レコード会社に勤務する葛西泉(菅田将暉)と、ピアノ教室を営む母・百合子(原田美枝子)。ふたりは、過去のある「事件」をきっかけに、互いの心の溝を埋められないまま過ごしてきた。そんな中、突然、百合子が不可解な言葉を発するようになる。「半分の花火が見たい・・・」それは、母が息子を忘れていく日々の始まりだった。認知症と診断され、次第にピアノも弾けなくなっていく百合子。やがて、泉の妻・香織(長澤まさみ)の名前さえ分からなくなってしまう。皮肉なことに、百合子が記憶を失うたびに、泉は母との思い出を蘇らせていく。そして、母子としての時間を取り戻すかのように、泉は母を支えていこうとする。だがある日、泉は百合子の部屋で一冊の「日記」を見つけてしまう。そこに綴られていたのは、泉が知らなかった母の「秘密」。あの「事件」の真相だった。母の記憶が消えゆくなか、泉は封印された記憶に手を伸ばす。一方、百合子は「半分の花火が見たい…」と繰り返しつぶやくようになる。「半分の花火」とはなにか?ふたりが「半分の花火」を目にして、その「謎」が解けたとき、息子は母の本当の愛を知ることとなる――― 。
Ume Tsuda (late years)
明治15年、17歳になった梅(広瀬すず)は11年間におよぶ留学を終えて帰国。ともに留学をやり遂げた捨松(池田エライザ)や繁(佐久間由衣)と「誰もが学ぶことのできる英語学校を作ろう」と夢を語り合う。 ところが、留学中に北海道開拓使は解散されており、事業を引き継いだはずの文部省は女子留学生に無関心で、梅は働く場所すら見つからない。国費留学生として国のために役立つ存在にならなければと思い続けてきた梅は、がく然。しかも、日本での女性の地位の低さにカルチャーショックを受ける…。
そんな中、繁が留学で出会った男性と結婚すると言い出す。日本の結婚は男女が対等ではないと考える梅は、心から祝福することができず…!? また、梅は繁の紹介で出会った大学教授・神田乃武に胸をときめかせるが、彼は捨松に好意を寄せていることがわかり…!? その後、梅は伊藤博文の妻子の家庭教師として住み込みで働くことになるが…!?
Hiroko Nohara
Story of displacement, power, and vulnerability told through the relationship between a hostess, the bartender she loves, and the boss who controls them. The story is set in the underworld of the New York City's Japanese Diaspora.
a TV drama special based on the life of SUNTORY's founder Shinjiro Torii
Fumiko Niimoto
Hitsujido Honpo, an established Japanese-style sweets company known for its traditional flavours and reliability, has maintained a modest popularity. To win a new segment of customers, it has embarked on new business development. The leader of this team of five young employees is 28-year old Kudo Mayuko (Takahata Mitsuki). Mayuko was headhunted by the current CEO Okazaki Kengo (Maruyama Tomomi), for her achievements in her previous job. However, she struggles with the difficulty of new business development and pressures within the company. One day, a “new” 68-year-old employee Niimoto Kazuo (Kusakari Masao) is assigned to be Mayuko’s subordinate all of a sudden. She is dumbfounded to learn that he is 40 years her senior and even feels anger. Mayuko is confronted with the question of whether he should do the old job he was proud of? Or a new job as a brand new employee, and assumes the role of mentor.
Postman's Mother
Nakadai Tatsuya, Japan’s greatest living actor, gives the performance of a lifetime as Shoji Sanosuke, and elderly samurai forced to pick up his sword to protect those he loves in this adaptation of a Fujisawa Shuhei novel. As a ”Heya-zumi” (essentially a freeloader living off his family) Sanosuke has one last chance to help his grandniece escape from the cruel samurai of an arranged marriage. Nakadai proves he ”still has it,” when fate forces him into a deadly duel. This award winning samurai drama from the pen of noted author Fujisawa Shuhei is a tribute to one of the greatest actors to ever grace the silver screen!
2015年2月20日、短編「愛の巣」が『三面記事の女たち -愛の巣-』(さんめんきじのおんなたち あいのす)というタイトルでフジテレビ系「赤と黒のゲキジョー」にてテレビドラマ化された。主演はフジテレビの2時間ドラマは初主演となる田中麗奈。
Reiko Wakana
Fumiko Yano (2013)
The story is set in the 70s where Ishihara plays Fumiko, an university student, who gets involved romantically with her assistant professor Katase Shintaro (Iura Arata) and his wife Hinako (Tanaka Rena). However, on 28 February 1972, the police finds Shintaro seriously injured and a young man working in a electronics store (Saito Takumi) dead in a bungalow at Karuizawawhile Fumiko and Hinako are also present at the scene. The truth behind the case is not known and the case is quickly classified as a crime of passion which leads to Fumiko being sent to prison. 40 years later, a report writer Torigai Mitsuhiko (Watabe Atsuro) comes to know about this case and goes to interview the elderly Fumiko (Harada Mieko) in prison which leads him to find out what really happened at the bungalow.
In the sixties, Swedish filmmaker Ingmar Bergman (1918-2007) built a house on the remote island of Fårö, located in the Baltic Sea, left Stockholm and went to live there. When he died, the house was preserved. A group of very special cinephiles, came from all over the world, travel to Fårö in search of the genius and his legacy. (An abridged version of Bergmans video, 2012.)
The film is set in Edo period. As an orphan child Mio starts working at a restaurant in Osaka where she learns how to cook. When she turns 18, she moves to Edo (today's Tokyo) where she opens her own restaurant.
Midwife / Takumi's mother
あらすじ 高校生の斉藤卓巳(永山絢斗)は、助産院を営む母子家庭のひとり息子。友人に誘われて行ったアニメの同人誌販売イベントで、あんずと名乗るアニメ好きの主婦・岡本里美(田畑智子)にナンパされる。里美は卓巳を自宅に招き、大好きなアニメキャラクターのコスプレをさせて情事に至る。以降、里美が用意した台本通りにセリフを言いながらコスプレセックスをすることが日常的になっていた。だがある日、卓巳は同級生の松永七菜(田中美晴)に告白され、里美との関係を断つことを決心する……。里美は、元いじめられっこ同士で結婚した夫・慶一郎(山中崇)と二人暮らし。執拗に子作りを求める姑・マチコ(銀粉蝶)からは不妊治療や体外受精を強要され、マザコンの夫は頼りにならず、卓巳との関係だけが心の拠り所だった。しかし二人の関係を夫と姑に知られてしまい、里美は土下座して離婚を懇願するが受け入れられず、代理母を捜すためにアメリカに行くことが決定する……。
Kumiko Tsukamoto
In the sixties, Swedish filmmaker Ingmar Bergman (1918-2007) built a house on the remote island of Fårö, located in the Baltic Sea, left Stockholm and went to live there. When he died, the house was preserved. A group of very special cinephiles, came from all over the world, travel to Fårö in search of the genius and his legacy. (Released in 2013, edited and abridged, as Trespassing Bergman.)
Wachi Hisako
A woman named Kazuko (Kimura) who was guilty of a “serious crime” in the past, along with three of her friends. Those friends suddenly begin to die one by one. Kazuko learns that one of those deaths is somehow connected to Mamoru (Nakamura Aoi), her younger brother from whom she has been separated ever since their father disappeared 15 years earlier. Although Mamoru knows nothing of his sister, Kazuko is determined to find the killer in order to protect Mamoru and herself.
A boy, Shin, and his family are forced to evacuate the island of Miyakejima, when it erupts in 2000. Shin's dog, Rock, is mistakenly left behind.
Three tales of love told through wildly intoxicating, colorful stories. When platinum redhead Ovreneli Vreneligare was just a little boy, he fell in love in the park. Sharing a juice box with the stunningly gorgeous Milocrorze, he took her home to his cat, Verandola Gorgonzola, and made her his girlfriend until the fickle beauty abandoned him, and he covered the hole in his heart with a pot lid he found lying on the ground. This is only the beginning of his story but it’s not the end of his heartbreak. MILOCRORZE: A LOVE STORY is a candy-flavored anthology of hopeless l’amour, and it has many victims.
Umeko Tsuda
In the lush tradition of the glorious films of Merchant and Ivory, comes the true life story of Leonie Gilmour (Emily Mortimer), whose life crossed continents, wars and cultures, embodied with courage and passion in search of art and freedom. A tender and inspiring story of a remarkable woman who nurtures the amazing artistic talent of her son who has only one way to succeed and one person to guide him, as he grows into the world renown artist, Isamu Noguchi.
Hanae Kinjo
Chihiro Tachibana
Too shy to speak out the word of appreciation, too busy to show that you care... Many excuses lie between each and every couple, when they look back the distance created during the long years in which they took each other for granted... Love Letters sent from husbands to wives and from wives to husbands, quietly voice their unspoken appreciation for each other over the years that they have shared. The original idea comes from the postcard project "Love Letters at Sixty" which has brought a wave of sympathy to the precious emotions shared by many married couples.
Principal Takahara
はるか昔、賢帝歴三千四十八年、景光が魔物と契約してから20年後。とある街の酒場で、踊り子に化けた魔物と戦う青年・百鬼丸を目撃したコソ泥・どろろ。百鬼丸は身体の四十八カ所を魔物に奪われており、その欠けた箇所を義肢で補っていた。通りすがりの琵琶法師から百鬼丸の身の上話を聞いたどろろは、その左腕に仕込まれた魔物を爆発蒸散させることのできる妖刀に興味を持ち、つきまとうようになる。初めは鬱陶しがっていた百鬼丸だが、時を重ねていくうちにしだいに心を開き、共に魔物を倒し、元の身体を取り戻すための旅をする。 旅をしていく中で深まる二人の絆と、次々と明らかになってゆく百鬼丸の過去。どろろの両親の仇、醍醐景光とは何者か。何故百鬼丸は身体の四十八カ所を奪われたのか、百鬼丸の本当の両親は誰なのか。その謎が明かされたとき、物語は大きく動き出す。 父の野望のため身体を奪われし者、そして時の権力に両親を奪われし者、失われた身体と心を取り戻すための二人の旅は続く。
Yumi Hotta
Spring 2005, Okinawa. It's the wedding of Sawamura Seiji's second daughter, Seiko (Fujisawa Ema). Miwa (Harada Mieko), her mother, is watching over her beloved daughter with a smiling face. The eldest daughter, Asuka (Ito Ayumi), who slipped out of the party to watch the sea alone, is holding preciously a book... This is the diary of a deceased father addressed to his daughters.
Yoshie Miyazu
Sayuri Iwamoto
A recent accident has left Satoru Iwamoto, an elementary school student, temporarily wheelchair-ridden. In addition, the recent loss of his mother has thrown Satoru into a reclusive state, locking himself from the outside world. However, in an effort to help Satoru recover from his injuries, his father, Kaoru, has designed a remote-controlled robot that will go to school in his place and allow him to interact with people and do normal things.
Yumi Mashiba
Yuki, mother of the Mashiba family, is the grease that keeps this well-oiled machine running and its seven members happy and healthy. But when Yuki herself falls ill and needs to be hospitalized, the rest of the family must cooperate and make sacrifices in order to keep everything running smoothly and make ends meet.
Art Designer
Live-action adaptation of a madcap manga about art, opposites, love and a whole lot of cosplay.
Keiko Kaji
Masako Katori
ごく普通の主婦たちが閉塞状況から逃れるために起こした行動を衝撃的に描いた桐野夏生原作の傑作ミステリーを映画化。監督は「愛を乞うひと」の平山秀幸。4人のパート主婦たちを原田美枝子、倍賞美津子、室井滋、西田尚美という新旧の実力派女優が演じて、ハードな中にもユーモアを感じさせ、爽快な活劇に仕上げている。 東京郊外の弁当工場。深夜パートの主婦たち、香取雅子42歳、吾妻ヨシエ51歳、城之内邦子40歳、山本弥生30歳の4人はそれぞれに悩みや問題を抱えていた。ある日、雅子のもとに弥生から電話が入る。弥生はギャンブル狂の夫・健司の度重なる暴力に耐えかね、ついに寝込みのスキを突いて殺してしまったと言う。妊娠8ヶ月の弥生は泣いてすがり、雅子はやむなく死体を自分の車のトランクに一時的に隠すことに。しかし、弥生はそれから工場に姿を見せなくなってしまった。死体の処理に困った雅子は仕方なく“師匠”と慕うヨシエに協力を持ちかけるのだった…。
About a family shouldering an unexpected responsibility when Alzheimer's disease strikes their grandmother. The superb cast portrays this serious and realistic situation with heart-warming compassion, stressing the importance of empathizing with the victims of this difficult disease.
Shizue Aida
Chiaki's Mother
A Japanese drama based off the book by Naoko Uozumi
Terue Yamaoka
During a quest to find a Taiwanese father's grave, disturbing memories of child abuse are aroused.
The film centers on Riko Murakami, a tough-as-nails detective who is also the single mother of a young boy. At work, she has hit a wall investigating a grisly murder in a hotel room. In her private life, she sweats her son's impeding "park debut" -- when she introduces her son and herself to the young mothers of her neighborhood. Most give her strange almost hostile looks except Sachiko (Keiko Unno), who says her kid is in the hospital. While her son gambles about the playground, Riko and Sachiko exchange child-rearing war stories and soon become friends. Then she learns that the prime suspect of her case is none other than Sachiko's husband. Moreover, she learns that Sachiko's son was in fact the center of a kidnapping case several years ago and the child has been long thought of as dead. Her husband and the detective in charge of child's case both have their own secrets, and soon Riko finds herself and her son threatened.
Mizue Tashima
Tells of the childhood of two nine-year-old twins in a rural village in Japan after World War 2. Includes the boys relationships with their schoolteacher mother, civil servant father, elderly landlord, a rough new boy at the school, and three mysterious spirits in the form of old women.
Hikaru, an ordinary man, discovers a way to unleash the supernatural powers hidden inside his soul, allowing him to cure others with his newfound “ki” healing power.
Tetsuo is a young man living in Tokyo, who falls in love with a deaf-mute factory girl. He has always felt jealous of his college-educated brother, but ultimately wins both the girl and his father's acceptance and support in a touching and refreshing way.
This 150-minute documentary, directed by Nobuhiko Ôbayashi on the set of Akira Kurosawa's Dreams, features behind-the-scenes footage and interviews with cast and crew.
Terue Otomo
Toyoichi Otomo suffers from psychological and spiritual troubles after a horrific industrial accident. He lives with his elderly mother and wife near Mt. Aso in rural Kyushu. He seeks solace in a small religious group run by Buddhist nun Chishu-bo who claims to be the 68th descendant of famed 11th century poet Izumi Shikibu. The members of her sect regard her as a living saint. Yet instead of balming his soul, she riles his libido by playing a sexual cat-and-mouse game with the fragile Toyoichi. When she does bed him, it leads to a miracle healing -- followed by a terrible calamity.
The Snow Fairy
重役たちの無能さに、嫌気が差した一之助。ある日、前原運転手(笹野高史)に東京駅まで送らせて、ついに消息不明となる。心配した一之助の妻・久江(丹阿弥谷津子)が、伝助に捜索を依頼。魚心あれば釣り心。そこは釣りバカ。独自のアンテナを発揮して、太田八郎(中本賢)の運転する車で伝助が向かったのは、釣りのメッカ愛知県伊良湖岬。 そこで一之助は、ワケありの美人・間宮弥生(原田美枝子)と一緒に過ごしていることが伝助にバレてしまい、一悶着となるが・・・
Keiko Tatsumiya
The Special is loosely inspired by horror classics of the time, such as "Carry" and "Fury."
The story is about a little girl who has nightmares and a series of murders in the area, which in a strange way, are related to them.
Original Story
Sex isn't something one plans. It just happens. Yoko is a 23 year old pink collared worker. After college she is kept close with Yokoyama and Ishida, two male college friends who both harbor feelings for her. Yokoyama is straight as an arrow, yet impulsive when it comes to love. Ishida is more the outspoken type. When Yokoyama proposes to her, Yoko wonders if the old marriage myth is true. Is settling down with an 'ordinary' guy the key to a happy marriage?
Remake of classic samurai film of 1932
Fuyuhana, is bullied child at school, because she was not able to speak until recently. This was due to the accidental death of one of her classmates, a few years ago. And now she is haunted by the secrets of the old school.
Keiko Yajima
Lady Kaede
The story of Takeha, a free-spirited genius poet who lived through Taisho Romanticism, and the women who gave themselves over to his ambitions.
Yoriko Ozaki
Depicting the turbulent life of truck driver Takashi, his fellow drivers, and the women he meets.
Two men and a woman plan to steal 1.5 Billion yen.
Two men and a woman plan to steal 1.5 Billion yen.
Mie Shimazaki
Two men and a woman plan to steal 1.5 Billion yen.
The story of the silk industry and the young girls who worked as silk spinners in the early 1900s in Japan. The silk mills were located in Okaya which lies just beyond the Nomugi Pass. The women and girls worked in a hot, humid atmosphere without rest, and endured those conditions and sexual harassment to earn money for their poor families. Across the ocean, it was the great depression in America.
Aki Mizunuma / Miho Ikegata
Akiko Negishi
Two Kyushu based yakuza groups are desperate for domaination of the area. When more powerful yakuza groups get involved in their power struggle, a group of childhood friends, belonging to different yakuza families, are caught in the middle. Lies, deceit, and backstabbing are in play resulting in a bloodbath and a quest for revenge...
Hatsu Hashimoto
「柳生一族の陰謀」の深作欣二と萬屋錦之介が忠臣蔵に挑んだ大型時代劇。様式美にとらわれないドキュメンタリータッチの作風で描く。 吉良上野介に対し刃傷に及んだ浅野内匠頭が切腹させられ、赤穂はお家断絶となり、領地を召し上げられてしまう。大石内蔵助は家臣たちから誓紙血判を集め、仇討ちの準備を始める。
In the early hours of April 13th, a five year old hemophiliac child was kidnapped by someone from Tanemura General Hospital in Tokyo, Setagaya. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Inspector Kitahara, who received the report, goes quickly to the Tanemura home, along with other police to speak to the family of the child. Then, suddenly, the phone rings. The kidnapper wants money.
Japanese film based on the song by Harumi Miyako.
In a fishing town by the Seto Sea, a student discovers a woman motionless on the beach and takes her back to his family's inn to nurse her, but he soon discovers than she is an extremist on the run from the police.
A young doctor starts working at a mental hospital in the Yokohama region and falls in love with one of the patients there.
Yukiko Matsushima
A youthful film depicting the sexual awakening of a boy who has just entered adolescence and his heartbreaking romance during the summer holidays with a young sprightly girl.