Masahiro Motoki
出生 : 1965-12-21,
Masahiro Motoki (本木雅弘 Motoki Masahiro, born December 21, 1965 in Okegawa, Japan) is a Japanese actor. He portrayed protagonist Daigo Kobayashi in Departures, which won the 81st Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film. His performance earned him the Award for Best Actor at the 2009 Asia Pacific Screen Awards, at the 3rd Asian Film Awards and at the 32nd Japan Academy Prize.
An eight-hour fiction shot for a total of twenty-seven weeks, over a period of fourteen months, in a village population forty-seven in the mountains of Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. It is a geographic description of the work and non-work of a farmer. A portrait, over five seasons, of a family, of a terrain, of a soundscape, and of duration itself. A film-as-adaptive-landscape. A georgic in five books.
The novelist Shiga Naoya lives with his wife Haruko and their 4-year-old daughter Saeko. He is paranoid about Saeko’s health, making her wear heavy clothes even in summer in order to prevent her from catching a cold. Their child before Saeko died due to an epidemic, and he believes thorough enforcement is a natural consequence. In 1918, the Spanish flu reaches Japan. As the number of infected people grows, Shiga starts to suspect their servant Ishi might have gone to watch a travelling entertainment troupe’s performance which drew a great number of villagers. It is something Ishi is likely to do. But when Shiga questions her, she says that she did not go. However, she makes him have misgivings on a regular basis and he decides to take this opportunity to make her quit. An uproar ensues. Shiga feels that he has become a tyrant and refrains from kicking her out but he loses all reason and faith in humanity amid the pandemic…
Sachio Kinugasa
Emperor Showa
Daigo Kobayashi
プロのチェロ奏者として東京の管弦楽団に職を得た小林大悟。しかし、ある日突然楽団が解散し、夢を諦め、妻の美香とともに田舎の山形県酒田市へ帰ることにする。 就職先を探していた大悟は、新聞で「旅のお手伝い」と書かれたNKエージェントの求人広告を見つける。てっきり旅行代理店の求人と思い込み「高給保障」や「実労時間僅か」などの条件にも惹かれた大悟は面接へと向かう。面接した社長は履歴書もろくに見ず「うちでどっぷり働ける?」の質問だけで即「採用」と告げ、名刺まで作らせる。大悟はその業務内容が納棺(=No-Kan)と知り困惑するが、強引な社長に押し切られる形で就職することになる。しかし妻には「冠婚葬祭関係」としか言えず、結婚式場に就職したものと勘違いされてしまう。
Naoki Mizushima
Snake (voice)
Hidemi Ozaki
A foreign spy using the Sorge alias is assigned to Tokyo the capital of Japan just prior to the outbreak of World War II and in the midst of the Japanese imperial ambitions in Eastern Asia. The spy becomes acquainted with a sympathetic communist who like he is attached to the ideals of freedom and rule of the masses. Sorge is able to feed the Soviet Union useful information regarding the Axis allies and their movements in Asia and beyond.
Musashi Miyamoto
The legendary duel between Miyamoto Musashi and Sasaki Kojiro on Ganryu Island is brought to life in a way never before seen. The vile Musashi has raped a farm girl and commandeered a boat for his trip to the island.
Black Jack
Matsuzaki, who gets critically injured after a sketchy deal, is taken by his girlfriend to a church where it is rumored that miracles happen. There, they find strange twins named Pinoko. With Pinoko's guidance, Matsuzaki is saved by a genius surgeon, BJ, in exchange for exorbitant fees. However, Matsuzaki is captured by the police. Meanwhile, Reiko, a female detective who pursues Matsuzaki and other organizations, tries to solve a mystery by conducting an independent investigation. It turns out Matsuzaki was found dead.
Yukio Daitokuji
Wada, a salary man, is enlisted to venture off to China to investigate a potential Jade mine. After his arrival, Wada encounters a violent, yet sentimental, yakuza, who takes the liberty of joining his adventure through China. Led on their long and disastrous journey to the mine by Shen, the three men come across something even more magical and enticing.
Hiroo Terada
Hiromasa Kimoto
ボタン会社の経理課課長として、優しい妻やちょっぴり生意気だが可愛い一人娘にも恵まれ、念願だった一軒家も手に入れて、仕事や家庭に何の不満もない杉山正平。しかし、彼には満ち足りない何かがあった。正平は、ある日の会社の帰り、電車の中から見えるダンス教室の窓に、物憂げに佇むひとりの女性岸川舞を見つける。その美しさに目を奪われた彼は、数日後、そのダンス教室を訪れ社交ダンスを習い始めることに。 ほんの「スケベ心」から、家族にも会社にも内緒でダンスを習い始めた正平であったが、社交ダンスの魅力と会社の同僚青木富夫やプライドの高い高橋豊子、有閑マダム然としたたまこ先生といった個性的な仲間との交流を通じて純粋にダンスにのめり込んでいく。また、ある事件から最初は正平に心を閉ざしていた舞であったが、正平のダンスへのひたむきな姿を見るうちに、だんだんと心を開いてゆき、自らの心の傷も癒えることを覚える。一方、正平の妻は急に帰宅が遅くなったことに、浮気しているのではと心配し探偵を雇い正平の身辺調査を始める。 舞らの後押しで正平は豊子とペアを組んで東関東アマチュアスポーツダンス大会に出場することとなり、観衆の前で猛特訓の成果を披露することとなるのだが…。
Junichi Mitsuya
Kogoro Akechi
Edogawa Rampo is a writer whose latest work is censored by the government, deemed too disturbing and injurious to the public to be allowed to be published. However, after burning his drafts, his publisher shows him a newspaper with an account of events just like his forbidden story. As the film progresses, fantasy and reality intermingle in a tale that draws heavily on influences from Poe and Stoker's Dracula. The film's strongly Expressionistic direction skillfully combines a variety of media (animation, computer-generated imagery, grainy black-and-white fast film stock, color negatives) for artistic effect.
This suave lad triple books himself for christmas dates.
A black comedy about a former Rock'n'Roll singer, who becomes the mayor of Tokyo.
Shuhei Yamamoto
Remade in Korea as Going by the Book.
Ichitaro Kosugi
Rin Jyoshima lost her father to death-by-gambling; years later, she's grown up in the Kosugi household and has fallen victim to gambling herself.
Youngsters find work as part-time festival street vendors and flourish in work, friendship and love.
Shiono Yohei
Takeo Youki
Actress Moeko comes to Singapore to look for Kariya, the man she loves. She checks in at Raffles Hotel and finds out that he lives in a big house with his wife and children. In the darkness, Moeko suddenly stands in front of Kariya with a camera in her hands. The shutter's sound resounds through the room. When it fades away, Moeko has vanished...
Shuji Sayama
軒上泊の同名小説の映画化作品である。 元・法務教官という経歴を持つアマチュアのオプ(探偵)。“べっぴん”亜紀子から依頼された家出娘の捜索から、殺人事件にまで巻き込まれてゆく。 神戸(一部、芦屋市や横浜市でのロケもあり)を舞台にハードボイルドタッチで描くミステリー。背景の様々な場面に阪神・淡路大震災以前の神戸の風景が収められており、現在では見ることの出来ない建物や風景を伺い知ることが出来る。
Hisashi Kono
国際連盟を脱退し国際的に孤立していた日本は、国内でも政治不安、恐慌や経済不況が蔓延し国民の不満が高まっていた。 こうした状況を憂い憤っていた一部の帝国陸軍青年将校達はひそかに企てていた現政権を取り巻く元老、重臣を粛清し天皇陛下中心の国政を実現すべく昭和維新を実現すべく昭和8年2月21日ついにそれぞれの部隊を巻き込んで決起するが、国民を正義に導くはずの彼らの行動は次第にその思惑とはかけ離れた方向に陥っていく。
Film about a pirate radio station.
Rei Kazama
The story of friendship, love and sportsmanship among high-school students.
Three high school boys leave their dormitory and go to a resort and fall in love.
Soon after the break of the pandemic and realizing that his clock is ticking, Kristofer gets the urge to embark on a journey to try to find out what really happened when his Japanese girlfriend mysteriously vanished without a trace from London fifty years earlier.