Eiji Okuda

Eiji Okuda

出生 : 1950-03-18, Kasugai, Aichi, Japan


Eiji Okuda (奥田瑛二 Okuda Eiji, born 18 March 1950) is a Japanese actor and film director. Born in Kasugai, Aichi, he was nominated for the Best Actor award at the 1990 Japanese Academy Awards for his performance in Sen no Rikyu. He won the award for best actor at the 37th Blue Ribbon Awards for Like a Rolling Stone.


Eiji Okuda


ピンク映画の監督と脚本家志望だった男。 ふたりが愛した女は、同じ女だった――。 斜陽の一途にあるピンク映画業界。栩谷は監督だが、もう5年も映画を撮れていない。 梅雨のある日、栩谷は大家から、とあるアパートの住人への立ち退き交渉を頼まれる。その男・伊関は、かつてシナリオを書いていた。映画を夢見たふたりの男の人生は、ある女優との奇縁によって交錯していく。
Kazuo Haneda
父親の経営する町工場が倒産し、幼くして過酷な運命に翻弄されてきた山崎瑛〈アキラ〉。大企業の御曹司ながら次期社長の椅子を拒絶し、血縁のしがらみに抗い続ける階堂彬〈あきら〉。運命に導かれるかのごとく、日本有数のメガバンクに同期入社した二人は、お互いの信念の違いから反目し合いながらも、ライバルとしてしのぎを削っていたが、それぞれの前に〈現実〉という壁が立ちはだかる。〈アキラ〉は自分の信念を貫いた結果、左遷され、〈あきら〉も目を背け続けていた階堂家の親族同士の骨肉の争いに巻き込まれていく。そして持ち上がった階堂グループの倒産の危機を前に、〈アキラ〉と〈あきら〉の運命は再び交差する ‒‒
99.9-刑事専門弁護士-THE MOVIE
Shuichi Otomo
常に事実だけを追求し、99.9%逆転不可能と言われる事件で無罪を勝ち取ってきた深山(松本潤)。所属する斑目法律事務所の刑事事件専門ルームは、新所長となった佐田(香川照之)のもと、新米弁護士・穂乃果(杉咲花)も加わり、日々事件に挑み続けていた。ある日、彼らのもとに舞い込んできたのは、15年前に起きた天華村毒物ワイン事件に関する依頼。その事件には、謎の弁護士・南雲(西島秀俊)とその娘エリ(蒔田彩珠)が関わっていた。一見善良そうな南雲だが、果たして彼は敵なのか、味方なのか?深山たちは、村で出会った青年・守(道枝駿佑)の協力も得ながら、15年前の事件を徹底的に調べることに。やがてある可能性に行き当たり、奇跡の大逆転かと思われたが、それは巧妙に仕掛けられた罠だった…。事実だけを追求してきたはずの深山が、まさかの冤罪を生んでしまうことに!?斑目法律事務所に訪れた最大のピンチ!果たして深山たちは、0.1%の事実にたどり着くことができるのか―― ?
脳科学弁護士 海堂梓 ダウト
Kashima Kentaro
4月12日(月)夜8時から、オリジナルのサスペンスドラマ、月曜プレミア8「脳科学弁護士 海堂梓 ダウト」を放送します。主演を務めるのは、映画やテレビに出演する一方、歌手やピアニストとしても活躍する女優・松下奈緒。テレビ東京のドラマでは初主演となります。松下奈緒が演じる主人公・海堂梓は、現役の弁護士でありながら大学の研究室で脳の記憶を研究する『特任准教授』の肩書も持つ女性。自身が弁護人として関わる事件を目撃者や容疑者の“記憶”を手掛かりに、時に強引に脳科学を駆使し裁判に勝つ、異色の弁護士です。
Haruo Sakuragi
Diner ダイナー
物語の舞台は終戦から数年経った日本。 主人公は高名な初老の画家・小野益次(渡辺謙)。焼け跡から徐々に復興の姿を見せていく街で、広すぎる豪邸での隠居老人の一見平和な日常生活が描かれていく。ある日、長女・村上節子(広末涼子)が孫の一郎(寺田心)を連れて小野家にやって来る。 そんな中、次女・紀子(前田亜季)の見合いのことで、節子の口から思いもしないことが告げられる。「昨年、三宅家との縁談が急に打ち切られたのは、小野の過去のせいではないかと…」さらに今回の新しい縁談に向けて、何らかの手を打った方がいいと助言までされる。 「縁談が円滑に進まないのは、自らの過去に原因があるのではないか―」 戦争に加担した過去。同僚や師を裏切り、切り捨てた過去。語りたくない過去が確かにある。その事実を認識しながらも、強烈な自尊心が首をもたげる。自身の過去に何があったのか。 過去の記憶をたよりに、小野は昔の知り合いたちを訪ねていく。そこで周囲の自分への視線の変化に気づき始める…。
レ・ミゼラブル 終わりなき旅路
This feature drama, produced to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Fuji TV, is an adaptation of Victor Hugo's classic masterpiece Les Miserables set in the 1990s in Japan. In Kobe in 1993, Jun Baba gets taken to a juvenile prison due to a killing of a man who cheated his mother out of all her money in self-defense. One day, he hears that his younger brother, who has been desperately ill, is in a critical condition and breaks out. However, he finds out his brother is already dead. In the depth of despair, he tries to kill himself but is saved by a man who runs a self-support facility. He begins to live at the place, and befriends with Takumi Watanabe aspiring to be a lawyer. In 1995, the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake hits and their friendship comes to an end. Crushed under the debris, Takumi persuades Jun to live his life instead. Jun swears to live on assuming Takumi's identity.
Kinshiro Kuzui
1969年、原宿のセントラルアパートに"若松プロダクション"はあった。当時33歳の若松孝二が作り出すピンク映画は若者たちを熱狂させ、時代の先端を駆け抜けていた。 21歳で"若松プロダクション"の門を叩いた吉積めぐみの目を通して、若松孝二と共に映画、青春、そして恋、なにもかもが危うくきらめいていた一瞬の時を描く、青春群像劇! 2012年10月17日の若松孝二監督逝去から6年。いまや日本映画界を牽引する俊英白石和彌が、師匠若松孝二が時代と共に駆け抜けた若き日を描きだす。白石監督自ら「映画を 武器に戦ってきた若松さんの声をもう一度聞きたい」と企画した本作『止められるか、俺たちを』は、記念すべき若松プロダクション映画製作再始動第一弾となる。 主演は門脇麦、若松プロダクション助監督・吉積めぐみ役を熱演。そして若松孝二役は若松組常連・井浦新。 こんな若松プロ、こんな青春、誰も観たことない———
A visibly pregnant Yuko returns home to find her family still grappling with the recent passing of her mother, Emiko, while her father becomes increasingly withdrawn and her older brother hopelessly combative.
a e i o u
Momoko Ando's submission as part of the Uta Monogatari Cinema Fighters Project 2018
スペシャルドラマ 必殺仕事人
Priest Ryonen
In 1946, on a fictional island called Gokumon-tou, located in the Inner Sea of Seto, the famous detective Kindaichi intended to pass his convalescence after the invitation of his war buddy Kitou Chimata, the successor son of the powerful clan of the Kitou Family. But Kindaichi arrives alone, bringing the bad news of Chimata's death. However, the truth is that Kindaichi is not on the island to recover. Before Chimata died, she uttered the words: "My sisters will be killed!" Indeed, as the three sisters are murdered one by one in horrible and strange ways, Kindaichi desperately tries to find the culprit and in the process discovers the intrigues of the family, secrets, island mentality, discrimination, and eccentricities, With the backdrop of the turbulent postwar period.
巨悪は眠らせない 特捜検事の逆襲
Kiichi Haze
Shinichi Tominaga is a prosecutor, newly appointed to the special investigation division for the Tokyo district prosecutors' office. He is currently busy with a case involving suspicious donations to powerful politician Yohei Tachibana. Shinichi then receives a mysterious message from his friend Samon Kondo. His friend is in charge of space development at The The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The message talks about a scandal related to space development. Samon soon goes missing after sending the message. Shinichi begins to see a connection between the two cases.
Postman's Father
Tamio Koizumi
After Misao divorced, she moved to Vietnam. She has always admired the country. There, she works as a Japanese language teacher. She learns that her brother-in-law is taking her mother with Alzheimer's into a facility. Misao decides to take her mother to Vietnam instead. At first, her mother is uncomfortable adapting to life in a strange land. Her mother comes around though and embraces the warm people in Vietnam. One day, her mother is injured and Misao faces the reality in nursing her.
Executive Producer
Yoshinori Tanabe
Kyoko (Sakura Ando) works as an insurance agent. Due to a series of unfortunate events, she brings shame to her family and has to leave her hometown. Shuichi (Tasuku Emoto) killed his drunken father to save his mother. After he is released from prison, he begins to work at a small factory in Tokyo.
Kyoko (Sakura Ando) works as an insurance agent. Due to a series of unfortunate events, she brings shame to her family and has to leave her hometown. Shuichi (Tasuku Emoto) killed his drunken father to save his mother. After he is released from prison, he begins to work at a small factory in Tokyo.
つやのよる ある愛に関わった、女たちの物語
Aritomo Yamagata
Dirty Hearts
Coronel Watanabe
In 1945, Japan surrendered to the United States and the Second World War was over. Right? Wrong. For eighty percent of the Japanese community in Brazil, Japan had won the war and defeat was nothing more than American propaganda. The few immigrants that accepted the truth were persecuted. Some were hunted down and assassinated - by their own countrymen - causing the start of a new, private war. Dirty Hearts is a thriller and love story told by the wife of one of the fanatics dedicated to preach Japanese victory. Little by little, she watches her husband, a hard-working immigrant, become an assassin and their love story fade away.
A period of rapid economic growth. The Sanno-kai, a giant organization in the Kansai region, has expanded into Yokohama. Under these circumstances, Takamasa Ishida, who succeeded to the fifth generation Yokosuka family, is working hard to stop the movement of Sanno-kai.
A woman named Kazuko (Kimura) who was guilty of a “serious crime” in the past, along with three of her friends. Those friends suddenly begin to die one by one. Kazuko learns that one of those deaths is somehow connected to Mamoru (Nakamura Aoi), her younger brother from whom she has been separated ever since their father disappeared 15 years earlier. Although Mamoru knows nothing of his sister, Kazuko is determined to find the killer in order to protect Mamoru and herself.
Three tales of love told through wildly intoxicating, colorful stories. When platinum redhead Ovreneli Vreneligare was just a little boy, he fell in love in the park. Sharing a juice box with the stunningly gorgeous Milocrorze, he took her home to his cat, Verandola Gorgonzola, and made her his girlfriend until the fickle beauty abandoned him, and he covered the hole in his heart with a pot lid he found lying on the ground. This is only the beginning of his story but it’s not the end of his heartbreak. MILOCRORZE: A LOVE STORY is a candy-flavored anthology of hopeless l’amour, and it has many victims.
Soichi Komada
Mikio and his older brother Saneo, who is mentally handicapped, live together and have just buried their father. One day, Mikio hires a hooker named Marin for his brother. Marin is an underground singer who goes by the name Fala. A video producer who is filming Fala's documentary finds out about her double life, and proposes to film her and Saneo's sex life. Dreaming about leaving Tokyo with Saneo with a huge sum of money from the film, Mikio and Marin agree to the offer.
ロストクライム -閃光-
Tetsuji Kita
High school student Mariko sings in the choir at the all-girls school she attends, and her biggest dream right now is to go to a music college. One day on her way home from school, she accidentally drops her bookbag into the sea. A man jumps into the water and recovers the bag for her, but all of her score sheets have been ruined. From that day on, Mariko’s new acquaintance becomes her bodyguard, walking her home everyday. But for some reason, he refuses to tell her his name.
High school student Mariko sings in the choir at the all-girls school she attends, and her biggest dream right now is to go to a music college. One day on her way home from school, she accidentally drops her bookbag into the sea. A man jumps into the water and recovers the bag for her, but all of her score sheets have been ruined. From that day on, Mariko’s new acquaintance becomes her bodyguard, walking her home everyday. But for some reason, he refuses to tell her his name.
Detective Iwai
A lonely retired girl's High School Principal who's lost his wife to alcoholism moves to an old apartment in a country town. There he forms a relationship with a neglected little neighborhood girl.
A lonely retired girl's High School Principal who's lost his wife to alcoholism moves to an old apartment in a country town. There he forms a relationship with a neglected little neighborhood girl.
A lonely retired girl's High School Principal who's lost his wife to alcoholism moves to an old apartment in a country town. There he forms a relationship with a neglected little neighborhood girl.
2005年4月、鹿児島の枕崎漁港に一人の女性が訪れた。その女性、内田真貴子は大和が沈没した地点へ連れて行って欲しいと漁師達に頼むが相手にしてくれない。そんな漁師の中に、水上特攻時に大和の乗組員として乗艦していた神尾克己がいた。一度は真貴子の頼みを断るが、彼女が自分の恩人であった内田兵曹の養女である事を聞かされ 彼女の頼みを聞き入れる事にした神尾は自分の漁船に彼女を乗せ、大和の沈没ポイントへと出航した。そして、戦後ずっと閉ざしていた口を開き、内田兵曹の話を彼女に語り始めるのであった。
Shigeru meets Ichimi at a club and they get involved. Her yakuza husband complicates matters.
Revival Blues
Inspector Minezaki
Asuka is an aspiring model who moves to Tokyo to pursue her career. She moves into a small apartment with a friend of a friend, Kasumi. A bizarre murder occurs in the hotel across the street. The body was mutilated and repositioned into a lurid work of art. After this, a string of murders start happening all around the two girls, as if some crazed serial killer was following them. At the scene of each crime, the perpetrator leaves a black lip print, and is subsequently dubbed "The Black Kiss.
In 1838, the prisoners on Hachijo Island represent the furthest extreme of Japanese society. Instead of execution, they have been forced to eke out a dismal existence on the island, without help or support of any kind from those back on the main four islands.
In 1838, the prisoners on Hachijo Island represent the furthest extreme of Japanese society. Instead of execution, they have been forced to eke out a dismal existence on the island, without help or support of any kind from those back on the main four islands.
すてごろ 梶原三兄弟激動昭和史
When poverty-stricken Korean-Japanese (Zainichi) discover there is valuable iron ore in the rubble of a destroyed shantytown they plan to haul it out for profit. Amidst this plan there is discrimination, war and an infatuation between a man and a woman, but like everything around them there and owing to the forces around them, there is as much chance that these may burn to ashes and be destroyed or be the beginning of something new.
O-Shin is a young brothel worker who, one night, helps a young samurai escape from his pursuers. Against the warnings of her fellow workers, particularly Kikuno and the brothel's owner, O-Shin falls in love with the samurai.
棒 Bastoni
Kazuhiko Nakamura directs this sexually charged wacky comedy set in the world of the Japanese adult video industry. The story follows a young woman's (Amiko Kanetani) foolish attempts to win back a lost love (Shunsuke Matsuoka) by taking the one recourse she believes might actually do the trick: becoming a porn star.
Kunio Shibano
Kunio Shibano was bankrupted. He visits a snowland spa area to commit suicide. But he meets Geisha Moeko, and she gives him power to face life one more time...
an adolescent
an adolescent
an adolescent
Toshio Shima
プライド 運命の瞬間
Ichirou Kiyose
Based on the International Military Tribunal for the Far East of 1946–48, depicts Japanese prime minister Hideki Tojo as a family man who fought to defend Japan and Asia from western colonialism but was ultimately hanged by a vengeful United States.
Yoshihiko now lives with a couple of old friends, a married couple, Ryosuke and Aya. They share a past in several senses. It was Ryosuke who walked off with Yoshihiko’s girlfriend Aya. In doing so, he broke up with his own girlfriend, Reiko. Now they are all back together again and old feelings begin to surface.
KInichi Tasaka
After spending over half his life in prison, ex-hitman Kunihiro is determined to go straight. But the shortcomings of the new gangs mean that he is soon having to call on his old-school yakuza talents. And when he falls for Asako, a beautiful piano player, she unknowingly ignites a fire within Kuni that will immolate everything and everybody around him. Regarded by many as his masterpiece, Onibi has all the hallmarks of a Mochizuki film, with the gangster elements tightly compressed and controlled to allow space in which a subdued romance can bloom. Coming from a background in porno cinema, this master of sexual relations injects a fresh passion and tension into the macho world of the yakuza film.
Erotic drama based on the comic by Naoki Yamamoto.
新・極道記者 逃げ馬伝説
Executive Producer
A couple years have passed, Matsuzaki is divorced and has a daughter and is still up to his old compulsive gambling, boozing and womanizing even as he stares middle age in the face. At his daughter's school he meets a teacher who's similarily obsessed with horserace betting and who's also frigid - something he does his best to therapize. He also reconnects with his ex-wife, who just so happens to be the literary agent and love interest of another writer of the gambling genre. An epic gambling battle between the two ensues.
新・極道記者 逃げ馬伝説
A couple years have passed, Matsuzaki is divorced and has a daughter and is still up to his old compulsive gambling, boozing and womanizing even as he stares middle age in the face. At his daughter's school he meets a teacher who's similarily obsessed with horserace betting and who's also frigid - something he does his best to therapize. He also reconnects with his ex-wife, who just so happens to be the literary agent and love interest of another writer of the gambling genre. An epic gambling battle between the two ensues.
About a group of itinerant actors.
A private detective called "Kiss Shiro", One day, he is shocked to see a rape video brought by his younger brother.
Japanese romantic comedy film.
Based on the comic by Satosumi Takaguchi.
Following the lives of three college rugby players drafted to serve in the military during WWII. Though they believe their service will help to benefit their loved ones back home, they are unprepared for the hardships of war. Through their shared trials and sacrifices, they grow closer as friends, and hope to return together to better days. This movie was released in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the end of WWII.
A group of Japanese tourists try to forget their pasts and find themselves in India.
極道記者2 馬券転生篇
The continuing adventures of Matsuzaki (Eiji Okuda), a racing tipster for a sports paper. In this sequel to 1993's The Wicked Reporter, Matsuzaki befriends a mysterious old bettor at the track named Tokudaiji (Kei Sato). The man turns out to be a well-connected millionaire and invites Matsuzaki to his home... While the sequel covers the familiar territory of gambling and gangsters, Mochizuki also attempts to tactfully approach such subjects as gender dysphoria, transvestism, and infidelity.
Tanaka is a yakuza who collects 'protection money' from establishments. He has just been released from jail, where he had spent eight years, and finds out that his boss wants to get rid of him. Tanaka is not an archetypal yakuza; he travels by public transport. But he does have two mistresses: Ayumi, who runs a nightclub, and Yoshie, a brothel-keeper. When Tanaka's boss ends up in hospital, second man Kurauchi exerts increasing pressure on Tanaka. Tanaka deliberately has himself wounded by a fighter to dodge several of Kurauchi's demands.
眠らない街 新宿鮫
More than his indie debut Skinless Night, this was the film that launched Mochizuki on his distinctive trajectory through the crime and yakuza genres. Matsuzaki (Eiji Okuda) is a racing tipster for a sports paper, a lowlife who spends half his time drunk, hangs out with yakuza and other riff-raff and complicates his sex life by succumbing to advances from his girlfriend's sister. As played by Okuda, he's also a figure of considerable hangdog charm. Less a plot-based movie than a guide to the several forms of high stakes gambling in Japan, this centres on his attempt to help a friend swindled in a bent mahjong game. Hakuryu appears (memorably) as an inscrutable yakuza in a black leather jacket. The film's success led to two sequels.
A headmaster and a novelist, looking for inspiration, regard a strange natural phenomenon before sharing stories of their own.
The Pianist
Jean and her sister, played by Macha Grenon, have a life long infatuation with the Japanese Pianist who once lived across the street from them during their high school years. The film is set during the family's reunion on Vancouver Island and flashes back and forth over the last 10 years. By coincidence, Yoshi who is now a world famous Pianist is giving a concert in Vancouver and Amy is anxious to see him again but her sister curiously is not at all interested. The girls explore old passions, stalking, sibling rivalry and wrong life choice based on the fantasies of their youth.
An anthology exploring the meaning of the Japanese greeting goaisatsu.
Toyoichi Otomo
Toyoichi Otomo suffers from psychological and spiritual troubles after a horrific industrial accident. He lives with his elderly mother and wife near Mt. Aso in rural Kyushu. He seeks solace in a small religious group run by Buddhist nun Chishu-bo who claims to be the 68th descendant of famed 11th century poet Izumi Shikibu. The members of her sect regard her as a living saint. Yet instead of balming his soul, she riles his libido by playing a sexual cat-and-mouse game with the fragile Toyoichi. When she does bed him, it leads to a miracle healing -- followed by a terrible calamity.
千利休 本覺坊遺文
Years after the death of legendary tea master Rikyu, his disciple Honkakubo attempts to resolve the mystery of the master's death.
Based on a polemic novel by Amy Yamada, Bedtime Eyes is about the intense love relationship between a second rate Japanese jazz singer and a black American GI on the margins of the law.
Aro Imaizumi
Heartbroken Ukiko takes refuge with a relative after a devastating breakup. While away, she makes a dangerous match with the husband of her frigid cousin.
A story of the skilled brain surgeon, Todo, whose talent and ambition are put to test through a series of high risk surgical procedures.
ペンギンズ・メモリー 幸福物語
Jack (voice)
Muneyuki Ogata
Seijun Kunugida
A tragic love story between a prostitute and a young trainee monk.
A Filipino transgender woman, Marie, who is drawn into the Yakuza gangster life after befriending Ai, the rebellious daughter of a powerful Yakuza boss. Set against the pulsating background of the 1990s nightlife in Sapporo, Hokkaido, the film charts the almost impossible decisions Marie faced and her tumultuous journey to discovering family, love and ultimately her true identity.
シネマスコーレを解剖する。 コロナなんかぶっ飛ばせ
名古屋にあるミニシアター・シネマスコーレは新型コロナ禍で、開館して以来、初めての休館に追い込まれるなど様々な苦境に見舞われた。それでも「なんてことない」と笑顔を絶やさず、映画文化の多様性を守るために奮闘する木全純治支配人の姿を追う。座席数51席のシネマスコーレは、1983年に映画監督の若松孝二氏が創立した。以来、木全支配人が見出したインディーズやアジアの知られざる名作を、一日も休まずに上映してきた。近年は、坪井篤史副支配人が手掛ける独創的なイベントで全国的に知られるようになった。映画作品と観客の近さが魅力的だったシネマスコーレは、“密”の回避が叫ばれる状況で存続できるのか? 2年間にわたる取材を通して、ミニシアターが映画文化の発展に果たしてきた役割の大きさと、多様性が持つ意味を問いかける。