Klaus Zmorek

出生 : 1957-12-04, Lemberg, Germany


タイムリミット 見知らぬ影
Pascal D'Angelo
「ピエロがお前を嘲笑う」のボータン・ビルケ・メーリング主演、「パンドラム」や「ニック NICK」シリーズを手がけたクリスチャン・アルバート監督で、爆弾魔に脅迫され絶体絶命の危機に陥る男の壮絶な運命を描いたサスペンス。ベルリンの不動産会社で大規模な建築プロジェクトに携わるカールは、ある月曜日の朝、娘と息子を車に乗せて学校に送り届けようとしている最中に、正体不明の男からの脅迫電話を受ける。男はカールたちが座席を離れると爆発する特殊な爆弾を車に仕掛けたと言い、巨額の金を支払うよう要求してくる。同じ犯人に脅迫された上司とその妻が目の前で爆死させられるのを見たカールは、やむを得ず要求に従おうとするが、爆発の際に破片を浴びて息子が重傷を負った上、今度は警官隊に包囲されてしまう。警察は、カールが不仲の妻への復讐のため子どもたちを人質にとったと考えていた。やがて、八方塞がりのカールの前に脅迫者が大胆にも姿を現し……。
Die Füchsin – Spur auf der Halde
Werner Segecke
During their investigation into a toxic waste scandal, Yousseff and Anne Marie Fuchs' client are found dead, and the two detectives find themselves in a life-threatening situation.
Frauchen und die Deiwelsmilch
Banklady tells the true story of Gisela Werler, a law-abiding factory worker from Hamburg, who falls in love with a thief and becomes a media darling as Germany’s first and most notorious female bank robber. Cunning, sexy, and exciting, Gisela and her beloved Hermann pull off one daring heist after another. Banklady follows this outlaw who captured Germany’s imagination, boldly defying gender expectations and living a decades-long Bonnie and Clyde romance.
Karl Schönmanger
An einem Tag in ... Duisburg. Todesfalle Loveparade
Holger sacht nix
Pilgerfahrt nach Padua
Pauli Sörensen
Gundula Glöckner is very worried about the salvation of her daughter Lena. Again and again, the young woman gets to the wrong men. To help her child's happiness, the resolute widow shortly sets out on a pilgrimage: in Padua she wants to pray for Lena at the tomb of St. Anthony. However, the illustrious Pilgrims on their way to Italy are struggling with a whole series of mishaps and complications. Especially the brash bus driver Benno brings the God-fearing Gundula again and again to the white heat - until she realizes that hides behind its rough shell a vulnerable core.
The City Below
Markus de Hadlen
A man and a woman at an art exhibition share a fleeting moment of attraction, which neither can act upon. Days later, a chance second meeting leads to an innocent coffee and the two strangers – both married - toy with their unexplainable fascination for each other. Svenja is curious and finds herself in a hotel room with Roland, but she does not consummate an affair. A powerful executive at the large bank where Svenja's husband works, Roland is used to getting what he wants. He manipulates the transfer of her husband to Indonesia to replace a recently murdered bank manager. Unaware of Roland’s actions, Svenja now ceases to resist...
What happened - No one knows
An unlikely band of misfits has made their home on a roof between a feed mill and the municipal waste treatment plant. But life is good, away from society and living of this leftovers. Lisbeth, Herbert and Walther have created their own self-sufficient little paradise. While Herbert is hunting cats, Lisbeth tends to the self-grown vegetables and Walther angles for usable scrap from the dump down below. One morning though, the peace is disrupted: A nameless, suit wearing stranger has appeared overnight and set up his tent among their huts. He does not speak, but obviously he intents to stay. The rooftop dwellers are anxious. Will he destroy their perfect little society? Or can he be part of it… incorporated so to speak... ?
Papa und Mama
ANTIBODIES -アンチボディ- 死への駆け引き
When a notorious German serial killer is captured after committing some of the most heinous acts against humanity ever imaginable, a farmer and police officer from a sleepy rural community on the outskirts of Berlin is drawn into the case as he searches for the answers to a murder that has shaken his tight-knit community.
Liebe unter weißen Segeln
1. Offizier Hannes Meier
The marine doctor Dr. med. Karen Stendal is assigned to the sailing training ship Albatros, which heads her great love Gregor Simonis as captain. But contrary to expectations Gregor behaves emphatically cool and dismissive to the attractive doctor. During a trip ashore in Lisbon, Karen indulges in an affair with the charming journalist Thomas Sand. But when Karen learns the reason for Gregor's peculiar restraint, she knows he needs her more than ever.
Curiosity & the Cat
Writer gets curious about the violent and sado-masochistic ongoings in his neighbour's apartments.