Peter Brant


Carl Nargle, Vermont’s #1 public television painter, is convinced he has it all: a signature perm, custom van, and fans hanging on his every stroke… until a younger, better artist steals everything (and everyone) Carl loves.
Mr. Tornado
Associate Producer
Meteorologist Tetsuya Theodore "Ted" Fujita spent ten months studying The Super Outbreak of 1974, which was the most intense torndo outbreak on record. Mr. Tornado is the remarkable story of the man whose groundbreaking work in research and applied science saved thousands of lives and helped Americans prepare for and respond to dangerous weather phenomena.
19世紀アメリカ、ネブラスカ。小さな集落で暮らす独身のメアリー(ヒラリー・スワンク)は、病で豹変した3人の女性をアイオワの教会まで連れて行く役目《ホームズマン》に立候補する。そしてその直後、彼女は木に吊るされた悪党ブリッグス(トミー・リー・ジョーンズ)に遭遇、処刑寸前だった彼を、旅に同行することを条件に助け出した。こうして始まった、孤独な女と大悪党の、約400マイル(650km)の長い旅。しかし、彼らを待ち受けるのは、地獄と形容され生きて帰ることもままならない最も危険な荒野だった!過酷な気候、狂暴な先住民、そして命を狙う盗賊たち…。2人は無事にこの任務を全うすることができるのか!? 日本では劇場未公開で、2016年に京都ヒストリカ国際映画祭で『ホームズマン』のタイトルで上映された。
Jean-Michel Basquiat: The Radiant Child
A thoughtful portrait of a renowned artist, this documentary shines the spotlight on New York City painter Jean-Michel Basquiat. Featuring extensive interviews conducted by Basquiat's friend, filmmaker Tamra Davis, the production reveals how he dealt with being a black artist in a predominantly white field. The film also explores Basquiat's rise in the art world, which led to a close relationship with Andy Warhol, and looks at how the young painter coped with acclaim, scrutiny and fame.
ポロック 2人だけのアトリエ
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
The brief life of Jean Michel Basquiat, a world renowned New York street artist struggling with fame, drugs and his identity.