Robert Rooy's documentary follows DJ Savarese ("Deej"), a nonspeaking autistic writer and poet. The film explores his difficult early life, his quest for an education, and his advocacy for other nonspeaking autistics.
Robert Rooy's documentary follows DJ Savarese ("Deej"), a nonspeaking autistic writer and poet. The film explores his difficult early life, his quest for an education, and his advocacy for other nonspeaking autistics.
Robert Rooy's documentary follows DJ Savarese ("Deej"), a nonspeaking autistic writer and poet. The film explores his difficult early life, his quest for an education, and his advocacy for other nonspeaking autistics.
Second Unit First Assistant Director
First Assistant Director
ホワイトハウスの女性スキャンダルを追っていたテレビ局のジェニーは、「エリー」という名に行き当たる。だがそれは女性の名ではなく、「Extinction Level Event(種の絶滅を引き起こす事象)」の略だった。大統領は、1年後に未知の彗星が地球に衝突する可能性があることを公表。これを阻止すべく彗星を核爆発させて軌道修正するプロジェクトが実行されたが、結果は失敗。衝突が刻一刻と迫る中、ついに大統領は地下に選ばれた100万人だけを移住させる計画を発表するのだった。
Additional Second Assistant Director
The new warden of a small prison farm in Arkansas tries to clean it up of corruption after initially posing as an inmate.