Amy Schmidt


Second Assistant Director
七つの海を駆けめぐった海賊の時代が終ろうとしていた。世界制覇をもくろむ東インド会社のベケット卿は、“深海の悪霊”ディヴィ・ジョーンズを操り、海賊たちを次々と葬っていく。彼らの生き残る道はただ一つ。9 人の“伝説の海賊”を招集し、世界中の海賊たちを蜂起させ決戦を挑むのみ。だが、その鍵を握る9人目の人物こそ、溺死した船乗りが沈む永遠の地獄“デイヴィ・ジョーンズ・ロッカー(海の墓場)”に囚われているキャプテン・ジャック・スパロウだった…。総督の令嬢エリザベスと海賊の血を引くウィルは、甦った不死身の海賊キャプテン・バルボッサと共に、ジャック奪還の手掛りを握る中国海賊の長サオ・フェンのもとへと旅立つ。彼らの運命が再び交差するとき、海賊の史上最初にして最後の決戦の火蓋が切られる―。
Second Assistant Director
Second Assistant Director
Living Out Loud
Second Second Assistant Director
Judith Moore is suddenly single after discovering her husband of fifteen years, a successful doctor, has been having an affair with a younger woman. Judith stews, plans, plots and fantasizes, but she can't decide what to do with her life until she goes out to a night club to see singer Liz Bailey, who is full of advice on life and love. While out on the town, Judith is suddenly kissed by a total stranger, which opens her eyes to new possibilities... which is when she notices Pat, the elevator operator in her building.
Second Assistant Director
The Neon Bible
Second Assistant Director
While on a train, a teenage boy thinks about his life and the flamboyant aunt whose friendship acted as an emotional shield from his troubled family. This film evokes the haunting quality of memory while creating a heartfelt portrait of a boy's life in a rural 1940s Southern town.
Somebody to Love
Second Assistant Director
Mercedes is a taxi dancer who wants to be an actress. She's involved with the married Harry, who considers himself a respected actor. Ernesto is in love with Mercedes, but he doesn't dance or have money.
Italian Movie
Second Assistant Director
Leonardo, a compulsive gambler, tries to make up for his losses by becoming a male escort.