Ghassan Massoud

Ghassan Massoud

出生 : 1958-09-20, سوريا


Ghassan Massoud
Ghassan Massoud


The Legend of Tomiris
This is the story of the life of the great queen of the steppe - legendary Tomiris. She is destined to become a skillful warrior, survive the loss of close people and unite the Scythian/Saka tribes under her authority.
Arab Sheikh
Writing on Snow
A film about the absurdity of not accepting the other despite the difference.
Ramses' Grand Vizier
The Butterfly
Mevlevi Dede
The Promise
七つの海を駆けめぐった海賊の時代が終ろうとしていた。世界制覇をもくろむ東インド会社のベケット卿は、“深海の悪霊”ディヴィ・ジョーンズを操り、海賊たちを次々と葬っていく。彼らの生き残る道はただ一つ。9 人の“伝説の海賊”を招集し、世界中の海賊たちを蜂起させ決戦を挑むのみ。だが、その鍵を握る9人目の人物こそ、溺死した船乗りが沈む永遠の地獄“デイヴィ・ジョーンズ・ロッカー(海の墓場)”に囚われているキャプテン・ジャック・スパロウだった…。総督の令嬢エリザベスと海賊の血を引くウィルは、甦った不死身の海賊キャプテン・バルボッサと共に、ジャック奪還の手掛りを握る中国海賊の長サオ・フェンのもとへと旅立つ。彼らの運命が再び交差するとき、海賊の史上最初にして最後の決戦の火蓋が切られる―。
Valley of the Wolves: Iraq
Abdurrahman Halis Karuki
The film covers through fiction real-life events like the occupation of Iraq, the execution of Daniel Pearl, the Hood event and the Abu Ghraib torture scandal.
The Path to Redemption
From pre-production to release, we are given an exclusive look into the making of Ridley Scott's Kingdom of Heaven (2005). Interviews with the cast and crew members take up the bulk of this film, but are accompanied by plenty of on-set footage. We are also given a glimpse at a lot of the deleted material, much of which will be in the director's cut.
Desert Warrior
King Numan
It’s 7th century, when Arabia is made up of rival, feuding tribes, disunited and forever at each other’s throats. Emperor Kisra (Kingsley) has a fearsome reputation for being utterly ruthless. But when the Arabian Princess Hind (Hart) refuses to become the emperor’s concubine, the stage is set for an epic confrontation. It is a battle that, by its conclusion, will have changed the region forever and echo throughout history. Escaping with her father, King Numan (Massoud) into the vast and unforgiving desert, Hind is pursued by Kisra’s seasoned mercenary Jalabzeen and his bloodthirsty troops. Hind and her father are forced to entrust their safety to a mysterious bandit (Mackie), whose fighting prowess is second to none. The bandit harbors his own secrets, which will play a large part in deciding the fate of the battle. Hind inspires the fractious tribes to come together for one last stand and unite against an army that outnumbers them and is far better equipped.