Yasufumi Hayashi

Yasufumi Hayashi

出生 : 1971-12-07, Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan


Yasufumi Hayashi


1962年。NHK芸能局の若手アシスタントディレクター山岡(生田斗真)は、上司の無茶ぶりに困り果てていた。ドラマ業界を全く知らない新しい芸能局長が「テレビ10周年を記念した大型番組を作れ。映画に負けない日本一の大型娯楽時代劇だ」と号令を発したのだ。この頃、映画会社は「五社協定」を結び専属俳優をテレビに出さないことにしていた。それを突破すべく、山岡たちは大スター佐田啓二の自宅に日参する。しかし何度足を運んでも色よい返事はもらえず、「もうあきらめます」と最後の挨拶に行ったその日、佐田は出演を受けてくれたのだ。佐田はアメリカの友人に、アメリカのテレビ事情を聞き、「将来、娯楽の王様はテレビに変わる」と知らされたのだった。 佐田の出演決定により、雪崩を打つように映画スターたちの出演が決まった。しかし、収録が始まると、現場は問題勃発ばかり。山岡たちは現在では一般的になった収録方法をどんどん生み出しながら、放送日に向けて突き進んでいく!!
身分は曖昧。昇進も関係なし。培った刑事の勘と人脈を武器に再雇用警察官・安治川が難事件に挑む! 定年退職した安治川信繁(高橋英樹)は、再雇用警察官として、行方不明者が自発的か否か選別する、神奈川県警生活安全部・消息対応室にいる。そこは県警から左遷された室長・芝隆之(石黒賢)、新月良美(本仮屋ユイカ)が在籍。主な仕事は行方不明者リストのデータ化、部屋は元倉庫という地味な部署だ。 新たに行方不明者届が提出されたのは、川崎市内に店を構えるイタリアンシェフ池ノ上祥一(金山一彦)。だが“一般行方不明者”かに思えた祥一の失踪は、やがて思わぬ方向へと発展。なんと店近くで発見された撲殺体の手に、祥一の店の名刺が…。安治川は早速聞き込みに回るが、畑靖史(佐戸井けん太)、八木紀佐子(床嶋佳子)ら店を解雇された元従業員が口にしたのは、祥一ではなく妻・美世(遊井亮子)への不満ばかりで――。
バイプレイヤーズ もしも100人の名脇役が映画を作ったら
Suspicions fall on politician Tagane Seizo over the sale of nationally owned land to a social welfare service corporation back in 2010. Seizo Tagane is then given immunity for his testimony, but people become furious that he was not going to be prosecuted. A committee of prosecutors meets and concludes that Seizo Tagane should be prosecuted. An outstanding lawyer Yui Hitotsugi takes the prosecutor's position in the case with the help of the prosecutor Tachibana.
西村京太郎トラベルミステリー67 箱根紅葉・登山鉄道の殺意
Shinichi Nakamura
Detective Kamei of the First Investigation Division receives a request from lawyer Shinichi Nakamura, the son of his deceased close friend, to re-investigate a car accident. Akiko, the wife of Yasuo Furuki, a painter from Hakone, died in the accident 5 months earlier by crashing into a guardrail. Nakamura's client, Akiko's younger sister Yuki Izeki, suspects that she was actually murdered by Furuki for insurance money. Overwhelmed by these thoughts, Yuki had sent an email reading "I'll never forgive that man. I'm going to kill him and avenge my big sister," announcing a murder to Nakamura. In the middle of their conversation, Nakamura receives a call from Hakone PD confirming that Yuki had turned herself in that morning...
三面記事の女たち -愛の巣-
2015年2月20日、短編「愛の巣」が『三面記事の女たち -愛の巣-』(さんめんきじのおんなたち あいのす)というタイトルでフジテレビ系「赤と黒のゲキジョー」にてテレビドラマ化された。主演はフジテレビの2時間ドラマは初主演となる田中麗奈。
After years of trying, Kyoko and her husband Takehiro are finally pregnant. But their joy at the prospect of becoming parents ends suddenly when they learn Kyoko has stage four cancer. They now must face agonizing decisions that force them to choose between the life of Kyoko or the health of their baby. Adapted from a true story.
Shinya Motohashi
Seiji Tachibana
16年前、沖之真船島で開発中の神経ガス「MW」が漏れ出し、島民の大半が中毒死、生き残った島民もことごとく虐殺される事件が発生した。だが、その中で生き残った少年が2人いた。1人は後に神父となった賀来、もう1人はエリート銀行員となった結城である。 結城は国内外で殺人を重ねる。タイでの誘拐殺人事件で犯人に肉薄した刑事の沢木は、結城が犯人であると勘付くが、その尻尾をなかなかつかめない。犯罪のサポートを強要されていた賀来も、警察への密告に失敗する。 そんな中、タイの事件を追ううちに16年前の惨事に行き当たった新聞記者の京子が賀来と結城に接触。その結果、結城は現存するMWの保管場所を知ることになる。
MW-ムウ- 第0章 〜悪魔のゲーム〜
Tachibana Seiji
The main character is a man named Takashi Morioka, who has lost his job and his home due to a recession. He ends up falling into a trap set by the diabolical Yuki Michio, who happened to survive by chance an incident on an island 16 years ago where all the inhabitants were killed, and which caused him to become evil. In order to protect the things important to him, Takashi Morioka (Sato Takeru) is forced to stain his hands in evil.
Kotaro Komine
Junichi Kakimoto
完全なる飼育 女理髪市の恋
Used car dealer
Kaidan Shin Mimibukuro. Gekijô-ban
An anthology series based on stories collected throughout Japan, mainly by writers Hirokatsu Kihara and Ichiro Nakayama.
ウルトラマンコスモス2 THE BLUE PLANET
夢見る勇気を失わず、少年時代の夢を叶えアストロノーツ(宇宙飛行士)となった春野ムサシ。ムサシが宇宙船で目指したのは聖獣パラスタンが守る緑あふれる星、遊星ジュラン。しかし、遊星ジュランでムサシが見たものは、一面赤い砂に覆われて死の星と変わり果てた遊星ジュランであった。動揺するムサシに赤い地表から突如現れた怪獣兵器スコーピスが襲いかかる。遊星ジュランを死の星にしたのはこのスコーピスであった。スコーピスに殺られると思った瞬間、上空から降臨した眩い光がムサシを救う。眩い光は巨大な人の形へと変化する。ムサシはその人の形を見て驚き叫ぶ「ウルトラマンコスモス!!」。 コスモスに助けられ無事地球へ帰還したムサシは、幼馴染のツトムの結婚式に参加するために常夏の島サイパンを訪れる。結婚式に集まった旧友達との楽しい時間を過ごすしていたムサシは人魚を目撃する。楽しい時間は長くは続かなかった。遊星ジュランを死の星にしたスコーピスがサイパンに飛来し破壊行動を始めたのである。そんな中ムサシが目撃した人魚が海底怪獣レイジャと同化してスコーピスに立ち向かっていく。しかし、スコーピスの圧倒的な力にレイジャは押されっぱなし。堪らずコスモスを呼ぶムサシ。しかしコスモスは現れない。暴れるだけ暴れてスコーピスはあっさりと飛び去った。 ムサシが人魚と呼ぶ不思議な少女はシャウと名乗った。シャウはムサシに「スコーピスは逃げたのでは無い。サンドロスの元へと帰還したのだ。」と告げるのであった。 謎の少女シャウとは?シャウとスコーピスの関係は?スコーピスの背後に不気味に潜むサンドロスとは?地球はジュランと同じく死の星になってしまうのか!?
Mashike, a city on the Japanese island of Hokkaido. Nobuo Honma is a 63-year-old sake producer. He has lived with Yasuo since his wife died two years ago. Yasuo is his youngest son to whom he has entrusted his trade. Every day Nobuo goes for a walk which leads him to a fish-breeding center, located in the mountains. He fills his loneliness by attentively observing the development of thousands of little fish poured into the pool. The second anniversary of his wife's death approaches. Nobuo insists on the presence of Ryoichi, his elder son whom he hasn't seen for a long time. Nobuo and his two sons, along with their partners, gather for the commemoration. Unspoken feelings resurface and clash with each other.
Male teacher
Film director Mario Baba meets a mysterious gentleman, and realizes he is a important man from his boyhood. The two chase each other around, causing a lot of commotion.
淀川長治物語神戸篇 サイナラ
Depicts the life of Nagaharu Yodogawa.
Hiroshi Ogata
A heartwarming, based-on-true-story of how a hearing-impaired couple, Masahiro and Namiko, knew each other, got married and began participating in the Triathlon. The story is told in flashbacks as Namiko awaits childbirth.
SADA 戯作・阿部定の生涯
Based on real-life events, this erotic thriller tells the sad and sadistic tale of a Japanese geisha whose behavior spiraled out of control.
チンピラ仁義 新・極楽とんぼ
爆走!ムーンエンジェル 北へ
Two female truck drivers detest each other, and try to steal each other's business. Their rigs are both painted with elaborate large pictures of beautiful naked women. One day, whilst hauling loads of fish in Hokkaido, they are separately stopped by traffic police, who impound their trucks for various violations. About this time, one of the women meets a handsome man, with whom romance is a possibility. Then, the women discover they have been tricked. The cops were connected with the Russian mafia, who intend to ship their trucks offshore and sell them.
Yutaka Matsuno
As a young man returns home after his first year away at college he recalls his senior year of high school and the iron-willed, big city girl that turned his world upside down.
Kenichi Yamane
ゴジラシリーズ第22作。「平成シリーズ」第7作にして完結編。スペースゴジラとの戦いから1年後、南太平洋のバース島が、地下の高純度天然ウランの熱水噴射による核爆発で消滅。ゴジラとリトルゴジラも姿を消した。その1ヶ月後、赤く燃え盛る姿で香港に上陸したゴジラは、赤い熱線を吐き香港市街を蹂躙。その赤い姿はいつ核爆発を起こしてもおかしくない状態を示唆していた。一方、東京湾岸では青海トンネルの工事現場でのパイプ溶解、しながわ水族館で魚が突如白骨化するなどの怪事件が発生。やがて東京湾岸近辺に謎の怪物が出現した。その正体はかつてゴジラを葬った際に使用したオキシジェン・デストロイヤーの影響で異常進化を遂げた恐るべき生物デストロイアであった。そんな中、御前崎沖にゴジラと酷似した巨大生物が出現、その正体はバース島の消滅で影響を受けたリトルゴジラであった。一方、四国・伊方原発を襲撃したゴジラは、自衛隊のスーパーXIIIによるカドミウム弾攻撃により体内の核分裂が抑制され核爆発は免れるが、今度は体内温度上昇によるメルトダウンによる地球崩壊の危機が訪れる。メルトダウンを阻止すべく、羽田空港沖を舞台に、デストロイアを利用した国連Gフォースと自衛隊によるゴジラ 撃滅作戦が切って落とされる!
Bar Patron
A private detective called "Kiss Shiro", One day, he is shocked to see a rape video brought by his younger brother.
Mitsugu Ohki
People from all walks of life (a high-school student, a middle-aged businessman, a yakuza chief, etc.) all receive mysterious messages from loved ones who were killed 3 months earlier in a shipwreck. They are instructed to go to a small island in the Inland Sea that evening. At the stroke of midnight, the lost ship emerges from the sea and they are given a brief time to say their final words to their lost loved ones, before the deceased must once again board the ship and it sinks back into the depths.
A youth romance that fantastically depicts the unstable emotions of high school girls who refuse to transform into adults
チンピラ仁義 極楽とんぼ2
The follow up to the very popular first instalment.
チンピラ仁義 極楽とんぼ
A college graduate, a gutless office worker and a crunchy yakuza live together from a slight misunderstanding.
Omnibus film, set in a fictional town at 45゜N latitude: Wonder Rubbish; Pao-san to no fukushu; Jonetsu no koya; Kaze wa, dotchi ni fuite iru
A middle-aged journalist looking to make her big break. After working the same beat on the "women's page", Yumiko gets promoted to editorials.
変身 もう一人の私
A suspense drama based on Miyuki Miyabe. In contrast to herself, she and two women lived a free-spirited life, forcing a restaurant owner to raise funds because of the Shinjuku incident. An office lady who impulsively jumps out of the company because she can't stand the sarcasm of girls at the company witnesses a motorboat accident. However, the accident was treated as suicide...
Takeyoshi Fujiwara
A straight young woman living in Tokyo becomes involved in the lives of a gay man and his married lover.
Young Buddhist priest
Doki Doki ヴァージン もういちど I LOVE YOU
Just when Hideki thinks he will lose his virginity, he gets hit by a car, and dies. God gives him a 2nd chance by placing his mind into the body of Sachiko's best friend, a girl. Can he convince Sachiko of his love?
Based on the non-fiction books by Takushi Ono (the NHK announcer, not the gymnast) and Yoshinari Tobe.
Toru Horikoshi
Shunzo is a popular greengrocer in a town near Tokyo. His life, and the lives of his wife Michi, and their two children, undergoes a dramatic change when he encounters Li, a poor college student from China.
童貞物語4 ボクもスキーに連れてって
The film depicts the love lives of six high school boys and girls who love to ski. Based on "Doutei Monogatari" from Gakken's "MOMOCO", this is the fourth in the series.
Shigeki Harada
Sho Takamatsu
Soutaroh Sudou
Watanabe's son
Nakata, an author, resides utilizing the painful memory regarding the death of his partner, whoever life had been cut short a few many years earlier. Ended up being it a crash or ended up being it suicide? Doubt persists. In order to escape his guilty Nakata, conscience gives up on marriage and fatherhood. Hence freed, he embarks on an obsessive intimate records and jeorney his activities in a book, "The Dark Room". A philisophical essay on sexuality, reproduction and the fate of mankind.
Sonny Lynx (voice)
はだしのゲン PART3 ヒロシマのたたかい
Second live action "Barefoot Gen" sequel.