His story follows a schoolgirl named Akari Tokimiya and the fantastical adventure which occurs when she visits the memorial service of her grandfather Kenzo, a master special effects man. She has unhappy memories of the old man and his passion projects, the last of which he died during the making of. At the memorial service, she meets classmate Takuya, a tokusatsu superfan, and a strange person named Hozumi, the star of the movie Kenzo was making when he died. Hozumi has with him a prop from the film, the titular “Brush of the God,” which transports Akari and Takuya into the world of the movie where they face fearsome Kaiju, including the legendary Yamata-no-orochi who is attempting to destroy everything. If they are to survive and get back to their homes, Akari and Takuya must find out the secret of the movie.
昭和63年。銀座のキャバレーでピアノを弾いていたジャズピアニスト志望の博は、謎の男からのリクエストで“あの曲”こと「ゴッドファーザー 愛のテーマ」を演奏する。しかし“あの曲”をリクエストできるのは銀座を牛耳るヤクザの親分・熊野会長だけで、演奏を許されているのも会長お気に入りのピアニスト・南だけだった。未来に夢を見る博と、夢を見失ってしまった南の運命は絡みあい、多くの人々を巻き込みながら事態は思わぬ方向へと転がっていく。
A psychological thriller set in the post-COVID Tokyo. The film follows a woman looking for her missing son, and a shady young man who approaches her, claiming to know her son.
Kazuo Kudo
Nobuo Asanuma
元特殊工作員だった過去を持つ専業主婦・伊佐山菜美(綾瀬はるか)と、実は現役の公安警察であり菜美を監視する優しい夫・伊佐山勇輝(西島秀俊)の二人は、桜井久実と裕司に名前を変えて、小さな地方都市・珠海市で新しい生活を始めていた。実は半年前、ある出来事がきっかけで菜美は記憶喪失になっていたのだった―。「過去なんて捨てて、あなたとの今を大事にして生きていく」二人が新生活を送る珠海市は、新エネルギー源「メタンハイドレート」の発掘に活気づいていたが、美しい海を守ろうとする開発反対派と、市長をはじめとする推進派の争いが日に日に激化。実は新エネルギー源開発の裏で、ロシアと結託した国家レベルの陰謀が潜んでいることを突き止めた公安。「公安の協力者にならなければあの女を殺せ」信じるか、疑うか。逃がすか、拘束するか―― 。葛藤する裕司(勇輝)。菜美の記憶の回復は、愛し合う二人の別れ(死)を意味する。そんな中、過去の因縁と国家に追われ、久実(菜美)は大きな事件へと巻き込まれてゆく―
A biopic based on the production of Daiei's Giant Horde Beast Nezura, the scrapped precursor to Gamera.
An NHK documentary about the talented actresses who have portrayed the beautiful, intelligent and resourceful heroines of the long running series. Features interviews with Kumi Mizuno, Keiko Mari, Yumiko Shaku, and Megumi Odaka. Also featured are never before seen 8mm home movies shot by producer Tomoyuki Tanaka on the sets of classic Toho films.
Mitsunori Yagawa
"Okasan no Hibaku Piano" features a protagonist modeled after Mitsunori Yagawa, 67, a piano tuner who lives in Hiroshima's Asa-Minami Ward. (http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/13318060)
Prime Minister
6500万年前の地球、リュウソウ族とドルイドン族が激しい戦いを繰り広げるなか、隕石が迫る。ドルイドンはリュウソウ族の脱出艇をすべて破壊し宇宙へ逃亡する。 2019年現在の地球ではコウ達6人とういが福井県立恐竜博物館にやってきていた。するとそこに6500万年前のリュウソ族であるユノがタイムスリップしてきた。ユノはコウ達に「お父さんを止めて」とお願いしてくる。事情を聞いたコウ、メルト、アスナ、トワ、バンバは現れた始祖マイナソーの能力によって6500万年前とタイムスリップすることになる。 タイムスリップした6500年前ではユノの父であるヴァルマが隕石から逃れるための地下シェルターを建設していたものの、すべてのリュウソウ族を収容するものではなく、戦わせて生き残ったリュウソウ族を収容しヴァルマがその頂点に立つことで世界を支配しようとしていた。 コウたち5人はヴァルマの野望を阻止し、隕石落下を阻止するために過去と現在を行き来することになる。
Scene one: March 11th, 2011. An earthquake and a tsunami strike the East coast of Japan, damaging the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. A man and five other brave power plant workers are sent to fasten a bolt to prevent radiation leaks. Scene two: 2013. The man is now cleaning the empty houses surrounding the nuclear plant. But the strange atmosphere starts giving him hallucination... Scene three: Christmas, 2014. A woman in a red car crashes by the garage where the man is working. The woman looks just like his wife, who died in the tsunami.
Dr. Saito
主人公は高名な初老の画家・小野益次(渡辺謙)。焼け跡から徐々に復興の姿を見せていく街で、広すぎる豪邸での隠居老人の一見平和な日常生活が描かれていく。ある日、長女・村上節子(広末涼子)が孫の一郎(寺田心)を連れて小野家にやって来る。 そんな中、次女・紀子(前田亜季)の見合いのことで、節子の口から思いもしないことが告げられる。「昨年、三宅家との縁談が急に打ち切られたのは、小野の過去のせいではないかと…」さらに今回の新しい縁談に向けて、何らかの手を打った方がいいと助言までされる。 「縁談が円滑に進まないのは、自らの過去に原因があるのではないか―」
戦争に加担した過去。同僚や師を裏切り、切り捨てた過去。語りたくない過去が確かにある。その事実を認識しながらも、強烈な自尊心が首をもたげる。自身の過去に何があったのか。 過去の記憶をたよりに、小野は昔の知り合いたちを訪ねていく。そこで周囲の自分への視線の変化に気づき始める…。
Kamo Keiichiro
両親を亡くし火葬場で出会ったヒカリ(二宮慶多)、イシ(水野哲志)、タケムラ(奥村門土)、イクコ(中島セナ)は、感情を失った自分たちの心を取り戻すため、それぞれの家を巡り始める。やがてたどり着いたゴミ捨て場で、LITTLE ZOMBIES というバンドを結成。そこで撮った映像が話題を呼び、社会現象になるほどのヒットを記録する。
Taizo Yoshida
Taizou Yoshida
A psychological drama about the consequences of a 15 year old girl's gang rape.
Kitazawa Haku had watched a movie and dreamed he was in a parallel universe. Meanwhile, Ryū, the older brother of Haku's friend Takeru, is facing down boys' bar owner Rokujō. Then Ryū becomes fascinated with Kikiyō standing behind Rokujō. On the day of the yearly festival, Haku suddenly disappears. Takeru disappears while in search of Haku. Ryū disappears while following Kikiyō. And then Rokujō also disappears.
Tokugawa’s vassal
In 16th century Japan, a young man has to choose between becoming a master steel maker like his father and grandfather before him, or becoming a samurai so that he can help protect his village from attacks by the various clans which want the high-quality steel made there.
Questioning the meaning of people's lives, the multiple stories include the work of a manga artist, old men get involved in a fight and a murder, a bus incident which affects those who survive it, fishing, cherry-blossom viewing and more
Michihiko Zaizen / Dr. Pac-Man
幻夢コーポレーションにDr.パックマンを名乗る覆面を被った人物が率いる4人の白衣の一団が襲撃し、檀黎斗 / 仮面ライダーゲンムから、ガシャコンバグヴァイザーと4つのプロトガシャットを強奪する。 そしてその集団は警官隊を全滅させ逃走した。 眼魔との死闘を乗り越えて完全に生き返ることが出来た天空寺タケル / 仮面ライダーゴーストは平和な日々を過ごしていたが、突然街に正体不明のゲームウイルス(パックマンウイルス)が出現し、人々を襲う。タケルは月村アカリや山ノ内御成と共に「不可思議現象」の発生を受け、出動する。 そんな中、同じく仮野明日那 / ポッピーピポパポと共にパックマンウイルスの事件を探っていた宝生永夢 / 仮面ライダーエグゼイドとタケルは再会を果たすが、パックマンウイルスに感染した影響でタケルはゴーストドライバーを失う。また、高校生にして大人気ゲーム『ハテサテパズル』を開発した清宮東吾も、パックマンウイルスに感染する。
Tatsuo Ishii
The story of Henri Mitowa, a 93-year old Japanese monk, who wants to make a movie based on his own life.
Onodera Yuriko sets off for Sweden where her husband, Major General Onodera Makoto, is stationed as a military attache in Stockholm during World War II. Called the "god of intelligence", Makoto is an intelligence officer of the Russian service of the Japanese Army General Staff. Fluent in Russian and German and trusted by the spies of many countries because of his integrity, his office would eventually become the most important Japanese intelligence post in Europe. From the day of her arrival in Stockholm, Yuriko helps her husband's intelligence activities. She encrypts the highly classified information obtained by Makoto and sends it in coded telegrams to the General Staff Headquarters in Japan every day. Husband and wife have jointly undertaken this intelligence work for confidentiality.
A man and a woman committed double suicide in Kanazawa City. Immediately after the incident, Yoshiko Shiota, a woman living in Tokyo, contacts the local newspaper of Kanazawa, saying she wants to read the novel serialized in it by Ryuji Sugimoto. How did this woman know the novel is serialized in the newspaper? And why does she want to start reading it in the middle of the story? Which article was she actually interested in? Sugimoto cannot help making his own investigations about Yoshiko, but the more he searches, the more astonishing facts come to light...
Yasuo Soda
Maki Iizuka (Nozomi Sasaki) works as an editor for a wedding magazine in Tokyo. She is set to marry Kazunori Nakamura (Yuta Hiraoka) next month, when her grandmother dies. Her grandmother was like a mom to Maki. While Maki arranges items left by her grandmother, she discovers a box made from empress tree. The box contains a white bridal Kimono and marriage registration forms. The marriage registration forms are mostly empty, except for the name "Soichi Akiguni" filled into a blank. Maki becomes curious about Soichi Akiguni and decides to go to her hometown Izumo in Shimane Prefecture. There, she meets a young fisherman.
Bikuu is a Dark Slasher that receives an order from the Senate to take out a rogue priest that has fallen to the darkness, claiming souls using the Soul Insertion technique.
Muneo Yamaoka
A young woman is discovered strangled to death at the boat pier in Tokyo. There are no signs of disturbed clothing and assault, and because the body was abandoned at a prominent spot, it shows that this was a premeditated crime by a criminal with the presence of mind. Joto Chuo Police Precinct’s detective Kunihiko Katsuragi rushed to the scene, and the fact that the body is barefoot weighs on his mind. The next morning he finds out the commander assigned this case is his son Toshifumi.
A common horoscope brings a timid middle-aged salaryman and high school delinquent to the center of a political scandal, in which a corrupt incumbent mayor seeks to crush the candidacy of his reformer opponent. This anti-establishment tale blends a punk ethos with absurdist comedy as the unlikely pair finds their existence given new meaning when they work to return a kidnapped baby. Along the way they must fight not only the assault of the mayor’s neoliberal redevelopment of the town, but his bribed police force and yakuza. Under director Sho Tsukikawa’s taut direction, "I Alone"’s mad roller coaster ride plot and outraged self-determination all ring emotionally true, making this one of the year’s biggest discoveries.
A teacher is sexually involved with an underage student. She visits her father's home and discovers a boy who's been kept as a sex slave. The teacher continues harboring the boy out of fear and begins to feel sexually attracted to him.
Masato sustains serious injuries in a car accident. He regains consciousness but loses all memories of the accident and fellow passenger Haruka. Masato, who is a medical student, tries to recover his lost memories with the help of his friend Ken, but soon strange things start happening around him…
舞台は、週末農業体験を通じた婚活イベントを開催している農場。 毒舌ながら人間の付き合いの本質を的確に見抜く若き農場主人と、恋愛イコール条件と信じて自分磨きに努力する三十路女を軸足にしてドラマは進む。
Yukio is a typical high school student in every way except that he's an only child in a family of five. This is because he has four fathers, each with their own unique personalities and interests. The only thing they share in common is their love of their son. When Yukio witnesses a robbery, he becomes involved in a bizarre string of incidents involving his fathers.
Tankuro Hinode
Taizan Kitamura
Nobuko Sawaguchi is a surly, unattractive housekeeper in her mid-thirties. However, in actuality, she is a beautiful woman, but she hides this fact using her makeup because of a traumatic past experience. One day Nobuko is sent to housekeep for the Uehara family, known for its tremendous wealth. In the Uehara family, there is a massive quarrel over each member’s future succession and inheritance. In the middle of this hectic situation, Nobuko is asked by the daughter called Akemi to protect her.
Two sisters living on a peach farm in Koori town, Fukushima Prefecture,are opposites. Haruka Miyamoto feels less beautiful than her sister Akiba Miyamoto and hates being compared to her. She finds comfort in playing a piano in a barn. A year after the Great East Japan Earthquake, she decides she wants to be a pianist. Akiba, for her part, moved to Tokyo to attend college. When she moves back to Koori, Haruka is unsettled and memories connected to the disaster she has tried to forget resurface.
『松本清張 黒い福音〜国際線スチュワーデス殺人事件〜』のタイトルで、2014年1月19日21:00- 23:24 (JST)にテレビ朝日系列『日曜エンターテインメント』枠で、「テレビ朝日開局55周年記念 松本清張二夜連続ドラマスペシャル 昭和の二大未解決事件」の第二夜として放送された。
榎本径(大野智)が姿を消してから半年。芹沢(佐藤浩市)と青砥純子(戸田恵梨香)は、いつものように通常の弁護士業務をこなしていた。そんな折、芹沢が相談依頼を受けていた証券会社会長の藤林(黒部進)が撲殺されると言う事件が発生。しかも、その死体を発見したのは藤林の姪・郁子(黒木瞳)と芹沢だった。 刑事の鴻野(宇梶剛士)から藤林との関係を聞かれた芹沢は、藤林の亡くなった妻の10億円相当の絵画コレクションを美術館に寄贈する話を仲介していた、と明かす。およそ1か月後、芹沢の弁護士事務所に朝妻(ト宇たかお)がマンションの管理人の小檜山(岡田義徳)に付き添われてやってくる。応対した純子に朝妻は、心臓発作で倒れたときに自分を助けてくれた命の恩人を探してほし い、と訴える。なんでも、朝妻を助けてくれた人物は、応急処置を施し、119番通報をしたまま姿を消したと言う。同じ頃、芹沢は郁子に会っていた。藤林を殺害した犯人は捕まっていないのだが、寄贈の話を勧めたいという芹沢に、郁子は寄贈は中止してほしいという。事件の前日に、藤林自身が寄贈は中止したいと話していたと郁子は証言するのだ。 別の日、淳子は朝妻のマンションの住民に聞き込みをしていた。と、そんな目の前に小檜山に連れられた男がやってくる。なんと、それは純子と芹沢の前から忽然と消えてしまった榎本だった。純子は突然の再会に戸惑いながらも、新しい防犯カメラを設置するために呼ばれたと言う榎本を朝妻の部屋へ連れていく。 その後、芹沢は郁子を寄贈先の美術館館長の平松(佐野史郎)と面会させる。寄贈中止という言葉を聞いた途端、平松の表情が鋭くなる。そのころ、館内にいた榎本と純子は、企画展のために作品を制作中だと言う有名アーティストの稲葉透(藤木直人)に会う。稲葉が作成した遊園地のミラーハウスを模した迷路とそこにはめ込まれた巨大なオブジェ。その前に立った榎本は…。
Through philosophical and science themed imagination, Emile questions everything from his teenage years to adult life.
Morikazu kadota
Under the Nagasaki Sky
A unique black comedy set in Ginza Cinepathos, a long-established movie theater that closes at the end of March 2013 while being familiar to movie fans with its retro appearance and unique lineup. Unique guests visiting the theater draw a human pattern during breaks.
Sennen no yuraku is set in a small community called “Roji” where Kenji Nakagami—one of the most famous novelists in Japan—drew the absurdity and passion of life since its inhabitants have been living and dying. There were beautiful men in “Roji” who struggled to live with the blood of the Nakamato Clan, blood called “noble yet unholy.” Oryu, a midwife, has watched all those men growing up, living and dying... She is now aging old and starts to talk with the dead men souls of the Nakamoto Clan...
이시이 테츠오
汚職官僚連続殺人!!捜査検事に仕掛けられた女の罠!?東京~京都~富士、証言者を追う1000キロの旅 衝撃の結末 昭和35年、東京・赤坂のダンスホールで一人の踊り子が殺害される。東京地方検察庁の検事・小野木喬夫は、容疑者で建設省の役人・梨本秀雄を追って山梨へ。そこで小野木は、湖畔に一人たたずむ美しい女性と出会う。水底を見つめる姿はまるで樹海の日陰に咲く花のように切なく、漂うはかなさは死を連想させるほどで、小野木は思わず心を奪われてしまう。この出会いは、破滅への序章だった…。
Mieko (Hitomi Kuroki) is a housewife with some problems. Her husband (Masahiko Nishimura) is indifferent to her and her daughter Sayako (Hiroko Kurisaki) refuses to go to school. One day, Mieko meets Kaori (Tae Kimura) who is divorced. Mieko and Kaori worked at a same company years ago. Kaori tells Mieko that how she was swindled out of money by a man and, because of this, Mieko loans money to Kaori. Due to the loan, Mieko, herself, begins to do part-time work at a convenience store. While at work, Mieko catches a shoplifter Yukimi (Shizuyo Yamazaki) in the convenience store. It turns out, Mieko and Yukimi get along great. Mieko, Yukimi and Kaori decide to go to a karaoke room together. At the karaoke bar, the women hear the song "Smoke On The Water" by Deep Purple and decide to form a rock band!
Ashurada (voice) / Weeval
ゴーカイジャーがゴーカイガレオンで航行中、突如巨大な宇宙船が出現。その上に、白銀に輝くコンバットスーツの戦士が立つ。彼こそ全銀河にその名を知られる宇宙刑事ギャバンだった。ギャバンの圧倒的な強さでゴーカイジャーは敗れ逮捕されてしまう。 だが、ギャバンはザンギャックの狡猾な陰謀に巻き込まれており、ザンギャックはギャバンを用済みとばかりに魔空空間に閉じ込めてしまった。バトルの最中にギャバンと心を交わしたゴーカイジャーは有り得ない天変地異に満ち満ちている危険な魔空空間からギャバンを救うために飛び込んでいく。
Tatsuo's Father
During the invasion of Normandy the photograph of a slim Korean man in German uniform was found. It transpired that the man had served as a soldier in the Japanese, Russian and German armies. His incredible story inspired director Kang Je-Gyu to create this epic war drama.
Nobuo Ishikawa
Michio Nishino
クリスマス目前のローマ。亡き夫との思い出が詰まった街で、矢上紗江子(天海祐希)は最愛の娘の失踪(しっそう)するという最悪の事態に見舞われてしまう。身代金目的の誘拐か、それともテロか……? 犯人グループが警察の包囲網をかく乱し、捜査が一向に進展しない中、事件の真相に迫る外交官・黒田(織田裕二)は、ある事実に行き当たる。
Based on the life of pioneering manga artist Shinichi Abe, "Miyoko asagaya kibun" starts from the 1970's in Asagaya District of Tokyo where Shinichi Abe began his career with then model girlfriend Miyoko.
Detective 501
Yuji Kakiya
Dr. Murakami
A fishing boat is attacked at sea by a gigantic, hairy monster. After examining the sole survivor (Kanji Tsuda), scientific adviser Dr Murakami (Shiro Sano) suspects the culprit is a “Keukegen spectre”, a shaggy supernatural beast from Japanese folklore. The announcement leads reporter Hideo Akihara (Ken Osawa) to a forest shrine dedicated to the Keukegen Geharha, where he finds several worshipers and learns that an ancient seal containing the monster has been broken.
Arata Furuta plays a disgruntled saleryman fed up with being stepped on at home and at work, decides to get revenge on those who do bad things by killing them, only to gain a group of followers.
The classic tale retold. This is one of Japan’s most popular stories in a brand new version starring the great Matsukata Hiroki following in the footsteps of Yorozuya Kinnosuke as Yagyu Tajima, the grandmaster swordsman whose plot to maintain the succession of Iemitsu as shogun encounters obstacles on all sides. Loaded with action and featuring many of Japan’s new up and coming sword stars this exciting movie brings back the feelings of the golden age of motion pictures. Stunning cinematography brings 17th Century Japan to life in this exciting tale of loyalty and betrayal, leading up to an ending that won’t be found in any history book.
Yuji Kakiya
Physician Koichiro Kiby loses interest in work and begins drinking in a local park after the death of his wife. One day he encounters a girl who knows intimate details about his life. Now, he must unlock her mystery in this fantasy drama.
Kagaya Genemon
Eight school friends innocently join together to play a game that, if played well, promised to make their greatest dreams come true. But, they soon discover that mistakes may cost them more than even their dreams could tell.
A man sees his dead girlfriend through his digital camcorder. ***Inochibi (Life Force)
A nurse is able to save dying patients with her 'life force'. ***Ame no Houmonsha (The Visitor in the Rain)
A woman visits her sister on a rainy night to celebrate her birthday, but finds a stranger in her house who may be a murderer at large... ***Okusanya-san (The Wife Seller)
A man stumbles upon a shop selling perfect wives. ***Imakiyo-san (Mr. Imakiyo)
A student finds a spirit called Imakiyo in his apartment, and he has to obey three rules or suffer the consequences...
In a small nook of Kawasaki Private investigator 591 and adultry specialist investigator 522 embark on separate investigations that leads them both to the same beautifician.
"Mysterious" Editor
In the 21st century, multiple mysterious phenomenon began to occur as monsters who were initially thought to be a part of mythology had come to life. These phenomenons had also resulted from human activities that disrupted the nature of the ecosystem. Ultraman Max is the titular giant of his series. Originally a civilization observer sent from Nebula M78, the sacrifice of Kaito Touma changed his mind into bonding with with the youth and actively defending Earth from monsters and alien attacks.
Arthouse Ultraman is a movie with four episodes edited together, theatrically released at Fantasia Festival 2006.
A series of short stories all about dogs.
The chamberlain
Kiyoshi Akai
A pro wrestler is forced to participate on a wrestling reality show to win a new home and restore his wife, who is infected with a mermaid virus.
Police struggle to uncover Klein, a powerful criminal organization. Asuka, a young detective, is assigned to contact and escort Hatsumi, a mistress of the drug lord Kimikuni, but they are ambushed, leaving Hatsumi brain-dead and Asuka near to death. However, the police concoct a top-secret plan to infiltrate Klein by transplanting Asuka's brain into Hatsumi's body.
Lt. Ando
After a convenience store robbery, three unidentified men hold a group of people hostage in a hospital. Inspector Ishida and Captain Tohno handle the negotiations while one of their colleagues, Lt. Ando, tries to find out why the men decided to take the hospital hostage. Through flashbacks, relevant information is revealed to the audience. When the negotiations are finished, most things seem to be fine until they lose track of the criminals. Then, the story unveils from a different perspective, its roots in feelings of love and vengeance.
Mizusawa (Takenouchi Yutaka), an explosives expert, is arrested and charged with a string of bank robberies. Because he is a flight risk, Detective Kayama (Ogata Ken) is assigned to transport Mizusawa to Shizuoka for questioning. On the way, Kayama receives word that the hotel where his wife and daughter are attending a party has been rigged with a time bomb. Being a "by-the-book" kind of cop, Kayama refuses to abandon his job and return to help his family. Meanwhile, the hotel is swarming with police and the bomb squad who are searching for the bomb and the culprit. Time is almost up. Mizusawa claims that he is the only who who can deactivate the bomb.
When a promising young boxer is crippled in a car accident, he falls into a life of dissipation and depression. No boxing ring or martial arts club will take him on -- that is, until an aiki jujitsu master helps the young man develop techniques uniquely tailored to a wheelchair. What starts off as a sad film revs up into an exciting and fun series of epiphanies in which the young man realizes his situation isn't as hopeless as it seems.
Shangri-La follows the lives of a group of homeless people in Japan who run into a man who nearly commits suicide and decide to help him out of his financial troubles. Using their various ingenious resources they embark on a complex scheme to blackmail a crooked businessman, whose bankruptcy claim has put people out of work. It’s a fun romp as these seemingly homeless people manage to outsmart the very people who cast them from society.
Fans of Kamaitachi no Yoru gather to shoot a film based on the game until one of the cast members is killed.
500年に及ぶ鎖国政策が続けられているその国 建御雷家の末裔である若く美しい娘・雪は、あらゆる感情を抑圧し、冷徹に人を殺す刺客として育てられてきた。ある日、空暇と名乗る老人から雪の母・亞空を殺した人物が建御雷家の首領・白雷だと知らされ、反旗を翻す。ところが、返り討ちに合い重傷を負った彼女は、反政府組織の活動家である隆に助けられ、彼との生活の中で、次第に人間らしい感情を取り戻していく。しかし、執拗な追手はすぐそこまで迫っていた。白雷と壮絶な戦いの中、翻弄される雪の運命は――。
Haruki Kadokura
Vicious (voice)
現代の40年前の世界。ハテノの森を訪れた少年・ユキナリは、森の中でハンターに追われていたポケモンに出会う。そのポケモンは「セレビィ」といい、時を超える力を持つと言われるポケモンだった。セレビィをハンターから守ろうとしたユキナリは、セレビィの力でセレビィと共に40年後の未来へタイムスリップしてしまう。 現代。旅の途中でハテノの森を訪れたサトシ一行は、セレビィが時を越える際に起こる「森の声」という現象に遭遇。程なくサトシ達は祠の前に倒れているユキナリを発見。ハテノ村の長老トワ達に介抱されたユキナリはセレビィがいないことに気付き、サトシ達と共にセレビィを探しに向かう。傷だらけのセレビィを見つけたサトシ達はトワの下へ戻ろうとするが、そこへセレビィを追っていたロケット団幹部・ビシャスが現れ、セレビィを捕えようと襲い掛かって来た。ユキナリとの連携でビシャスのポケモンを撃退し、何とか逃げおおせたサトシ達は、生き物の傷を癒す不思議な力を持つ湖にたどり着き、そこで一夜を明かす事にする。
Prof. Shiro Miyasaka
Kodama learns that his old classmate Hayashi is getting married to an idol, and organizes a junior high school reunion.
Kodama learns that his old classmate Hayashi is getting married to an idol, and organizes a junior high school reunion.
Kodama learns that his old classmate Hayashi is getting married to an idol, and organizes a junior high school reunion.
謎の失踪を遂げた父の行方を探す女怪盗団キャッツ・アイと、彼女たちの命を狙う秘密結社との壮絶な戦いを描いたアクション。監督は「海ほおずき The Breath」の林海象。北条司による同名ベストセラー・コミックを、林と土屋斗紀雄が脚色。撮影を「人間椅子」の長田勇市が担当している。主役の3姉妹にふんするのは、「花より男子(1995)」の内田有紀と映画初出演の稲森いずみ、「BAD GUY BEACH」の藤原紀香の3人。
Kenji Miyazawa
A business man visits his hometown to search for a missing employee
Masaru Kanno
When a hooded stranger appears in private eye 'Mike' Hama's office with the cryptic challenge "I want you to look for me," Hama is drawn into a string of bizarre serial murders that have Yokohama's police baffled and the city terrified.
Biopic about jazz saxophonist Kaoru Abe (Ko Machida) and his wife, noted writer Izumi Suzuki (Reona Hirota).
Edogawa Rampo is a writer whose latest work is censored by the government, deemed too disturbing and injurious to the public to be allowed to be published. However, after burning his drafts, his publisher shows him a newspaper with an account of events just like his forbidden story. As the film progresses, fantasy and reality intermingle in a tale that draws heavily on influences from Poe and Stoker's Dracula. The film's strongly Expressionistic direction skillfully combines a variety of media (animation, computer-generated imagery, grainy black-and-white fast film stock, color negatives) for artistic effect.
Broke, his vintage Nash convertible repossessed, private eye Mike Hama is reduced to combing the mean streets of the Yokohama waterfront on a borrowed bicycle. But when Lily, a beautiful stripper from out of Hama's past, returns to town, the fuse is lit on a criminal powder keg set to blow the lid off the Yokohama underworld.
Nariyuki Rinkaiji
The Rinkaiji family, by all appearances, is a well-to-do Japanese family. The father, Nariyuki, works in an elite corporation, which gives his wife Yoshiko status in their suburban neighborhood. But the daughter Sugina, who herself has secretly stopped going to school because she is being bullied. One day, they discover that Nariyuki has quit his job. As Nariyuki decides to find a new job along with Sugina, Yoshiko, a firm believer in a life based on the company, soon finds her world falling apart.
Masaru Kanno
Maiku Hama is a private detective working in Yokohama. Hama comes to the aid of a Taiwanese waiter named Yang and agrees to track down his missing brother. Through a series of double-crosses Hama gets embroiled in a gang war and a revenge plot between the two brothers
A short drama that depicts the world of Edogawa Rampo's popular novels filled with the bizarre and fantastic in an omnibus format. This omnibus drama includes "The Kiss," "The Human Chair," "The Girl in the Locked Room," and "The Cliff," all based on Rampo's original stories, as well as the program's original "Contemporary Arc".
A man must overcome many obstacles as he works his way through the dangerous crime world to the level of yakuza.
Yoshiharu Tsuge
An anthology film based on the works of manga artist Yoshiharu Tsuge. The main character in all four segments is a fledgling cartoonist named Tsube . In the first segment, Tsube encounters a dotty old man named Ri after renting a tumble-down cottage in the country. The following day, Ri, his equally weird wife, and his two squalid children move into his house. Soon the wife is stealing the cucumbers in his garden while the two kids devour all the food in the house.
Tetsuro Muraki
Takashi Nemoto Presents Garo Special Song Festival '92
Noritane Itoh
Two scammers who cross the world without being caught by Satsu and killed
A Japanese adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft's "The Shadow Over Innsmouth", directed by Konaka Chiaki (Marebito, The Big O) and starring Sano Shiro (Infection, Violent Cop)
A female projectionist is haunted by the image of a small boy while a killer prowls the city. The projectionist's relationship with her attractive and successful reporter friend drives the plot deeper into insanity.
Shunji Muroi
Horror director Toshiharu Ikeda adapts a story by Baku Akae about a high-school student who falls in love with a woman on a school trip.
The Dying Man
A quiet killer is looking for a room. The real state agent, shy and expressionless, guides him through Tokyo, towards the ruins the decadent economy has left behind, in hopes of finding The Room.
In the sparsely populated rural areas of Japan, the female population is far smaller than the male. An attempt is made to counter this imbalance by arranging marriages with Filipino women. Fey, a young Filipina, came as a mail-order bride. Although she tries hard, she cannot get on with her husband, either verbally or emotionally. After a year, she flees her snow-country husband with only the clothes on her back and sets out in search of work in Toyko. She wanders through Toyko asking for help in churches and at the Philippine Embassy. She needs to find work to earn enough money for a flight home. She finally finds a job and a place to stay with a Chinese man who is sympathetic to her situation. He introduces her to two of his Japanese neighbors who, when they hear Fey's life story, immediately decide to help her find her Japanese father whom she has never met.
A young boy, Atsu, grows up along the banks of the Shimanto River in rural southern Shikoku. He comes to grips with the unfairness of life and the emotional pain involved in the loss of innocence. The film is based on an autobiographical novel written by Kyuzo Sasayama.
Detective Takatsuka
About the escape between a girl with a mysterious psychic and a complex up-and-coming club singer who has killed his older sister.
A former detective stands up and gets revenge for his murdered wife!
Henry Ôba
When a four-man terrorist group known as Team Phantom begins raising havoc in downtown Tokyo, the city is in desperate need of a hero. An unexpected champion appears in the form of Lady Battle Cop, a former female tennis champion who has been transformed into a seemingly unstoppable cyborg.
Correspondent Morita
A series of serial murders occurred in a historic ruins where a TV crew is shooting a documentary.
Three young country boys are beginning to drift apart as friends. In the summer, they set off to have an adventure in the mountains.
Two brothers, Jinta and Wataru, are raised in a travelling circus. After an accident, Jinta decides to leave the circus and travels the countryside working as a con-man. After a run-in with a local gang of yakuza, he is invited to join their ranks, where he makes the mistake of falling for a boss's mistress. Wataru stays with the circus and works hard to regain its former glory
Takashi Tanimura
Based on a semi-autobiographical story by Ogai Mori, about a Japanese medical student who goes to Berlin to study in the 1880s and falls in love with a German ballet dancer.
首都圏にある某都市に住む男、我妻諒介は犯罪者を追い詰めるためには暴力の行使も辞さない凶暴な刑事。その行き過ぎた捜査と粗暴な性格から、勤務する港南警察署内[3]でも危険人物として敬遠されていた。警察という組織にあって浮いた存在の我妻だったが、自身を理解してくれる数少ない同僚と他愛もない冗談を言い、ある時は酒を酌み交わし、完全な孤立は辛うじて免れていた。 そんなある日、港で麻薬売人の惨殺死体が発見される。我妻は新人の菊池を引き連れ事件の捜査を開始し、容疑者への殴る蹴るの暴行すら厭わない強硬な手段で次々と犯行グループの全貌を暴いていく。そして、覚醒剤を密売する組織の首謀者として暗躍する実業家の仁藤、その手下で殺し屋の清弘の存在をつきとめた。だがその中で我妻は、あってはならない驚愕の事実にも辿り着いてしまうのだった。
Yasuhide Kurihara
国際連盟を脱退し国際的に孤立していた日本は、国内でも政治不安、恐慌や経済不況が蔓延し国民の不満が高まっていた。 こうした状況を憂い憤っていた一部の帝国陸軍青年将校達はひそかに企てていた現政権を取り巻く元老、重臣を粛清し天皇陛下中心の国政を実現すべく昭和維新を実現すべく昭和8年2月21日ついにそれぞれの部隊を巻き込んで決起するが、国民を正義に導くはずの彼らの行動は次第にその思惑とはかけ離れた方向に陥っていく。
Japanese gore horror film, often sold as an unofficial "Guinea Pig" sequel.
Shoji Nakagawa
On August 9, 1945, the Americans dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki. This film, based on a story by Mitsukaru Inoue, describes the daily life of people in Nagasaki the day before that fateful event. It presents the human drama of people's lives, and their feelings of joy and sadness. These include a newlywed couple, an expectant mother, and lovers who must say farewell because the boy is called to serve in the army. Each of these people, like others in the city, hoped to live with their dreams for ‘tomorrow’. But tomorrow never comes for them, as their lives are brought to an abrupt and unexpected end. Knowing how the story ends, in this case, doesn't detract from it at all; rather, it enhances the emotional impact, which is further heightened by the poignant musical score from Teizo Matsumura. 'Ashita' is the first film in Kazuo Kuroki's 'War Requiem Trilogy,' which also includes 'Utsukushii Natsu Kirishima' (2002) and 'Chichi to Kuraseba' (2004).
Junichi Narumi
Detective Uozuka
An aging silent film actress hires a private eye and his wacky but helpful assistant to track down her missing daughter, Bellflower. The two follow a succession of bizarre, obscure clues, until they track down the location of the kidnappers and the daughter.