Jackson De Govia

出生 : 1941-03-22, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA


Production Design
When Sarah Marshall dumps aspiring musician Peter Bretter for rock star Aldous Snow, Peter's world comes crashing down. His best friend suggests that Peter should get away from everything and to fly off to Hawaii to escape all his problems. After arriving in Hawaii and meeting the beautiful Rachel Jansen, Peter is shocked to see not only Aldous Snow in Hawaii, but also Sarah Marshall.
Drillbit Taylor
Production Design
Three kids hire a low-budget bodyguard to protect them from the playground bully, not realising he is just a homeless beggar and petty thief looking for some easy cash.
Production Design
A psychological thriller based on the concept of anamorphosis, a painting technique that manipulates the laws of perspective to create two competing images on a single canvas.
Production Design
Production Design
敏腕TVプロデューサーとしてニューヨークで活躍してきたジョアンナだが、ある事件をきっかけに局を辞める事態に。そんな彼女を慰め、新天地で再出発しようとその夫ウォルターは家族の引っ越しを提案し、彼らはコネティカット州の美しい高級住宅地ステップフォードに引っ越す。早速ウォルターは町の紳士クラブから仲間に入るよう歓迎を受け、一方ジョアンナも町の女性たちと仲よくなるが、女性たちが裏の顔を持つと疑いだし……。 1975年の映画『ステップフォード・ワイフ』のリメイク。
Joe Somebody
Production Design
When underappreciated video specialist Joe Scheffer is brutally humiliated by the office bully Mark McKinney in front of his daughter, Joe begins a quest for personal redemption. He proceeds by enduring a personal make-over and takes martial arts lessons from a B-action star. As news spreads of his rematch with Mark, Joe suddenly finds himself the center of attention, ascending the corporate ladder and growing in popularity. He's determined to show everyone in his life that he is not a nobody, but a force to be reckoned with.
Production Design
デ・ニーロとノートンの新旧カメレオン俳優が激突! 完全防備されたフランス王家の秘宝を狙って、犯罪のプロがタッグを組む。最後の最後まで気が抜けないスリリングなクライム・ムービー。
Production Design
On the verge of bankruptcy and desperate for his big break, aspiring filmmaker Bobby Bowfinger concocts a crazy plan to make his ultimate dream movie. Rallying a ragtag team that includes a starry-eyed ingenue, a has-been diva and a film studio gofer, he sets out to shoot a blockbuster featuring the biggest star in Hollywood, Kit Ramsey -- only without letting Ramsey know he's in the picture.
My Giant
Production Design
Sammy, an agitated agent lost in the forest of the modern world, happens upon a gentle giant with a tall talent for friendship named Max.
Production Design
Production Design
Construction worker Doug Kinney finds that the pressures of his working life, combined with his duties to his wife Laura and daughter Jennifer leaves him with little time for himself. However, he is approached by geneticist Dr. Owen Leeds, who offers Doug a rather unusual solution to his problems: cloning.
Production Design
Production Design
ロサンゼルスのオフィスビルにあるエレベーターに爆弾が仕掛けられ、乗客達が閉じ込められる事件が発生。ロサンゼルス市警察SWAT隊員であるジャック・トラヴェンはマクマホン分隊長や同僚のハリー達と共に爆弾を排除、乗客達を救出。さらに身代金を要求してきた犯人のハワード・ペインを追い詰めるがもう一息のところで逃げられる。 ペインは元アトランタ警察爆発物処理班員で、処理中の爆発事故により左手親指を失う障害を負って退職せざるを得なくなったが「命がけで何十年も働いてきたのに、警察当局は退職記念の金時計と障害年金を寄越しただけで、他に何も補償してくれない」と逆恨み、警察に挑戦を始めた。 逃げおおせたペインは路線バスに爆弾を仕掛け、ジャックに対応させるよう仕向ける。信管は速度測定系に連動、バスの速度が一度でも時速50マイル(約80Km)を越えると安全装置が解除され、更に、速度がこれを下回ると爆発する。爆破を阻止するために標的となったバスを止めて飛び乗ったジャックだったが、不法滞在している自分を追ってきたと思い込んだ乗客の一人が誤って発砲し、運転手(サム)が負傷。スピード違反で免停中のためバス通勤していた若い女性、アニーがハンドルを任された。
Production Design
A television adaptation of the classic Broadway musical.
Production Design
Production Design
Production Design
A busy executive learns during a meeting that his mother may be dying and rushes home to her side. He ends up being his father's caretaker and becomes closer to him than ever before. Estranged from his own son, the executive comes to realize what has been missing in his own life.
In Country
Production Design
Samantha Hughes, a teenaged Kentucky girl, never knew her father, who died in Vietnam before her birth. Samantha lives with her uncle Emmett, who also served in Vietnam. Emmett hangs around with Tom, Earl, and Pete, three other Vietnam vets who, like Emmett, all have problems of one kind or another that relate to their war experiences. Samantha becomes obsessed with finding out about her father.
Production Design
Lilah Krytsick is a mother and housewife who's always believed she could be a stand-up comedian. Steven Gold is an experienced stand-up seemingly on the cusp of success. When the two meet, they form an unlikely friendship, and Steven tries to help the untried Lilah develop her stage act. Despite the objections of her family and some very wobbly beginnings, Lilah improves, and soon she finds herself competing with Steven for a coveted television spot.
Production Design
Production Design
Nobody's Fool
Production Design
Cassie, who seeks love and escape from her mundane ordinary life, meets a traveling Shakespeare troupe offering a community acting workshop.
'night, Mother
Production Design
A mother and daughter spend a night together after the daughter reveals that she will kill herself by the end of it.
Production Design
Production Design
アメリカ コロラド州の平和な田舎町。昼下がりに異様な数の兵士がパラシュートで次々と降下してくる。ソビエトの兵装の兵士達は次々と降下し銃撃を開始した。武器を持たぬ市民は虐殺されていくが高校生ジェドはその仲間達は間一髪山中へ逃げ込み少ない武器を手に取り反撃を開始する。
Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone
Production Design
Three women make an emergency landing on a planet plagued with a fatal disease, but are captured by dictator Overdog. Adventurer Wolff goes there to rescue them and meets Niki, the only Earthling left from a medical expedition. Combining their talents, they try to rescue the women.
My Bodyguard
Production Design
Clifford Peach, an easygoing teenager, is finding less than easy to fit in at his new high school, where a tough-talking bully terrorizes his classmates and extorts their lunch money. Refusing to pay up, Clifford enlist the aid of an overgrown misfit whose mere presence intimidates students and teachers alike. But their "business relationship" soon turns personal as Clifford and the troubled loner forge a winning alliance against their intimidators - and a very special friendship with each other.
Art Direction
No Other Love
Production Design
A young marginally intellectually-disabled girl and boy meet, plan to marry, and convince the world that they are entitled to a life of their own -- despite attempts by the girl's parents to separate them.
When Every Day Was the Fourth of July
Art Direction
A little girl convinces her attorney father to defend a mute war veteran accused of murdering a store owner.
イルザ ナチ女収容所 悪魔の生体実験
Production Design
Ilsa is a warden at a Nazi death camp that conducts experiments on prisoners. Ilsa's goal is to prove that woman can withstand more pain and suffering than men and should be allowed to fight on the front lines.
イルザ ナチ女収容所 悪魔の生体実験
Production Designer
Ilsa is a warden at a Nazi death camp that conducts experiments on prisoners. Ilsa's goal is to prove that woman can withstand more pain and suffering than men and should be allowed to fight on the front lines.
Production Design
Melodrama set in South Vietnam in the 1960s. Krueger (Bramhall), a former infantry lieutenant, is imprisoned at Quai Dong, on the South China Sea, for refusing to fight. After a year at hard labor, he is told to use his Vietnamese language skills to question a Viet Cong suspect. The prisoner is drugged and tortured during the interrogation. Krueger eventually stops the torture by pretending that the prisoner has disclosed the location of a supply dump.
F. Scott Fitzgerald and the Last of the Belles
Art Direction
A semi-fictional account of how writer F. Scott Fitzgerald met his wife while he was in the army and stationed in Alabama in 1919.
The Cheerleaders
Production Design
A group of cheerleaders from the local high school decide to show their school spirit for their football team by sleeping with the opponents the night before the game so that they can be so worn out the opposition won't be able to play.
The People
Art Direction
A young woman is assigned to teach school in a secluded valley whose inhabitants appear stern, secretive and anti-pleasure. Following two children who disappear to play in the woods, she finds that this is actually a community of extraterrestrials with mild paranormal powers who are attempting to repress and deny their heritage for fear of arousing prejudice and hatred in their human neighbors. Based on a series of novels by the late Zenna Henderson.