An American couple, on the verge of adopting a baby, goes on an Italian vacation — an opportunity to reconnect before the new addition arrives. Everything is picture-perfect; the epitome of a European baby moon, when things begin to spiral out of control. On the way to dinner, they get their rental car stuck in a ditch and are stranded in rural nowhere in a downpour. These two Americans, who are used to being catered to, are now in a foreign land without service, an Italian language comprehension of about zero, and clear relationship turmoil that could explode at any minute. Fear obviously takes over.
Ryan Logan, a former Special Forces operative, is battling to cope with life after the loss of his wife. He is thrusted into the criminal underworld to keep his only son from being taken from him.
His first girlfriend was hit by a car. His second girlfriend fell off a cliff. His wife has come prepared.
Executive Producer
His first girlfriend was hit by a car. His second girlfriend fell off a cliff. His wife has come prepared.
His first girlfriend was hit by a car. His second girlfriend fell off a cliff. His wife has come prepared.
His first girlfriend was hit by a car. His second girlfriend fell off a cliff. His wife has come prepared.
A woman experiences a medical miracle, after which she has only a few days to bring together her estranged children, save the family's wallpaper business and rekindle an old flame.
Ralph, a bunny being interviewed for a documentary, goes through his daily routine as a “tester” in a lab.
Stunt Coordinator
病を抱える16歳の女子高生ミラは、ふとしたことから孤独な不良青年モーゼスと出会い、恋に落ちる。両親のアナとヘンリーは、ミラの初めての恋を心配し猛反対するが、ミラは怖いもの知らずで自分を特別扱いせずに接してくれるモーゼスに惹かれ、彼との刺激的でカラフルに色づいた日々を駆け抜けていく- しかし…。
Stunt Coordinator
Security Guard
In the anarchic town of Seaside, nowhere near the sea, puppeteers Judy and Punch are trying to resurrect their marionette show. The show is a hit due to Judy's superior puppeteering but Punch's driving ambition and penchant for whisky lead to an inevitable tragedy that Judy must avenge.
Second Unit Director
New insomnia for Lucas. Impossible to sleep. He decides to go out into the deserted streets of New York and finds himself on the edge of a subway platform. He approaches slowly and sees a woman looking at him. Who is she? And most importantly, why does Lucas seem to want to end it all?
Stunt Coordinator
Executive Producer
製薬会社の管理部長としてシカゴ本社とメキシコ工場を行き来し、朝から晩までマジメに働いたのに、もうすぐクビに! 友達だったはずの経営者に騙された上に、最愛の妻にまで離婚される始末・・・ 。パッとしない負け犬人生を歩んではきたけれど、さすがにこれほどのどん底は初めてのハロルドは、極悪モンスター上司のリチャードと、彼の愛人で共同経営者のエレーンへのリベンジを誓う。メキシコで〈偽装誘拐〉を演じ、身代金5億円を奪うという、生涯初の悪事を企てたのだ。ところが、ハロルドが死ねば、会社に保険金が入ることに気づいたリチャードは殺し屋を雇う。さらに、リチャードの会社の医療大麻の製造レシピを狙うメキシコの麻薬組織のボスが、ハロルドの〈本気の誘拐〉に参戦! 果たして、貯めに貯めた悪運を爆発させた、ハロルドの一発大逆転の切り札とは?
製薬会社の管理部長としてシカゴ本社とメキシコ工場を行き来し、朝から晩までマジメに働いたのに、もうすぐクビに! 友達だったはずの経営者に騙された上に、最愛の妻にまで離婚される始末・・・ 。パッとしない負け犬人生を歩んではきたけれど、さすがにこれほどのどん底は初めてのハロルドは、極悪モンスター上司のリチャードと、彼の愛人で共同経営者のエレーンへのリベンジを誓う。メキシコで〈偽装誘拐〉を演じ、身代金5億円を奪うという、生涯初の悪事を企てたのだ。ところが、ハロルドが死ねば、会社に保険金が入ることに気づいたリチャードは殺し屋を雇う。さらに、リチャードの会社の医療大麻の製造レシピを狙うメキシコの麻薬組織のボスが、ハロルドの〈本気の誘拐〉に参戦! 果たして、貯めに貯めた悪運を爆発させた、ハロルドの一発大逆転の切り札とは?
Co-Executive Producer
Stunt Coordinator
Stunt Coordinator
Set in postwar America, a man watches his seemingly perfect life fall apart as his daughter's new political affiliation threatens to destroy their family.
Stunt Coordinator
Fur Trader
A young mother and her twin sons move into a rural house that's marked for death.
Stunt Coordinator
情報セキュリティ会社に勤めるサイモンは、妻ロビンとともに新しい街に引っ越してきた。仕事は順調で、ふたりは豪華な自宅を購入し、順風満帆の人生に思えた。 そんなある日、学生時代の同級生ゴードン・モズリーに出会う。そして後日、ゴードンから引越祝いとして豪華なワインが届けられた。ロビンはワインの返礼として、彼を自宅の夕食に招いた。食事の間、ゴードンはまるで親友だったかのように語り、実は高校時代彼とはあまり親しくなかったサイモンは不快感をおぼえる。ロビンには、彼は見かけよりいい人には違いないと思えた。 後日、二人が仕事仲間のパーティーから帰ると、ゴードンから「ギフト」として、庭の池に鯉が泳いでいた。また、サイモンの留守中にロビンに家に入れてもらいテレビの設定を手伝うなどしていた事で、サイモンは不快感を友人たちに語り始める。
Frank Dale
情報セキュリティ会社に勤めるサイモンは、妻ロビンとともに新しい街に引っ越してきた。仕事は順調で、ふたりは豪華な自宅を購入し、順風満帆の人生に思えた。 そんなある日、学生時代の同級生ゴードン・モズリーに出会う。そして後日、ゴードンから引越祝いとして豪華なワインが届けられた。ロビンはワインの返礼として、彼を自宅の夕食に招いた。食事の間、ゴードンはまるで親友だったかのように語り、実は高校時代彼とはあまり親しくなかったサイモンは不快感をおぼえる。ロビンには、彼は見かけよりいい人には違いないと思えた。 後日、二人が仕事仲間のパーティーから帰ると、ゴードンから「ギフト」として、庭の池に鯉が泳いでいた。また、サイモンの留守中にロビンに家に入れてもらいテレビの設定を手伝うなどしていた事で、サイモンは不快感を友人たちに語り始める。
Town Soldier
10 years after a global economic collapse, a hardened loner pursues the men who stole his car through the lawless wasteland of the Australian outback, aided by the brother of one of the thieves.
Jack is utterly fed up with living at home. He longs for love, freedom and the music by KISS.
Stunt Coordinator
Its the annual Christmas Eve concert at the Marigold House Assisted Living Facility. All her friends are dying and Florence wants out. When the facility double books two rival Elvis impersonators, Florence takes the opportunity for one last hurrah.
Its the annual Christmas Eve concert at the Marigold House Assisted Living Facility. All her friends are dying and Florence wants out. When the facility double books two rival Elvis impersonators, Florence takes the opportunity for one last hurrah.
A hungover plane captain wakes up to discover he's done a very bad thing.
A hungover plane captain wakes up to discover he's done a very bad thing.
The Dead Passenger
A hungover plane captain wakes up to discover he's done a very bad thing.
A hungover plane captain wakes up to discover he's done a very bad thing.
The Masked Avenger can make things happen. Though at 10 he is considered young for a justice fighter he has already proved himself highly effective in the pursuit of peace. He has discovered powers that are locked inside gems and minerals and uses them to keep Franklin Street safe. But something is wrong in the house at the end of the street. There is a woman in trouble. When The Masked Avenger leaves a 'happiness questionnaire' in her letterbox a series of events are set in motion that no one could predict. This is the story of a superhero, a beagle, an amber amulet and the potential that is locked inside all of us.
Stunt Coordinator
Four friends lose themselves in a carefree South-East Asian holiday. Only three come back. Dave and Alice return home to their young family desperate for answers about Jeremy's mysterious disappearance. When Alice's sister Steph returns not long after, a nasty secret is revealed about the night her boyfriend went missing. But it is only the first of many. Who amongst them knows what happened on that fateful night when they were dancing under a full moon in Cambodia?
Jack means well, but sometimes good intentions have horrible consequences.
Jack means well, but sometimes good intentions have horrible consequences.
Jack means well, but sometimes good intentions have horrible consequences.
Jack means well, but sometimes good intentions have horrible consequences.
Griff, office worker by day, superhero by night, has his world turned upside down when he meets Melody, a beautiful young scientist who shares his passion for the impossible.
MOG Warrior
Executive Producer
8 year old Joe has a Birthday he will never forget. After friends bully him, he sneaks off to the sick bay, wishing everyone in the world would go away. He wakes up to find his dream may have become a reality.
Behind the scenes production footage and interview of cast and crew of 2008 film The Square, with particular emphasis on the style and difficulties arose during the shooting and the experience of cast and crew during the making of film.
Ray, a construction worker trapped in an unhappy marriage, pursues an affair with his neighbor, Carla. Carla's husband, Greg, is a mobster who keeps large sums of drug money in their home. With this in mind, Carla comes up with a plan: She and Ray will steal Greg's money, burn down her house, convince Greg the money was lost in the fire and then run away together. Carla's scheme, however, doesn't go off as planned.
Executive Producer
Ray, a construction worker trapped in an unhappy marriage, pursues an affair with his neighbor, Carla. Carla's husband, Greg, is a mobster who keeps large sums of drug money in their home. With this in mind, Carla comes up with a plan: She and Ray will steal Greg's money, burn down her house, convince Greg the money was lost in the fire and then run away together. Carla's scheme, however, doesn't go off as planned.
Ray, a construction worker trapped in an unhappy marriage, pursues an affair with his neighbor, Carla. Carla's husband, Greg, is a mobster who keeps large sums of drug money in their home. With this in mind, Carla comes up with a plan: She and Ray will steal Greg's money, burn down her house, convince Greg the money was lost in the fire and then run away together. Carla's scheme, however, doesn't go off as planned.
Mr Samuels
After making wrong choices, Dale has found himself on a dark path: one of violence and crime. Earmarked to commit a murder, he is already dispassionate to his cause... but a collision with his romantic past sparks a deeper questioning.
Harry really wants a rabbit. Harry's Dad really wants his wife back. And somehow in the middle of all this wanting, they both seem to have forgotten that they already have each other.
Michael Reid
After a brutal divorce, a mother and her son relocate to the Blue Mountains to run a Bed and Breakfast.
Executive Producer
Ah, young love. The air seems clearer. The sun seems brighter. There's a spring in the step. Too bad about the zombie apocalypse.
A young man tries to make things right again in his relationship after he and his girlfriend get in a fight.
A young man tries to make things right again in his relationship after he and his girlfriend get in a fight.
A young man tries to make things right again in his relationship after he and his girlfriend get in a fight.
A young man tries to make things right again in his relationship after he and his girlfriend get in a fight.
In Crossbow the spoiler is right in front of you, there in the title. A crossbow is an anachronistic device and does not, at least in my mind, lend itself well to analogy or metaphor. In spite, or, more accurately, precisely because this ominous title hangs over the very start of viewing, the short film remarkably sustains a growing dread throughout its languid narration and slow-moving, though arresting visuals; maximizing its force not through the promise of surprise but through the inevitability of its conclusion.
Macbeth, loyal to his crime boss, Duncan, is told by witches that he will one day take over. Driven by their prophecy, he and his wife plot to kill Duncan, and takes the leadership of the gang for himself. Maintaining his power will require more murder and violence, finally driving his surviving enemies to unite and destroy him. A sexy, high octane retelling of this classic story.
Eddison's Opponent
A police officer reassigned to curate a photography exhibition finds links between a series of murders.
A forensic psychologist must determine if a minor should be charged with murder.
With 4 weeks and a budget of $5,000 IF Media approached filmmaker Nash Edgerton and Blue-Tongue Films to produce video insert material for the 2005 Lexus Inside Film Awards. Edgerton agreed. But wanted the $5,000 in cash.
With 4 weeks and a budget of $5,000 IF Media approached filmmaker Nash Edgerton and Blue-Tongue Films to produce video insert material for the 2005 Lexus Inside Film Awards. Edgerton agreed. But wanted the $5,000 in cash.
With 4 weeks and a budget of $5,000 IF Media approached filmmaker Nash Edgerton and Blue-Tongue Films to produce video insert material for the 2005 Lexus Inside Film Awards. Edgerton agreed. But wanted the $5,000 in cash.
With 4 weeks and a budget of $5,000 IF Media approached filmmaker Nash Edgerton and Blue-Tongue Films to produce video insert material for the 2005 Lexus Inside Film Awards. Edgerton agreed. But wanted the $5,000 in cash.
Following the dealings of Melbourne-based hitman Ray as seen through the eyes of his ex-neighbour and friend Max, an Italian film student. Max and his camera witness Ray's work life as it unfolds from day to day, giving an insight into a world we rarely see, and at the same time developing an unusual friendship with his subject.
Stunt Double
Lucky finds himself in a bind - and it's going to take more than a Houdini act to get out of this situation.
Lucky finds himself in a bind - and it's going to take more than a Houdini act to get out of this situation.
Lucky finds himself in a bind - and it's going to take more than a Houdini act to get out of this situation.
Lucky finds himself in a bind - and it's going to take more than a Houdini act to get out of this situation.
Jack investigates a gangland execution at a children’s football game twelve years ago.
A couple's car runs out of fuel on a lonely country road. When the husband returns to his pregnant wife with the fuel, he's in for a deadly surprise.
A couple's car runs out of fuel on a lonely country road. When the husband returns to his pregnant wife with the fuel, he's in for a deadly surprise.
The mystery of a vacant seat at a sold out cricket match.
Security Guard #5
Bank Guard
Three fraternal bank robbers languishing in jail, discover a profitable (if not dodgy) way to spend their time. Crime can most certainly pay, if you "know wot I mean?" However when sex and greed rear-up between the good crims and the bad cops, the consequences are both bizarre and fatal.
Stunt Double
Stunt Winger
Eddie returns to his home town on the south coast of New South Wales. Having left for the city without explanation a few years previously, he tries to pick up the pieces of his life and fit back in to the lives of those he left, including his ex-girlfriend Tully and brother Pete.
Stagehand (uncredited)
Three people discover jealousy and larceny are a dangerous combination in this tense drama. John (Bryan Brown) is a veteran insurance investigator who succumbs to temptation and veers towards the wrong side of the law. With the help of novice con man Ben (Tom Long), John hatches a scheme to substantiate false claims by taking a percentage of several questionable claims his firm has settled for a fraction of their usual worth. John and Ben are assisted in their illegal business by Louise (Claudia Karvan), a lawyer with a cocaine problem who is also John's lover. But when Louise becomes involved with Ben and demands a bigger share of the money, their already-shaky confidence game begins to collapse.
A young filmmaker pitches his latest masterpiece.
A young filmmaker pitches his latest masterpiece.
A young filmmaker pitches his latest masterpiece.
A young filmmaker pitches his latest masterpiece.
On a wintry bay, far from home, a young child witnesses something truly unexpected.
An unfocused twentysomething moves in with a former co-worker, who is suffering from low self-esteem because of her weight, looks, and a case of eczema. Their relationship is based on unending drink, drugs, and sex.
Stunt Double
Stunt Double
With his distinctive voice and unusual view of life, Harris takes us through his story: a harrowing journey of humour, grief, resolution and redemption. Harris, as a child of five, sits underneath his house amongst the cobwebs making 'sugar' by pounding sandstone rocks into fine grains and wrapping them into bags. Harris at 17 falls in love with Helen and when a tragic accident leads to a breakdown he ends up at 'The Cottage'... Thrust up against the lives of other innocent victims, Harris begins to make sense of his own guilt, grief and the secret of his past.
A young man in trouble is forced to drag his family into the problem.
A young man in trouble is forced to drag his family into the problem.
A young man in trouble is forced to drag his family into the problem.
A young man in trouble is forced to drag his family into the problem.
Stunt Double
Fear of an unidentified livestock predator unites an Australian couple, an outcast, and an abandoned woman.
Della, a 45-year-old wanna-be, coulda-been jazz singer and her lover, Dale, a 23 year old small time criminal, are in the final stages of their dysfunctional relationship.
The desperate misadventures of a young man, racing against the clock toward a mysterious destination. This was the first short film that Nash wrote and directed. It was made for $80 and won first prize at Tropfest in 1997.
Assistant Camera
The desperate misadventures of a young man, racing against the clock toward a mysterious destination. This was the first short film that Nash wrote and directed. It was made for $80 and won first prize at Tropfest in 1997.
The desperate misadventures of a young man, racing against the clock toward a mysterious destination. This was the first short film that Nash wrote and directed. It was made for $80 and won first prize at Tropfest in 1997.
The desperate misadventures of a young man, racing against the clock toward a mysterious destination. This was the first short film that Nash wrote and directed. It was made for $80 and won first prize at Tropfest in 1997.
The desperate misadventures of a young man, racing against the clock toward a mysterious destination. This was the first short film that Nash wrote and directed. It was made for $80 and won first prize at Tropfest in 1997.
Desperate Man
The desperate misadventures of a young man, racing against the clock toward a mysterious destination. This was the first short film that Nash wrote and directed. It was made for $80 and won first prize at Tropfest in 1997.
Marsha Robinson, host of a TV cooking show, takes her family on a working vacation to a South Seas Island, but their yacht is hijacked by pirates, and then shipwrecked, and the Robinsons must survive Marsha's complaints while they build a treehouse, meet a handsome carpenter, bond together as a family and fight off the pirates
Jac and Bill decide to end it all at the same time, together.
Jac and Bill decide to end it all at the same time, together.
Youth #3
A female lawyer heads a government taskforce investigating a suspected paedophile racket in Sydney. Based on the novel by Gabrielle Lord.
The original Blue-Tongue Films production.
The original Blue-Tongue Films production.
The original Blue-Tongue Films production.
The original Blue-Tongue Films production.
The original Blue-Tongue Films production.
Cody and Fiorelli try to catch diamond smugglers, but the gems are not where they were supposed to be. Cody embarks to infiltrate the dealers who brought the diamonds in from South Africa. He also searches for a missing teenager.
Alex's Friend
A narcotics detective, suspected of corruption, gets a transfer to the Police Rescue Squad. An unstable man holds a daycare center hostage.