Hitomi Kuroki

Hitomi Kuroki

出生 : 1960-10-05, Fukuoka, Japan


Hitomi Kuroki is a Japanese actress. Her real name is Shoko Ichiji (伊知地 昭子 Ichiji Shōko) née Egami (江上 昭子 Egami Shōko). Kuroki was a cast member of the Takarazuka Revue, belonging to the Moon Troupe (Tsuki). Kuroki was the voice of Helen Parr/Elastigirl/Mrs. Incredible in the Japanese dub of The Incredibles. She won the award for best actress at the 22nd Hochi Film Award for Lost Paradise.


Hitomi Kuroki
Hitomi Kuroki


Miki suddenly returns to her home town. When her parents realize that she is expecting, they question her. Then Miki finds a letter in her desk. The letter, which she and her best friend Uzuki had continued writing during their school days, contained the lyrics that gave them comfort back then.
桶狭間~織田信長 覇王の誕生~
Tsuchida Gozen
Drama set in the historical Warring States Era of Japan. Tokaido name Imagawa Yoshimoto personally led his army to invade Owari Province territory, now in Aichi Prefecture Nagoya City area, was the leader Nobunaga of this surprising burst of death. After the war, the Imagawa clan who originally dominated the Tokaido region fell away, and the victorious Oda Nobunaga quickly expanded his power in Central Japan and the Kinki region, laying the foundation for his future control of the central government of Japan.
Fukukawa Saeko
A corpse of a clown is found in a park. Detective Shirataka Amane of Musashino Higashi Police Station begins investigating with rookie detective Uzuka Shinsaku. They find a picture of the victim holding a balloon with the number 1 and the letters TTX on social media which indicates pufferfish poisoning. Shirataka intuitively suspects that this is an incriminating statement done by a serial killer, but Chief Investigator Fukukawa Saeko denies her. Detective Kusano Seiya and other personnel of MPD First Investigative Division join the investigation, then a second murder occurs. Shirataka recalls an unsolved kidnapping and murder case from two years ago that she still regrets.
弥生、三月 君を愛した30年
Maria Yamada
1986年3月1日。運命的に出会った弥生と太郎。 「もし、40過ぎても独身だったら、俺が結婚してやるよ!」 互いに惹かれ合いながらも、親友・サクラを病気で亡くした事で想いを伝えられずに、別々の人生を選んだ二人。 子供の頃に描いた夢に挑み、結婚相手を見つけ子供が産まれ……。 しかし人生は順風満帆ではなく、離婚を経験し、災害に巻き込まれ、配偶者を亡くし、あの時、抱いていた夢は断たれてしまう。 希望を見失い、人生のどん底に突き落とされていた時 30年の歳月を超えて、 亡き友・サクラからのメッセージが届く―。
Akina Hijiriyama
A university student kills her father with no apparent motive. But is her claim that she is a liar simply another lie? A psychologist burdened with her own scars seeks to uncover the truth. There, she discovers a fabricated past and the screams of a soul violated by those she loved. Based on the novel by Shimamoto Rio.
A bruised and battered corpse in Shibuya, Tokyo has the attention of the local cops. A veteran detective is assigned to the case. The last utterance of the victim is one clue that detective Imanishi has to work on. Yet, the case becomes more tangled quickly. Elsewhere, a prodigy named Waga Eiryo is composing an orchestral piece.
過保護のカホコ~2018 ラブ&ドリーム~
Nemoto Izumi [Kahoko's mother]
Set one year after drama series "Overprotected Kahoko." Kahoko is busy running her daycare center "Kahoko House" and also doing housework. Things at work and home are not going smoothly. "Kahoko House" is in financial difficulties and she isn't very good with housework. Her relationship with her husband Hajime is troubled and his career as a painter has been unsuccessful to date. Can Kahoko turn things around?
Chigusa Tashiro
After decades of single-minded dedication to his work, a worker with an elite career course at a major bank is transferred or rather relegated to a subsidiary company, where he finds himself at a loos as he reaches retirement age.
Madoka Irodori
スペシャルドラマ 必殺仕事人
The Crossing ザ・クロッシング Part 2
The Crossing ザ・クロッシング Part 1
Mrs Shimura
Seven scary true horror stories in this 15th anniversary special. The stories are: S Douzan no Onna (Woman from Copper mine S); Satoru-kun; Hannin wa Dare da (Who's the Crmininal?); Sasoi no Mori (Forest invitation); Ude wo Choudai (Give me your arm); Takushi Doraiba wa Kataru (A story from taxi driver) and Yami e no Shikaku (Vision to the Darkness)
Hisako (voice)
榎本径(大野智)が姿を消してから半年。芹沢(佐藤浩市)と青砥純子(戸田恵梨香)は、いつものように通常の弁護士業務をこなしていた。そんな折、芹沢が相談依頼を受けていた証券会社会長の藤林(黒部進)が撲殺されると言う事件が発生。しかも、その死体を発見したのは藤林の姪・郁子(黒木瞳)と芹沢だった。 刑事の鴻野(宇梶剛士)から藤林との関係を聞かれた芹沢は、藤林の亡くなった妻の10億円相当の絵画コレクションを美術館に寄贈する話を仲介していた、と明かす。およそ1か月後、芹沢の弁護士事務所に朝妻(ト宇たかお)がマンションの管理人の小檜山(岡田義徳)に付き添われてやってくる。応対した純子に朝妻は、心臓発作で倒れたときに自分を助けてくれた命の恩人を探してほし い、と訴える。なんでも、朝妻を助けてくれた人物は、応急処置を施し、119番通報をしたまま姿を消したと言う。同じ頃、芹沢は郁子に会っていた。藤林を殺害した犯人は捕まっていないのだが、寄贈の話を勧めたいという芹沢に、郁子は寄贈は中止してほしいという。事件の前日に、藤林自身が寄贈は中止したいと話していたと郁子は証言するのだ。 別の日、淳子は朝妻のマンションの住民に聞き込みをしていた。と、そんな目の前に小檜山に連れられた男がやってくる。なんと、それは純子と芹沢の前から忽然と消えてしまった榎本だった。純子は突然の再会に戸惑いながらも、新しい防犯カメラを設置するために呼ばれたと言う榎本を朝妻の部屋へ連れていく。 その後、芹沢は郁子を寄贈先の美術館館長の平松(佐野史郎)と面会させる。寄贈中止という言葉を聞いた途端、平松の表情が鋭くなる。そのころ、館内にいた榎本と純子は、企画展のために作品を制作中だと言う有名アーティストの稲葉透(藤木直人)に会う。稲葉が作成した遊園地のミラーハウスを模した迷路とそこにはめ込まれた巨大なオブジェ。その前に立った榎本は…。
Nahoko's mother
天雫健太郎は市役所に勤務する35歳の男性。生真面目で内気な性格が災いし、これまで女性との恋愛経験が無くいまだに実家で両親と暮らしている。父母も息子の将来を気遣い親同士が子どもに代わって相手と対面する 「代理見合い」に出席する。そこで今井夫妻と健太郎の両親と知り合う。見合いの場で初めて菜穂子の父は娘奈穂子の目が不自由だと話すが出世もしない男に娘の世話はできないと反対されるのだが...
GTO 完結編〜さらば鬼塚! 卒業スペシャル〜
Sakurai Ryoko
The national university entrance examination is coming up and the students of Class 3/4, which Onizuka Eikichi (AKIRA) is in charge of, enter exam mode. Onizuka who conducts career counselling for the students with assistant form teacher Fuyutsuki Azusa (Takimoto Miori), questions their mentality of aiming for a good university in order to get into a good company.
Tsubame Jonouchi
GTO 秋も鬼暴れスペシャル!
The special will be set several months after the events of the drama. "Onizuka" learns of the imminent closure of the "Smile Duck" orphanage ("White Swan" in the original manga) due to a certain city development plan and some conflicts of interest for the politicians involved. Of course, he cannot let that happen, and together with his students from class 2-4, he will do everything possible to protect the orphanage.
日本列島 いきものたちの物語
Documentary on Japanese wildlife.
Mieko (Hitomi Kuroki) is a housewife with some problems. Her husband (Masahiko Nishimura) is indifferent to her and her daughter Sayako (Hiroko Kurisaki) refuses to go to school. One day, Mieko meets Kaori (Tae Kimura) who is divorced. Mieko and Kaori worked at a same company years ago. Kaori tells Mieko that how she was swindled out of money by a man and, because of this, Mieko loans money to Kaori. Due to the loan, Mieko, herself, begins to do part-time work at a convenience store. While at work, Mieko catches a shoplifter Yukimi (Shizuyo Yamazaki) in the convenience store. It turns out, Mieko and Yukimi get along great. Mieko, Yukimi and Kaori decide to go to a karaoke room together. At the karaoke bar, the women hear the song "Smoke On The Water" by Deep Purple and decide to form a rock band!
最後の晩餐 〜刑事・遠野一行と七人の容疑者〜
On the first day of opening, a small Italian restaurant is set on fire, killing three customers, and the unidentified survivor, who was injured and taken to hospital, somehow escapes. Detective Tono and his team, who are renowned for their interrogation skills, realise from evidence left at the scene that there are still survivors who have fled the scene. After obtaining information about the customers from the owner-chef, who was slightly injured, Tono visits the suspects, but they all seem to be acting strangely and are hiding something. The hidden relationship between the suspects, who seemed unrelated, is then revealed.
Don't Forget About Niini
Kazumi Kawai
20世紀少年 ぼくらの旗
Kiriko Endo
20世紀少年 第2章 最後の希望
Kirko Endo
20世紀少年 -第1章- 終わりの始まり
Kiriko Endo
Countess Asako Kageyama
yuzuki youko
暗い性格で友達もいなかった楠本頼子は、クラス一の秀才で美少女の柚木加菜子に突然「私たちは互いが互いの生まれ変わりなんだ」と声をかけられる。始めは戸惑う頼子だったが、互いに孤独だった2人は親交を深め、2人で最終電車に乗って湖を見に行こうと約束する。しかし加菜子は中央線武蔵小金井駅のホームから何者かに突き落とされ、列車に轢かれてしまう。 たまたま勤務帰りの刑事・木場修太郎がその列車に乗り合わせていた。木場は頼子と共に加奈子が運ばれた病院へ向かうが、そこへ女優・美波絹子こと加奈子の姉・柚木陽子と出会うことになる。 一方、小説家・関口巽は稀代の新人小説家・久保竣公と出会う。そして雑誌記者・鳥口守彦と稀譚社社員・中禅寺敦子と共に、武蔵野連続バラバラ殺人事件を追って道に迷い、とある「匣」のような建物と遭遇する。その建物こそ、加奈子が収容された研究所・美馬坂近代醫學研究所だった。 同じ頃、鳥口は「穢れ封じ御筥様」の調査を行っており、関口の紹介の下拝み屋・京極堂に相談を持ちかける。 バラバラ殺人と加奈子の誘拐、事件の裏に渦巻く「魍魎」とは何なのか。
Japan, 250 years ago. Soetsu is a moneylender who is killed by the cruel samurai Shinzaemon. His body is dumped in the Kasenega-Fuchi river. According to legend, all who drown in the river will never surface again. 20 Years later, Shinkichi, the handsome son of Shinzaemon, coincidentally meets Toyoshiga, the daughter of Soetsu. They fall in love. It is a doomed love, as the spirit of Soetsu is far from dead
遙かなる約束(アベシャーニェ) ~50年の時を越えた運命の愛~
Hachiya Hisako
There is a story of a grand love torn apart by the Russo-Japanese War. It is an incomparable love story, crossing the borders of Russia and Japan and surmounting fifty years time. The true story of one woman who continued to wait because she loved, and one woman who said farewell because she loved. And a man who, bolstered by the love of these two women, struggled through the most extreme of circumstances and survived.
世にも奇妙な物語 ~2005 春の特別編~
Shifumi Asano
Makiko Satomi - Second Daughter
The four Takezawa sisters discover that their father has an illegitimate child so they hire a private detective to investigate.
Hirayama Koichi and his wife Michiko eloped from Osaka to Okinawa, where they lived happily with their five children. When war erupts, their eldest son is drafted into the Imperial army. As fighting spreads, the family takes refuge far from the city, but soon, child after child is drafted to serve in various branches of the military and in organizations supporting the war cause. Koichi himself is faced with a moral dilemma when he is ordered to kill a wounded American soldier.
At the turn of the 20th Century amongst tension between China and Japan, a Japanese swindler in Shanghai plans to profit by selling weapons. He steals arms from the Japanese military and sells them to the rich Chinese.
Amagasaki widow
それいけ!アンパンマン ロールとローラうきぐも城のひみつ
Princess Lola (voice)
Rollpanna visits Ukikimo Castle and meets Princess Lola. Her job is to wash away the world's dirt. However, the machine for that has broken down and Rollpanna helps her repair it. Worried that the Ukigumo Castle is dirty, Anpanman came to help. But Baikinman has invaded and tried to fill the world with dirt using "bamboo rain". Rollpanna is turned into Black Rollpanna, and then Currypanman is also turned black. Can Anpanman and friends save the day?
Yoshimi Matsubara
離婚調停中であり、娘の郁子の親権を夫邦夫と争っている淑美は生活を立て直そうと、郁子と一緒に新しいマンションに引っ越す。しかし、そこは雨漏りが酷い、水道水が不味い、上階の子供の足音がよく響くなど不具合が多く、また彼女は何か不穏なものを感じていた。 ある日、淑美は屋上で、赤い子供用バッグ(mimikoバッグ)を見つけ、それがきっかけで郁子と同じ幼稚園に通っていた少女・河合美津子が2年前から行方不明になっているのを知る。美津子は父と共に、淑美たちの真上の部屋に住んでいて、行方不明になったときには似たバッグをかけていた。 バッグは落とし物としてマンション管理人に届け、捨てられたことを確認するが、後日また屋上で同じものが見つかった。娘の郁子はバッグが気になるようで、また、見えない女の子と会話する奇行が見られるようになった。淑美は、美津子の霊が郁子を連れ去ろうとしているのではないかと恐慌に陥り、一度はマンションを出る決意する。
A humanity drama set in Asakusa. Natsumi, a third-year high school student, moved to Tokyo when his grandmother died. Haruka, the flower-shaped stripper who is the mother, cannot hide the dreadfulness from the sudden appearance of her daughter. Living together is always addicted, Natsumi refuses her mother. On the other hand, Haruka is faced with a lover's debt problem.
すずらん 少女萌の物語
The head of a psychological research institute and a lieutenant in the Japanese Air Force are both investigating a mysterious cult known only as ‘Midori no Saru’ (The Green Monkey). Members of this group have committed a string of violent suicide-attacks on military bases and public areas. Part of the mystery seems to involve a young child and an enormous Buddha statue outside Tokyo, but how could all these pieces possibly fit together?
Yoko Endo
Japanese director Satoshi Isaka spins this taunt thriller about an ultra-ambitious reporter who soon finds herself on the receiving end of tabloid dirt. Popular television actress Hitomi Kuroki stars as Yuko, an ice-queen TV news editor who is approached by a mysterious man from the PTT Ministry. The man offers her proof, on videotape, that a major university is bribing a particular government official to overlook a massive media merger. The secret transaction has already resulted in the death of one investigator. Yuko promptly broadcasts the damning footage, and high-ranking bureaucrat Aso (Takanori Jinnai) is forced out of office.
ときは江戸時代、ところは花のお江戸。呑気に釣りを楽しむ浪人・浜崎伝助が、ひょんなことから大店のご隠居と意気投合。釣りの指南をすることに。そのご隠居こそ、庄内藩江戸屋敷家老・鈴木一之助だった。 そうとも知らず伝助は、庄内藩に仕官が叶って、兄想いの妹・美津(酒井法子)や長屋のご隠居・甚兵衛(谷啓)は大喜び。ところが、やる事成す事マイペースな伝助に、上役たちは呆れ顔。ある日、伝助は、奥女中・小浪(黒木瞳)にひと目惚れしてしまう。
Nemuri Kyōshirō 4: The Woman Who Loved Kyoshiro
Tamura Masakazu returns as Nemuri Kyoshiro for the fourth and final time. Gensai, an eccentric Ukiyoe artist, urgently requests Kyoshiro to kill his wife. He believes that the moment she is killed will represent the ultimate state of beauty, and wishes to see Kyoshiro's signature “Engetsu Sappo” (“Full Moon Cut”) killing technique for the purpose. But this unusual request comes not only from Gensai, but also his wife, Orin, who has a tie to Kyoshiro's past. Meanwhile, Tenzen wants to hire Kyoshiro as their master sword instructor for the Kurume Clan, whose lord has an unhealthy obsession with Kyoshiro and his Engetsu Sappo…
SADA 戯作・阿部定の生涯
Sada Abe
Based on real-life events, this erotic thriller tells the sad and sadistic tale of a Japanese geisha whose behavior spiraled out of control.
Machiko Kubota
Rinko Matsubaro
Kaho Tanouchi
In spite of a longstanding tradition forbidding women from working in a sake brewery, Retsu, a young blind woman, challenges herself to overcome her disability in order to save her family's sake business.
ユンカース・カム・ヒア ~メモリーズ・オブ・ユー~
Haruka Arimura (voice)
A strange dog meets four orphaned sisters.
The fear of the fiercely obsessive woman who deprives her best friend of her husband. An emotionally charged movie starring Hitomi Kuroki, Masato Furuoya, and Hisako Manda.
A hard working salaryman takes off five days from his busy job and sets off with his wife and two children to visit his parents in his hometown for the 1991 new year holidays. He decides that they will go by car to save on expenses. Unfortunately, the long drive from Tokyo to his hometown becomes a much longer journey than expected due to traffic, sickness and other misfortunes and by the time they arrive three days later, they only have time for a short but happy visit.
Jubei is a Japanese merchant who learns tricks from Western merchants to get ahead in the game.
Ai Konno
The widow of a murdered yakuza boss serves jail time for attacking the man she believes killed her husband. After her release, as she is shadowed by a hitman, she returns to thoughts of revenge.