Koh Takasugi


虎の流儀 激突!燃える嵐の関門編
原田龍二が義理人情に厚いヤクザを演じる、任侠人情ドラマ「虎の流儀」のシリーズ第2弾。 岐阜での10人斬りの一件で、名古屋の待田組にいられなくなった車田清は、北九州へと向かい、代々地元の船や漁師たちを守ってきた名門・富岡一家の親分の世話になることになった。平和に見えた港町だったが、その裏では南豊不動産開発社長による漁港を埋め立てて空港を建設する計画が密かに進行していた。 主人公・車田清役を原田が引き続き演じ、前作から出演する川野太郎、つまみ枝豆、薬師寺保栄のほか、森脇英理子、磯山さやか、木下隆行、はいだしょうこ、東根作寿英、宮川一朗太、石倉三郎らが顔をそろえる。監督は「修羅の群れ」「日本統一」シリーズの辻裕之。
虎の流儀 旅の始まりは尾張 東海死闘編
原田龍二の主演で描く任侠人情ドラマ。 柴山一家本部長の車田清は、組同士の抗争により親分を殺されたことから仇を討ちにいくが、失敗したことで追われる身となってしまう。清の身を案じた二代目組長の笠寺は、名古屋で運送屋を営む待田組でおとなしくしているよう、清に命じる。しかし、待田組は岐阜から来た備後組からたびたび嫌がらせを受けていた。はじめはおとなしく耐えていた清だったが、堅気の運送屋の仲間が手を出されたことから、堪忍袋の緒が切れてしまう。 義理人情を重んじるあまり、厄介ごとに耐えていく主人公のヤクザ・車田清役を原田が演じる。共演は、駒木根隆介、川野太郎、石橋保、石垣佑磨、つまみ枝豆、薬師寺保栄ら。監督は「修羅の群れ」「日本統一」シリーズの辻裕之。
A corpse of a clown is found in a park. Detective Shirataka Amane of Musashino Higashi Police Station begins investigating with rookie detective Uzuka Shinsaku. They find a picture of the victim holding a balloon with the number 1 and the letters TTX on social media which indicates pufferfish poisoning. Shirataka intuitively suspects that this is an incriminating statement done by a serial killer, but Chief Investigator Fukukawa Saeko denies her. Detective Kusano Seiya and other personnel of MPD First Investigative Division join the investigation, then a second murder occurs. Shirataka recalls an unsolved kidnapping and murder case from two years ago that she still regrets.
西村京太郎トラベルミステリー66 釧路・帯広殺人ルート
Koichiro Iwase
The strangled dead body of Hiroshi Hatano, accounting section chief at the longstanding apparel company Edaka International, is discovered in his apartment in Tokyo. At the scene, Inspector Totsugawa and Detective Kamei find out that a mysterious email stating "I'll be riding the Super Ozora 5 tomorrow" was sent to the victim's cell phone the night before. The sender, Manami Furuya, an employee of Edaka International's Planning Section, has strangely terminated her cell phone service and hasn't shown up to work that very morning. Immediately afterwards, Totsugawa is astonished to receive a report from the Hokkaido police stating that the body of a man, stabbed to death, has been found on the Super Ozora 5 limited express. The man is Yuuki Nakamura, a bar employee from Tokyo, who seems to have flown from Haneda Airport to Sapporo and then boarded the Super Ozora 5, which connects Sapporo and Kushiro. Totsugawa has the feeling that this can't be a coincidence...
悪の教典 -序章-
しゃばけ 2 ~うそうそ
Ichitaro's adventure goes on. He starts to feel earthquakes, which no-one else does, and a voice telling to kill Ichitaro. His grandma gives him one flower's seeds and also tells Ichitaro's mother to let him go to Hakone. Mother approves it and Ichitaro takes up a trip to Hakone with Matsunosuke, Hakutaku and Sasuke, but only two of them arrive to Hakone, where earth trembles even more and people are more vulgar.
This seishun eiga (youth film) follows three teens as they face and share problems in their lives: Natsu (Megumi Seki) breaks up with her boyfriend and later finds out that she is pregnant; Koko (Shihori Kanjiya) has trouble accepting her mother’s romance; Marine (Eri Tokunaga) has a crush on a boy she saw on a train, but can not bring herself to speak to him.
PE Teacher
JSDF Lieutenant Togashi
踊る大捜査線 THE MOVIE 2 レインボーブリッジを封鎖せよ!
Ataru Kusakabe
副総監誘拐事件から5年後の2003年の3連休の初日11月22日、湾岸署管内で婦女暴行事件とスリ事件が発生する。さらに管内で会社役員の他殺体が発見され、警視庁捜査一課は湾岸署に捜査本部を設置する。本庁初の女性管理官=沖田仁美警視正が本部長として指揮をとり、室井慎次警視正がそのサポートをすることになった。それと同時に警視庁が湾岸署管内に秘密裏に設置した監視カメラシステム「C.A.R.A.S.(Criminal Activity Recognition Advanced System)」による捜査も開始され、青島や同僚の恩田すみれがその任務に就くが、その監視網をあざ笑うかのように第2の殺人事件が起きてしまい、室井はその責任を取って、監視ルームに実質軟禁されることになる。
JSDF Lieutenant Togashi
SAT Taicho
In dreamlike mountain scenery, Toshiko makes a daring escape from her sexually warped Uncle Sonezaki. Fortunately, she met Samehada as she runs for her life, which is also escaping from some slayers. What follows is a wild chase that leads the audience into a comically violent world.
Back to Back
An ex-cop finds himself caught up in a battle between Japanese mobsters and local gangland thugs and discovers that he was framed for wrong-doings by a corrupt cop.
Sato's re-imagining of In a Grove, on which Rashomon was based. In this version, instead of a web of lies and agendas, we get a web of desires, perversions like incest, and occult phenomenon like an oracle-demon, hallucinations, and human sacrifice. Once again, the story starts with a detective trying to unravel the story of a man and a woman encountering a bandit-rapist in the woods, but the real story keeps turning out to be unfathomable as layer upon layer of strange motives and events keep turning up.
Zero WOMAN 警視庁0課の女
Ryu Kanzaki
A famous businessman's links with organized crime are looked into by the Zero Division of the Tokyo Police, with the investigation being headed by a highly trained, extremely violent and very beautiful female officer. When not having shoot-outs with the crime syndicate thugs trying to kill her, she spends most of her time in her apartment, wearing lingerie and taking showers. A sub-plot involves the businessman's S&M-obsessed daughter.
A naked corpse was found that had its penis amputated on a heavy rainy night. As a result of an autopsy by a medical examiner (Naomi Oki), it was determined that the criminal was the same man as the unsolved continuous murder case since last month. Detective Yajima (Masato Furuoya) and Ishigami (Koh Takasugi) immediately start an investigation, but the case goes in a surprising direction.
Koroku Hachisuka
The famed leader Oda Nobunaga had two right-hand men who contributed to unifying the nation. One was Akechi Mitsuhide and the other Kinoshita Tokichiro, both rivals of each other for higher promotions. Eventually Mitsuhide was recognized for his work and was given a castle. However, Nobunaga's ambition to conquer the nation did not allow Mitsuhide to live happily in his territory. That is when an idea flashed across Mitsuhide's mind… Akechi Mitsuhide, the man who was considered to be the most intelligent general of the warring states era. What was the truth about him, Oda Nobunaga's best general and murderer?