Keiko Matsuzaka

Keiko Matsuzaka

出生 : 1952-07-20, Ōta, Tokyo, Japan


Keiko Matsuzaka
Keiko Matsuzaka


目が覚めると、そこは1945年の日本。 初めて愛した人は、特攻隊員でしたー。 親や学校、すべてにイライラして不満ばかりの高校生の百合(福原遥)。 ある日母親の幸恵(中嶋朋子)と喧嘩をして家出をし、近所の防空壕に逃げ込むが、朝目が覚めるとそこは1945年の6月…戦時中の日本だった。偶然通りかかった彰(水上恒司)に助けられ、鶴屋食堂に連れていかれる百合。そこでツル(松坂慶子)や千代(出口夏希)、彰と同じ隊の石丸(伊藤健太郎)、板倉(嶋﨑斗亜・Lil かんさい/関西ジャニーズJr.)、寺岡(上川周作)、加藤(小野塚勇人)に出会う中で、彰の誠実さや優しさにどんどん惹かれていく百合。 だが彰は特攻隊員で、程なく命がけで戦地に飛ぶ運命だったー。
田村由美の人気漫画を菅田将暉主演で実写化した連続テレビドラマ「ミステリと言う勿れ」の劇場版。原作で人気のエピソード「広島編」をもとに、広島の名家・狩集家をめぐる遺産相続事件の顛末を描く。 天然パーマでおしゃべりな大学生・久能整は、広島で開催される美術展を訪れるため同地にやってくるが、そこで犬童我路の知人だという女子高生・狩集汐路と出会い、あるバイトを持ちかけられる。それは、狩集家の莫大な遺産相続に関するものだった。当主の孫にあたる汐路ら4人の相続候補者は、遺言書に記されたお題に従って謎を解いていく。やがて彼らは、時に死者さえ出るという狩集家の遺産相続に隠された衝撃の真実にたどり着く。
Hoshino Natsuko/Yumeno Natsumi
Natsuko has been in a cold relationship with her husband, Kensaku, for many years. One day he dies suddenly, leaving Natsuko alone with a wizard, Mari, who appears and offers to grant up to four wishes. Natsuko requests to go 50 years back in time to the past before she met her husband. There, Natsuko meets young Kensaku, her young self, and her father Shintaro. Natsuko pretends to be someone she is not and attempts to uncover hidden truths while living in the past. What awaits Natsuko at the end of her time travel? And what will be her last wish to the wizard?
Mrs. Hondo
休暇で熊野古道の近くにある和歌山県天狗村の「黒門ホテル」に宿泊していた勝呂武尊は、馴染みのラウンジで同席となった医師の沙羅絹子や、各地を旅している富豪の本堂家の人々(本堂夫人、礼一郎、凪子、主水、鏡子、絢奈)とそれに付き添う税理士の十文字幸太と出会い、その夜に言い争う男女が発した「分からないのか、こうなったらもう殺すしかないんだ」という言葉を耳にする。 自らの子供たちを支配し、全てを自分の思うようにしなければ気が済まない本堂夫人の態度に苛立ちを感じた沙羅医師は、礼一郎や鏡子に接触を図るが、それを快く思わない夫人は2人に彼女を無視するように命じる。その頃、勝呂は古き知り合いであり、今は代議士をしている上杉穂波と再会し、同行している編集者の飛鳥ハナの隙を見て逢瀬を重ねるが、空気を読めない勝呂の発言に気分を害した上杉代議士に背中を押され怪我をしてしまう。 怪我を理由に、翌日の全員がバスにて向かう熊野古道の探訪を断ろうとする勝呂だが、上杉代議士の願いを断れず、本堂家の人々や沙羅医師たちと共に探訪に参加。そこでも上手く同行していた飛鳥を騙し2人きりになるが、再び悪戯心の芽生えた上杉代議士に背中を押された勢いで山道を転がり落ちてしまい、遠回りをして助けに来た彼女の手を借りてバスへと戻り休む事となり、仕方なく彼女はバスへ戻っていた飛鳥と共に散策する。
DOCTORS 最強の名医 2021新春スペシャル
Himiko Moriyama
Reiwa Taeko
Machiko Onodera
Risa Onodera, played by Miyazaki, had a groom runaway on the wedding day four years ago. Her father, Shusaku (Matsushige) and her mother, Machiko (Matsuzaka), built a large two-family house to live with their daughter and her new family. One day, Risa says that she has been proposed to, Shusaku is surprised to see that face. This is because Kotaro (Nagayama) was a former subordinate of his workplace and was now his boss. Although he wants to congratulate his daughter's marriage, Shusaku wonders if he can live with his boss. Where is the love between Risa and Kotaro? Can the two get married? Can Risa and Kotaro, Shusaku and Machiko become a family?
Twelve years ago Ikeda Toru was a skilled fisherman until he crossed paths with a storm while out fishing. He lost all of his memories from that time and now lives his days troubled, never going fishing. Unable to bear seeing Toru in such a state, his mother Nobuko puts into motion a plan intended to revive Toru's memories.
会社経営者の播磨和昌 と妻の薫子 は2人の子供を授かるが、現在は別居している。ある日、娘の瑞穂がプールで溺れて意識不明になり、医師に脳死と診断される。臓器提供を希望するか、このまま死を待つかの選択を迫られる夫婦は、悩んだ末に臓器提供を決意するが、薫子が一瞬だけ瑞穂の手が動いたのを見てそれを撤回する。和昌の会社が開発した最先端技術を駆使した延命治療が始まり、彼女は眠ったまま成長していくが……。
Bai Ling
1200年以上前、日本から遣唐使として中国・唐へ渡った若き天才僧侶・空海。 あるきっかけで知り合った白楽天という詩人との交流を深めていく中、世界最大の都・長安は、権力者が次々と奇妙な死を遂げるという、王朝を震撼させる怪事件に見舞われる。空海は、白楽天とともに一連の事件を探るうちに、約50年前に同じく唐に渡ったもう一人の日本人・阿倍仲麻呂の存在を知る。 仲麻呂が仕えた玄宗皇帝の時代、そこには国中を狂わせた絶世の美女、楊貴妃がいた。
After Isao has reached retirement, he receives a phone call from an ex- elementary school classmate Norio inviting him to a reunion. During the reunion, none of them can claim to have had a wonderful life since graduating from primary school and have their respective problems now. It leads them to rethink that their lives are far from over and that there is still hope for them even at this stage of their lives. They encounter many unexpected happenings during the journey which reminds them of the excitement they experienced as kids and find new hope in their bleak lives.
Misao Sasho
After Misao divorced, she moved to Vietnam. She has always admired the country. There, she works as a Japanese language teacher. She learns that her brother-in-law is taking her mother with Alzheimer's into a facility. Misao decides to take her mother to Vietnam instead. At first, her mother is uncomfortable adapting to life in a strange land. Her mother comes around though and embraces the warm people in Vietnam. One day, her mother is injured and Misao faces the reality in nursing her.
In the year 1926, Machiko Hasegawa is a 6-year-old child and lives in Fukuoka. She is a bright girl, who enjoys playing outdoors. At home, she loves to draw. Her father is a handsome mining engineer and he loves his family more than anything else. When Machiko is 14-years-old her father passes away. The rest of her family decides to move to Tokyo. Her mother than makes a quick decision and sends 15-year-old Machiko to manga artist Tagawa as his student. Machiko's life is peaceful, but the oncoming war makes things tense. Machiko's family moves back to Fukuoka. When the war is about to end, the local newspaper asks Machiko to publish a serial manga. Machiko has difficulties in coming up with an idea for the manga series and decides to go to the nearby Momochi Seaside Park. She watches the ocean and comes up with the idea for manga series "Sazae-san".
Set in Kyokuhoku Citizen Hospital in Hokkaido, Japan. "Kyokuhoku Rhapsody" follows the life of a young doctor for a one year period. Yoshio Imanaka works at the Kyokuhoku Hospital that is losing staff members and facing bankruptcy. During this difficult time, Yoshio Imanaka meets hairdresser Kozue Namiki and falls in love.
ギャノンを倒し、全ての魔戒騎士とヒトを救った黄金騎士・牙狼の称号を持つ魔戒騎士冴島鋼牙。そのために支払った代償は大きく、彼は大いなる力・ガジャリと契約し、生きて帰れる保証の無い『約束の地』から『嘆きの牙』を持ち帰る命を受け、いつ終わるとも知れぬ旅に出た。(牙狼〈GARO〉 〜MAKAISENKI〜を参照) 約束の地に降り立った瞬間、気を失った彼は愛用の魔法衣と魔導輪ザルバ、そして牙狼剣をも失ってしまう。気を取り直し約束の地を進む鋼牙。そんな彼の前に、この世界を支配するジュダムに捧げられる貢物であるメルが現れ、成り行きで彼女を救った鋼牙はこの世界が『モノ』の世界であることを知る。嘆きの牙を探すうち、鋼牙は次第にこの世界の真実を知り、ジュダムの野望を阻止するために戦うことを決意する。
Yoko Nishikawa
僕達急行 A列車で行こう
Minori Hokuto
A small, out-of-the-way izakaya in Tokyo has become the favorite hangout of people searching for nourishment…for their bodies and their souls. The proprietor of Izakaya Moheji is Heiji, played by Yutaka Mizutani, star of the popular AIBOU series. Izakaya Moheji is a place where regulars and strangers alike can find comfort and comfort food.
Pilot for a TV series. In the pilot Hiroshi Tachi is a lower ranked samurai investigating the the murder of Tanuma Okitsugu's son Mototomo by Sano Masakoto. Those events are a matter of history but the plot that Hiroshi unveils and is eventually killed for is fictional.
Shinko (Karin Aiba) is a high school student from Hamamatsu. Due to university admission pressures, she struggles with her mother. She hasn't really made conversation with her mom in a year. Shinko's friend Misato (Mayuu Kusakari) then recommends to her to join the school's calligraphy club. Shinko is impressed by Teacher Yatsushiro's (Kazuki Namioka) words. Teacher Yatsushiro is the one who takes care of the calligraphy club. Shinko decides to join the calligraphy club.
Tsune Inoshiyama
釣りバカ日誌20 ファイナル
黄金花 秘すれば花、死すれば蝶
Nursing home "Yuyoso". Many lonely old people live there, including botanist Taro Makiso, a physicist, an actor, a bar mom, and a chef. Maki has spent most of his life studying botany, and has lived without regard for entertainment, drinking, women, or everything else in the world. Then came my 80th birthday. He and a young staff member go digging for wild yam and find a mysterious golden flower. It was the flower of immortality, the "Golden Flower", which was said to bloom beside the Himalayan Virgin, which he had been looking for for many years. From that day onwards, fragments of memories from his youth, which he had intentionally sealed off in order to immerse himself in botany, surged into Maki in a whirlpool.
Midori Jinchoge
Fusaka Kubo
A film about family life in Osaka. Following the death of their father, three boys struggle to find their own identity with the help of their outgoing mother and weak-willed uncle.
未来予想図 ~ア・イ・シ・テ・ルのサイン~
Yoko Miyamoto
Sayaka Miyamoto (Nao Matsushita) and Keita Fukushima (Terunosuke Takezai) attend the same university and believe their love for each other will never end. However, as time goes by and they graduate, their future starts to part as they both begin moving forward to capture their own dreams. Now in the beautiful city of Barcelona, Spain, the former lovers cross paths once again.
ばんざい! / 監督・ばんざい!
Takeshi Kitano plays a version of himself in which he's a struggling director cycling through a number of different genres in an effort to complete his latest project.
Fumiko Kita
The life of Go master Wu Qingyuan from his meteoric rise as a child prodigy to fame and fortune as a revolutionary strategic thinker, as well as the tumultuous conflicts between his homeland of China and his adopted nation of Japan.
Takeko Inugami
悪: 完結編
Youji Himuro comes out of hiding and faces off against a powerful new foe from a rival dojo.
A former gangster gets released from prison and goes to work for a group of people. The leader of this group becomes his mentor and the fight to combat criminals and for world peace. The whole resulting in the wanted and are chased of all families mob in Japan. They may however be a little unexpected help from the police.
Dvorak's Symphony No. 9, "From the New World" wafts through a hospice recreation room. Sitting at the grand piano is a young girl, Chiori, with a prodigious ability to play any piece of music after one hearing. Keisuke Kisaragi whose career was abruptly cut short when he jumped in front of a bullet fired by a crazed gunman. The nerves in one hand were severed but he saved the life of Chiori. The tragic incident takes the lives of Chiori's parents, however, and Keisuke becomes her guardian. Not long after their return to Japan, Keisuke discovers Chiori's musical gift.
Colour Blossoms
Madam Umeki
A real estate agent is drawn into a torrid - and sadomasochistic - relationship with a morose, stunningly beautiful Japanese photographer. The two cavort in a luxurious apartment owned by an elegant upper-crust Japanese lady, crossing paths with an infatuated policeman, a mysterious Korean woman, and an increasingly tangled web of violence, criss-crossing passions, and lurid, unchecked desires.
In 1838, the prisoners on Hachijo Island represent the furthest extreme of Japanese society. Instead of execution, they have been forced to eke out a dismal existence on the island, without help or support of any kind from those back on the main four islands.
Noriko Yamada
The housewife and part-time private detective Noriko Yamada plays her old tricks again, uncovering mysterious corruption cases. But this time she will solve it adopting the style of "Beatrix Kiddo" from Kill Bill.
Setsuko Ishida
A young boy, Masahiko Sakurai, grows up in Nagasaki where he sees the clear blue ocean everyday. His mother wants him to be a violinist. To make her dream come true, Masahiko goes to Tokyo to learn the violin, and stays with his aunt, Setsuko, in Kamakura near Tokyo. Director Mitsutoshi Tanaka's adaptation of Masashi Sada's novel of the same name received the 21st Japanese Cinema Reconstruction and Promotion Award and the 46th Blue Ribbon Award for Best Supporting Actor.
Noriko Yamada
Noriko Yamada is a housewife and mother of five children, she and her husband go through an economic crisis that causes them to have problems with the bank. But while looking for work will Hitoshi befriending Hibino, president of "K & D Research" a detective agency. This will give you the opportunity to spend a trial investigating an infidelity. So get to be a part-time detective Noriko.
Natsui Sumie
Inako Natsui is a quiet, modern girl working in a laboratory and living a closed and somewhat monotonous life in a small town. From time to time she goes to nearby to visit her lonely mother Wakayama who has been a widow for the past seventeen years. The girl's relatives, particularly Aunt Sadako and Uncle Shuhei, the local mayor's deputy, plan to introduce her to a suitable young man, but Inako has no real desire to get married. She is more interested in the hot mineral springs from where she takes her laboratory specimens. This all changes when she meets Mr Tamamiza, a young divorced man who's been left with a little boy. Her relatives are decidedly against the match. The girl falls in love with the man without realizing that she will encounter a painful conflict between her family and providence, as unexpectedly as the spring which gushes out from the geological fold, driven to the surface by mysterious subterranean forces.
Terue Katakuri
The Katakuri family has just opened their guest house in the mountains. Unfortunately their first guest commits suicide and in order to avoid trouble they decide to bury him in the backyard. Things get way more complicated when their second guest, a famous sumo wrestler, dies while having sex with his underage girlfriend and the grave behind the house starts to fill up more and more.
The Making Of The Katakuris
In this contemporary documentary, the cast and the crew share their experiences of making the film.
さくや 妖怪伝
Queen of ground spider
The eruption of Mt. Fuji in 1707 released hordes of demons from deep inside the earth. Sakuya, the young daughter of a samurai killed fighting these demons, accepts a mission to travel to Mt. Fuji and defeat the evil spirits. Accompanying her on her journey are two veteran warriors who served her father, and Tarō, a young kappa, or river spirit, whom she has adopted as her little brother. Along the way, the two warriors have doubts about Tarō’s loyalties, and the young kappa himself must decide if he will stand with his own species or with the humans who have cared for him.
An unhappy housewife regains her passion for life by taking over a failing bath house.
虹をつかむ男 南国奮斗篇
新 居酒屋ゆうれい
 後妻と居酒屋を営む壮太郎の前に、死んだ女房が幽霊となって現れた。さらに前妻そっくりの女性まで現れて……。前作とは内容・キャスト共に大きく変更されている。ビデオタイトルは『新 居酒屋ゆうれい あの世の女房VSこの世の女房』。
Mrs. Tamura
A middle-aged journalist looking to make her big break. After working the same beat on the "women's page", Yumiko gets promoted to editorials.
男はつらいよ 寅次郎の縁談
A successful office lady, who has made herself sexually available to a doctor, has her routine disrupted when her former boyfriend's son appears in her life. She is not connected to the boy, but his father has been in an accident.
Miho and Toshio, putting their children and household at stake, duel for control in their degrading, middle-aged marriage.
Water Moon
As the monk Ryuun, whose past and origin make him prone to internal and external fits, leaves the temple towards Tokyo, he gets to catch a glimpse of enlightenment resonating with the blind Kanoko.
Sumako Matsui
Set in the Taisho era, which might be regarded as Japan's Hippie Phase, Hana no ran is a story about fashionable people without impulse control. Much of the action centers on a popular woman writer, the real-life poet Akiko Yosano, and her experiences among the literati of early 20th century Japan. Because of her independent, anti-war and often erotic poetry, she was a lightning rod for revolutionaries and other extremists, many of whom were destined to glamorous, yet ultimately pointless, deaths. The closest parallels might be the Byron/Shelley group or the people drawn to the Beat Generation.
Katsuyo plans her last gang robbery.
Rising from the lowliest of country samurai to the heights of power as Taiko, Toyotomi Hideyoshi is one of the pivotal figures of the Sengoku period.
Heartbroken Ukiko takes refuge with a relative after a devastating breakup. While away, she makes a dangerous match with the husband of her frigid cousin.
必殺!III 裏か表か
Tokuko Tanayoshi
Japanese comedy film.
Madoka Hatano (Madonna)
Set in the 1930s in the international city of Shanghai, the film follows the extravagant life and times of a group of jazz musicians, living from one advance paycheck to the next, as the country teeters over the brink into the Second Sino-Japanese War.
Yoriko Tsutano
Princess Fuse (voice)
かつて素藤の父に輿入れし蟇田領で酒池肉林と暴虐の限りを尽くした玉梓 (たまづさ) は、里見家に討ち滅ぼされた怨念を晴らすために妖怪の首領として蘇えり、息子の蟇田素藤 (ひきたもとふじ) と家来に命じ、里見家の館山城に攻め入った。里見家は滅ぼされ、静姫と一部の家来は生き延びるが、玉梓の追手が迫ってくる。伏姫の体から飛び散った、仁・義・礼・智・忠・信・孝・悌の各字を刻んだ八つの霊玉を持った八剣士は、それぞれの立場で生きていた。やがて彼らは運命に導かれ、静姫のもとに集まり、玉梓の野望を砕くため、戦いを挑む。
Adaptation of Shiro Ozaki's novel.
男はつらいよ 浪花の恋の寅次郎
Fumi Hamada
Tae Ibuki
The story of Shinsuke, a young man who lives through a stormy life as a poverty-stricken coal miner. Ranging from Shinsuke's infanthood to his mid-teens. Coal workers and the mines dominate nearly every aspect of his life. Shinsuke's father a group leader at the mine, dies while bravely using dynamite to rescue a group of trapped Korean miners. Several older men attempt to help he and his mother cope, including a friendly Harley-riding yakuza boss. This movie has it all, drama, romance, sex, yakuza and violence! It is based on a story by Hiroyuki Itsuki that was originally serialized in the magazine Shukan Gendai in 1969-70.
Yuko Katagiri
A tragic love story between a prostitute and a young trainee monk.
An epic drama about Nichiren's life. Nichiren was a Buddhist monk who lived for 60 years during the Kamakura period (1185-1333) in Japan. Nichiren taught devotion to the Lotus Sutra as the exclusive means to attain enlightenment. Because of his devout belief, Nichiren is met with opposition throught his travels, with life on the line, can Nichiren accomplish his goal?
Kumokiri Nizaemon, a former samurai warrior, has abandoned his class to become the leader of a gang of thieves. He leads his outlaws in an attempt to rob the castle of his former clan.
Hatsuko Sakai
The body of Sakai Hatsuko, a woman of 23 who has been slain with a knife, has been found in a forest. Some days later, Ueda Hiroshi, a 19-year-old shipyard worker, is arrested and charged with the murder. At Ueda's trial, a complex story unfolds.
1977 Shochiku adaptation of Natsume Soseki's novel.
Japanese crime film.
The film follows the story of Sugi Toranosuke, a ronin, who returns to his home town of Edo many years after his attempted suicide as a sickly child. Rescued and adopted by a master swordsman, he has grown into a master swordsman and a very kind gentleman. The time is around 1868 the year that the nails were finally put into the coffin containing the feudal system that nurtured and sustained the samurai. Sugi is confused and unsure about what is happening but his teacher wants him out of the chaos of the multiple power struggles between the various clans.
Kazue Sato
When his pistol is stolen, police detective Murakami is humiliated, especially when the gun is later implicated in a crime. Working with his superior, Chief Detective Sato, Murakami works feverishly to trace the location of his pistol, ultimately clashing with a gang of youthful Okinawans.
In Part I we see the young would-be swordsman setting out to achieve greatness in war, achieving nothing because fighting on the losing side, & then beginning his long period of wandering & training, with the goal always in mind of his duel with Kojiro. Part II builds toward that great duel on Ganryu Island, with considerable focus on Musashi's planning & forethought as to how to gain an advantage.
Maki Tamiya
About a girl who marries in the middle of the Pacific War, is widowed at 18, and her unflagging struggle to survive during and after the war with her son.
A ryokan maid is on trial for pushing a familiar guest off a cliff to his death. An eager attorney offers to take the case to gain notoriety.
A 16-year-old girl works in a factory to pay her late father’s debt. When she makes up her mind to become a hostess, a boy approaches her with kind and gentle manners...(Also occasionally known in English as “Play”)
Tetsuko (Eiko Yanami), a high school student, one day, forces Tsuneo, (Kei Wakakura), the brightest boy in her school, to make love to her after school is out and they are caught by the old school janitor. Tsuneo's mother, orders Tetsuko to pay for what she did to her son but Tetsuko blackmails her instead, saying that she is ready to inform a news company of what has happened to Tsuneo and receives one million yen hush money. Expelled from school, she comes to Tokyo, intending to take a round-the-world trip. But Sankichi (Yoshihiko Aoyama), a jack-of-all-trades, cheats her. So, she makes up her mind to catch him and get back her money.