Shinji Wada


Set in Uzumasa, Kyoto, Shoji Hyakkan lives with his wife and kid happily. He then begins to build a house held together by magnets. One night, Koji steals and kills a cow, to use its cowhide as decoration wall material for his magnet house. By chance, Police Officer Kobayakawa happens to see what Shoji Hyakkan is doing. Police Officer Kobayakawa then offers Shoji a deal. (c) Asianwiki
Shoji Hyakkan
Set in Uzumasa, Kyoto, Shoji Hyakkan lives with his wife and kid happily. He then begins to build a house held together by magnets. One night, Koji steals and kills a cow, to use its cowhide as decoration wall material for his magnet house. By chance, Police Officer Kobayakawa happens to see what Shoji Hyakkan is doing. Police Officer Kobayakawa then offers Shoji a deal. (c) Asianwiki
スケバン刑事 コードネーム=麻宮サキ
Recruited by a clandestine police organization, "K" must stop a plot by student radicals to create anarchy in Japan. Armed with a hi-tech steel yo-yo, and a new name (Asamiya Saki), she must infiltrate an elite high school to find the terrorists but finds an even more sinister plan is about to unfold.
Original Series Creator
Saki Asamiya is given a chance to delay her mother's execution by working as an undercover cop and infiltrating Takanoha High School to investigate some mysterious deaths among the student body. Once there, she comes face-to-face with the powerful Mizuchi sisters, who moved in and have taken control after her previous expulsion.
スケバン刑事 風間三姉妹の逆襲
Original Story
初代は囚われの母のために戦った。二代目は青春を奪い去った鉄仮面の謎に挑んだ。そして三代目は二人の姉と共に凶星輝く邪悪な時代に立ち向かった── 警察が介入できない学生たちの取締りを強化するために組織された青少年治安局。関根蔵人を中心とする学生刑事たちは、正義の名の下に強引な粛清を繰り返す。暗闇司令の指示で学生刑事に加わっていた唯は、リーダー・阿川瞳子と対立、故郷、九州に帰ってしまう。しかし、青少年治安局の真の目的は国家に対する無差別テロだった。結花が、由真が、そして暗闇司令までもが関根蔵人に捕らえられた。唯は今、最大の敵に立ち向かう。
Yo-yo seller
Original Story