Frank Hoyt Taylor

Frank Hoyt Taylor

出生 : , Virginia, USA


Frank Hoyt Taylor
Frank Hoyt Taylor


The Evening Hour
Clyde Freeman
Cole Freeman maintains an uneasy equilibrium in his rural Appalachian town, looking after the old and infirm while selling their excess painkillers to local addicts. But when an old friend returns with plans that upend the fragile balance and identity he's so painstakingly crafted, Cole is forced to take action.
Matt Boylan
Pastor Wilkins
Senator #1
「ウォーターゲート事件」の全容と事件を内部告発したFBI副長官の姿を、リーアム・ニーソン主演で実話をもとに映画化したサスペンスドラマ。アメリカ合衆国史上初めて任期半ばで辞任に追い込まれたリチャード・ニクソン大統領。その引き金となったウォーターゲート事件の捜査の指揮にあたったFBI副長官マーク・フェルトは、なかなか進展しない捜査の裏にホワイトハウスが捜査妨害をしていることを察知し、事件自体がホワイトハウスの陰謀によるものであることを悟る。大統領に忠実なL・パトリック・グレイFBI長官に捜査協力が期待できない中、フェルトは事件の真相を明るみにするため、大胆な決断をする。フェルト役を「96時間」「シンドラーのリスト」のニーソン、妻オードリー役を「トスカーナの休日」のダイアン・レインが演じる。監督は「コンカッション」「パークランド ケネディ暗殺、真実の4日間」のピーター・ランデスマン。「オデッセイ」「ブレードランナー」のリドリー・スコットが製作。
Strom Thurmond
Judge Clarence Thomas' nomination to the United States' Supreme Court is called into question when former colleague, Anita Hill, testifies that he had sexually harassed her.
Standing Up
Based on one of the most beloved Young Adult novels of all time: Two kids are stripped naked and left together on an island in a lake - victims of a vicious summer camp prank; But rather than have to return to camp and face the humiliation, they decide to take off, on the run together. What follows is a three day odyssey of discovery and self-discovery.
Outlaw Country
Jackman Folcum
A crime thriller/family drama set against the backdrop of southern organized crime and Nashville royalty where music, love, hope and tragedy collide. Created as a pilot for a TV Series which was not taken up, this has now been aired as a TV Movie.
フットルース 夢に向かって
Mr. Parker
Ren MacCormack is transplanted from Boston to the small southern town of Bomont where loud music and dancing are prohibited. Not one to bow to the status quo, Ren challenges the ban, revitalizing the town and falling in love with the minister’s troubled daughter Ariel in the process.
Mortician Jim Finley
Four friends find themselves trapped in their small hometown after they discover their friends and neighbors going quickly and horrifically insane.
George, a lonely librarian, believes love is obsolete, until a road trip to Death Valley with a cinema projectionist named Sophie teaches him otherwise.
A Dance for Bethany
Senator Abbot
Investigator reporter Abbey Fisher always thought she wanted the traditional American Dream: a husband and children of her own. When life and fertility stand in her way, Fisher (played by Robyn Lively) leverages her journalism know-how and uncovers the rapidly growing American sex trade preying on children and youth. Fisher and her husband come to know Bethany (Lori Beth (Edgeman) Sikes), a twelve year old victim of pernicious trafficking. As Bethany learns and grows, so do the Fishers as they take the battle against circumstances and government to protect others from Bethany's experiences.
A drama set in the American South, where a precocious, troubled girl finds a safe haven in the music and movement of Elvis Presley.
The List
Amos Candler
A sudden death tied to a list from the past leads to unimaginable evil. Fresh out of law school and full of hope for the future, Renny Jacobson is stunned by his father's sudden death--and then by the terms of the will: the elder Jacobson has left the bulk of his estate to charity.
タラデガ・ナイト オーバルの狼
The fastest man on four wheels, Ricky Bobby is one of the greatest drivers in NASCAR history. A big, hairy American winning machine, Ricky has everything a dimwitted daredevil could want, a luxurious mansion, a smokin' hot wife and all the fast food he can eat. But Ricky's turbo-charged lifestyle hits an unexpected speed bump when he's bested by flamboyant Euro-idiot Jean Girard and reduced to a fear-ridden wreck.
Walker Payne
A small-town father is forced to make difficult, heartbreaking decisions in order to save his two daughters.
Passionate Preacher (uncredited)
1944年、アメリカ。12歳のジョニーは兄のジャックと共に両親の畑仕事を手伝っていた。しかし、一家の貧しい生活は一向に楽にならず、父は酒に溺れる日々だった。そんなジョニーの心のなぐさめとなったのは、兄ジャックの優しさと、ラジオから流れてくるゴスペルやカントリー音楽だった。ある時、最愛の兄が突然の事故でこの世を去ってしまう。出来のいい息子を失ったショックでますます荒れる父親とジョニーとの確執は広がっていく。そして、空軍に入隊したジョニーは実家を離れ、ドイツに駐屯する。除隊後に初恋の女性ヴィヴィアンと結婚、子供も授かった。訪問セールスの仕事の合間に友人とゴスペル・バンドを組んで音楽を楽しむジョニーだったが、家計は苦しく、徐々に夫婦の仲も冷え切っていく。 そんなある日、ジョニーは街角で偶然見かけたレコード会社で、オーディションの機会を得る。そこで空軍時代に書いた囚人の心の叫びとも言える歌を熱唱し、その実力を認められる。そして瞬く間にプロのミュージシャンとしての第一歩を踏み出すことになった。早速、同じレコード会社のジェリー・リー・ルイスやエルヴィス・プレスリーらと全米中をツアーでまわっていた時、ジョニーは少年時代からの憧れだったジューン・カーターと出会い、すぐに意気投合する。この出会いが、これからの彼らの長い運命の始まりとなるのだった……。
Dreamer: Inspired By a True Story
Ben Crane believes that a severely injured racehorse deserves another chance. He and his daughter Cale adopt the mare and save it from being sacrificed by the owner.
David Wark
On the way to meet with an independent artist in the South, newlywed art dealer Madeleine is convinced by her husband, George, that they should stop to meet his family in North Carolina. Madeleine's affluent lifestyle clashes with the family, but she befriends George's wide-eyed and pregnant sister-in-law, Ashley, who is nearing her due date. Through the family, Madeleine gains greater insight into George's character.
Warm Springs
Franklin Roosevelt, left a paraplegic from polio at 39 years of age, seeks out a miracle cure in the backwoods of Georgia.
Run Ronnie Run
Frank - "Fuzz" Cop
A redneck with an uncanny knack for getting arrested becomes the star of his own reality program.
Equine Therapist
A Lesson Before Dying
Sheriff Guidry
In the 1940s South, an African-American man is wrongly accused of the killing a a white store owner. In his defense, his white attorney equates him with a lowly hog, to indicate that he didn't have the sense to know what he was doing. Nevertheless convicted, he is sentenced to die, but his godmother and the aunt of the local schoolteacher convince school teacher go to the convicted man's cell each day to try to reaffirm to him that he is not an animal but a man with dignity.
The Simple Life of Noah Dearborn
In the small Southern community of Twin Pines, GA, lives Noah Dearborn, a master craftsman and farmer who cherishes his solitude almost as much as the local townspeople cherish him — especially restaurant owner Sarah McClellan. But when greedy real estate developers set their sights on Noah's land and he rejects their six-figure offer, this taciturn man is forced to summon all his strength in order to defend not only his property and way of life, but his sanity.
Judge at Indy
Dan Prince
A Mississippi district attorney and the widow of Medgar Evers struggle to bring a white supremacist to justice for the 1963 murder of the civil rights leader.
To Love, Honor and Deceive
Officer in Small Town
Sydnee Carpenter (Vanessa Marcil) is a devoted mother to her young son, and is now accustomed to the puzzling existence of her mysterious, non-communicative husband, Matthew (Thomas Gibson). When her husband and son are suddenly killed in a boating accident, Sydnee's comfortable existence is shattered. Although she is overwhelmed by her grief, Sydnee cannot ignore the strange pieces from her husband's past that continue to make their way into the present. Before long, she suspects that her husband has masterminded an elaborate scheme in order to abandon her and kidnap their son. Unable to convince the authorities of her wild sounding speculations, Sydnee does catch the attention of detective Jim sanders (James Wilder), who may have his own hidden agenda for getting involved with her plight.
Other Voices Other Rooms
Ed Sansom
Truman Capote's semi-autobiographical first novel about coming of age in the Deep South during the 1930s centers on 13-year-old Joel Sansom (David Speck), who reunites with his estranged father at the family's shabby plantation, where he must contend with his father's feisty mistress and a strange cousin. Against this less-than-ideal backdrop, Joel slowly matures into an upstanding young man.
KKK #2
True Colors
Sen. Lockerby
Two law school friends find themselves at odds when one becomes a Justice Department lawyer and the other goes into politics.
Al Felts
Filmed in the coal country of West Virginia, "Matewan" celebrates labor organizing in the context of a 1920s work stoppage. Union organizer, Joe Kenehan, a scab named "Few Clothes" Johnson and a sympathetic mayor and police chief heroically fight the power represented by a coal company and Matewan's vested interests so that justice and workers' rights need not take a back seat to squalid working conditions, exploitation and the bottom line.
Southern Gospel
Bishop Bannister Whittmore
Samuel Allen's life collapses, but he wants to pursue his childhood goals and become a preacher. To do this, the rock n roll star has to fight against his past demons.