Halina Gebarowicz


ジャッキー/ファーストレディ 最後の使命
Art Direction
Outlaw Country
Art Direction
A crime thriller/family drama set against the backdrop of southern organized crime and Nashville royalty where music, love, hope and tragedy collide. Created as a pilot for a TV Series which was not taken up, this has now been aired as a TV Movie.
How Do You Know
Assistant Art Director
After being cut from the USA softball team and feeling a bit past her prime, Lisa finds herself evaluating her life and in the middle of a love triangle, as a corporate guy in crisis competes with her current, baseball-playing beau.
My One and Only
Art Direction
A mother takes her two sons on an unusual road trip from New York to Pittsburgh, St. Louis and eventually Hollywood in her quest to find a man to take care of them all.
Rocket Science
Art Direction
Hal is a 15-year-old high-school student with a minor yet socially alienating (and painful) disability: he stutters uncontrollably. Determined to work through the problem, Hal opts for an extreme route – he joins the school debating team, which sends him on a headfirst plunge into breakneck speech competitions and offers a much-needed boost toward correcting the problem.
Art Direction
Sylvia Stickles runs a convenience store with her husband and mother-in-law. One day, Sylvia is hit on the head and transforms from an uptight prude to a sex-crazed lunatic. As she goes on a rampage through town, Sylvia attracts the attention of Ray Ray, a sexual healer and tow truck driver in search of the world's greatest orgasm. Their sexual revolution, however, causes a class war in their tiny Baltimore community.
Something the Lord Made
Art Direction
A dramatization of the relationship between heart surgery pioneers Alfred Blalock and Vivien Thomas.
Assistant Art Director
全米を恐怖に陥れた「バッファロー・ビル事件」から10年……。 ボルチモアの大富豪メイスン・ヴァージャー(ゲイリー・オールドマン)は、刑務所から脱獄したハンニバル・レクター(アンソニー・ホプキンズ)の行方を追っていた。当時レクターと接触していたFBI特別捜査官クラリス・スターリング(ジュリアン・ムーア)は、リッチモンド (バージニア州)の麻薬捜査で多数の犠牲者を出したことで遺族から告訴されていた。政財界に絶大な影響力をもつメイスンは、マスコミの報道でクラリスの存在を知り、司法省のポール・クレンドラー(レイ・リオッタ)を利用し、クラリスをレクターの捜査に復帰させようと目論む。 そして、10年前にボルティモアの精神病院から脱獄したレクターは、イタリアのフィレンツェに潜伏していた。
Art Direction