalist
The Tribe
Property developer Jamie has to evict some weird, post-modern hippies from a building. But they slowly drag him into their dark underworld of bizarre rituals and dangerous liaisons.
Yeoman - HMS Devonshire
Richard II
Duke of Aumerle
The incompetent Richard II is deposed by Henry Bolingbroke and undergoes a crisis of identity once he is no longer king.
The Vacillations of Poppy Carew
Adaptation of the novel by Mary Wesley.
Duke of York
1788年の英国。国王ジョージ3世が突然錯乱して王室は大混乱。この英国王室史上最大のスキャンダルをどう収めるのか? 国王をめぐる王室の人々のそれぞれの思惑が巡って……。その行方は?
A Breed of Heroes
Lt. Tim Bentink
In 1971, fresh-faced, eager for heroics, the young officers arrive in Belfast. Pelted with rocks by kids, sniped at by the IRA, they take refuge in sex, black humour and the weird rituals of the officers' mess.