Takako Tokiwa

Takako Tokiwa

出生 : 1972-04-30, Yokohama, Japan


Takako Tokiwa (常盤 貴子 Tokiwa Takako, born 30 April 1972 in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture) is a Japanese actress. Tokiwa was nominated for the "Best Actress" award at the Japanese Academy Awards in 2005 for her performance in Akai Tsuki. She co-starred with Hidetoshi Nishijima in Amir Naderi's 2011 film Cut.


Takako Tokiwa
Takako Tokiwa


The film delicately portrays a young girl who struggles with the sudden discovery of juvenile breast cancer and her complicated relationship with her mother.
続 遙かなる山の呼び声
北海道の刑務所から森山耕作(阿部寛)が仮出所する。刑務官に一礼した耕作は、近くに停められた車に近づく。運転席では一人のなぞの女性・加奈(真飛聖)が待っていた…。 一方、中標津の牧場では、風見民子(常盤貴子)の元を叔母の鈴江(高畑淳子)が訪れ、民子のひとり息子・武志(佐藤優太郎)の変調を嘆いていた。5年前、目の前で耕作が逮捕される経験をした武志は、すっかり内向的な性格になってしまい、ピアノばかりにのめりこむ風変わりな少年になっていた。さらにそこへ虻田(筧利夫)がやって来て、中学校の音楽教師・西川(藤井隆)が風見家へ頻繁に出入りしていることへの懸念を訴える。そして虻田は民子に、耕作が出所したことを知らせる。刑務所に手紙を送っても一向に返事が来ないため耕作を忘れようとしていた民子。その心にはにわかにさざ波が立ち…。
おとなの事情 スマホをのぞいたら
Kaoru Sonoyama
ある出来事をきっかけに結びついた3組の夫婦とひとりの独身男性。彼らは年に一回集まって友情を育んでいた。ところがある参加者の発言がきっかけで「スマホに届くメールと電話のすべてを全員に公開する」ゲームを始めることに。後ろめたいことは何もないと言いながらも全員がスマホが鳴らないことを祈っている。なぜなら、そこにいる誰もが“絶対に知られたくない秘密”を抱えていたから! スマホに着信があるたびにパーティは修羅場と化していき、7人は想像もしなかった“決断”を迫られる!
Tatsuya Nakadai, the world’s greatest living actor, returns to the screen in a brilliant adaptation of a story by novelist Shuhei Fujisawa. A traveling gambler known as “Funeral Uno” he is now 86 years old and returning to his hometown for the first time in 30 years. Partly told in flashbacks, he is forced to face his lifelong nemesis, Boss Kyuzo, a vile yakuza portrayed by another superstar of samurai cinema, Atsuo Nakamura! Before the two old gamblers can settle a 30-year-old score they must put their lives on the line in a game of dice that can only lead to a bloody sword duel the likes of which has never before been seen! Superb performances all around in a film loaded with surprises and exciting swordplay!
Yuriko Tachibana
『海辺の映画館―キネマの玉手箱』(うみべのえいがかん―キネマのたまてばこ)は、2020年7月31日公開の日本映画。大林宣彦監督作品[6]。尾道の映画館で日本の戦争映画特集を観ていた戦争を知らない若者3人がスクリーンの世界へとタイムスリップし、明治維新から第二次世界大戦までの戦争を体験し映画のヒロインたちがその犠牲となる姿を目撃して、原爆投下前夜の広島で出会った原爆の犠牲となる定めの移動劇団「桜隊」の運命を変えるべく尽力する姿を、モノクロ、サイレント、ミュージカル、時代劇、アクションなどさまざまな映画の表現や様式を総動員して描く。映倫区分はPG12。 2020年4月10日に肺がんのため逝去した大林宣彦監督の遺作となった。
Yoshiko Takano
The film is about poor children and 'The Kids' Diner', a place where they can go to get free or cheap food.
Tamiko Kazami
A Distant Cry from Spring (TV Movies)
夕凪の街 桜の国2018
Nanami Ishikawa
Nanami Ishikawa works as an editor at a publishing company. She travels Hiroshima to go after her father Asahi who left home. During her visit to Hiroshima, she learns about the tragic story of Asahi's older sister Minami Hirano. When Minami Hirano was 13 years old, she was exposed to radiation by an atomic bomb.
ドラマSP 松本清張「鬼畜」
Keiko Ema
Sayoko Oyomi
In 2013, Takako (Takako Tokiwa) looks back upon her youth. In 1983, she was a high school student who spent a lot of time in the theater with her friends. Recalling her past of 1983, she goes back to her hometown.
Masako Wada
After the end of the second world war, Fred Wada Isamu (Osawa), an American of Japanese descent who runs a fruit and vegetable shop in Los Angeles. One day, Wada sees a newspaper article on the search for someone of Japanese descent who can look after Japanese athletes coming to the United States to compete in the national swimming championship, and offers his family. Several months later, Kiyokawa (Mitsuishi), the Japanese swimming team’s coach, and the swimmers Hashizume (Katsuji), Furubashi (Nakao) and others arrive in the United States. The Japanese swimming team breaks one world record after another and sets nine world records. It is joyous news for Japan. Several years later, Wada and his wife receive a phone call from Tabata Masaji (Nishida Toshiyuki), the chairman of the Japanese Swimming Federation and general secretary of the Japanese Olympic Committee. Tabata says he would like some form of help from Wada in their bid for the Tokyo Olympics...
Yukichi Matsumoto's 2013 stage adaptation of Shuji Terayama's "Lemmings". Two cooks share a room, one of which talks with his mother's head: it lives beneath their tatami mats. On the other side of their room's wall, lives a wife who desperately cares for her feverish husband. As more and more walls are tore down movie studios, hospitals and prisons are revealed, destroying the physical boundaries between their boarding house and the city.
Shizuru Tamai (Takako Tokiwa) lives in a small mountain town in rural Japan with her mother and grandmother. Her grandmother is partially unable to move, and Shizuru has to care for her with her mother, who tries to keep Shizuru shackled at every opportunity. Shizuru’s days are filled with endless monotony. She works as a receptionist at her former classmate’s hospital, and one day goes to buy picture books for the waiting room. It’s then that she recalls a book from her childhood ‘The Pierrot Prays to the Moon’. Wanting to read the book again, Shizuru finds it on an online auction site. Once it finally arrives and she begins to read it, a small slip of paper gently falls from its pages. On the paper are what appear to be instructions for a recipe. The recipe prompts Shizuru to contact Tobuse (Shosuke Tanihara), the man who sent her the book.
Dirty Hearts
In 1945, Japan surrendered to the United States and the Second World War was over. Right? Wrong. For eighty percent of the Japanese community in Brazil, Japan had won the war and defeat was nothing more than American propaganda. The few immigrants that accepted the truth were persecuted. Some were hunted down and assassinated - by their own countrymen - causing the start of a new, private war. Dirty Hearts is a thriller and love story told by the wife of one of the fanatics dedicated to preach Japanese victory. Little by little, she watches her husband, a hard-working immigrant, become an assassin and their love story fade away.
忠臣蔵 その義その愛
Chuushingura from the perspective of Horibe Yasubee.
Eriko Kiryu
A woman (Takako Tokiwa) risks her life to exact revenge for her murdered lover.
Mai Kubota
A radio DJ, Mai starts a new program called, "Love Letters from the Drawer" to assist people who need an extra push to send out their simple yet very important message for their loved ones. The show was inspired by her own experience after reading a letter from her father after he died. Through her radio show, various characters come to light as everyone awaits for a miracle to happen. A miracle which can occur only by them expressing their true feelings... The movie is full of emotions and music plays an important part of it. It has a great cast that represent the many faces of love. Parents, sons, lovers, and friends. The movie takes you to several locations within Japan, you can get a look at the beautiful coast and shrine, as well as the city sights
20世紀少年 ぼくらの旗
20世紀少年 第2章 最後の希望
20世紀少年 -第1章- 終わりの始まり
今から109年前の明治32年。役者兼演出家兼プロデューサー兼劇団主宰者の川上音二郎は、妻の貞奴や劇団員を連れてアメリカ巡業の旅に出る。 言葉の通じない異国での公演は悪戦苦闘の連続。挙句に悪徳マネージャーに金を持ち逃げされ、まさに踏んだりけったり。ボロボロの状態でたどり着いたボストンの街で、音二郎が目にしたのは、イギリスの名優ヘンリー・アーヴィングが演じる「ヴェニスの商人」。 大入り満員の客席に、音二郎は決意する。「よし俺たちもこれをやろう!」 そして彼らは、なんとたった一晩の稽古で、日本版「ヴェニスの商人」をでっち上げてしまう。観客はどうせ外国人だからと、台詞もデタラメ。言葉に詰まったら「スチャラカポコポコ」で切り抜けようという、はっきり言って無茶苦茶な公演。音二郎一座、起死回生のこの舞台、果たして成功するのか?
Miho Sekiguchi
After the unexpected death of her husband a new life begins for Toshiko. 30 years of a happy marriage seem to suddenly vanish as she finds out that her husband had lived a double life. Struggling between her anger and the chance to begin a new chapter for herself, she finds her life moving into unchartered waters as she faces her 60th birthday.
ブレイブ ストーリー
Cutts (voice)
Yoriko Kuzuhara
星になった少年 Shining Boy & Little Randy
Sario Ogawa
Namiko Morita
Namiko Morita, who lived in Otaru, moved to this area with her husband, Yutaro, and opened the brewery "Morita Brewery". Eventually, they succeeded in this business and lived happily while raising three children. However, in August 1945, the situation changed completely due to the Soviet invasion of Manchuria.
A James Brown fanatic gangster decided to disband his own gang and see his long lost daughter before entering prison. Hoping to change his mind, his underlings planned to kidnap James Brown to convince him to perform privately for their boss.
A Fighter's Blues
Sister Mioko
After a 13-year imprisonment in Hong Kong, a kickboxer challenges the current champion in order to restore his honor.
Moonlight Express
Hitomi Kawamura
On the eve of her wedding, Hitomi loses her fiance Tatsuya to a car accident. She travels to Hong Kong seeking solace and meets undercover cop Karbo — a dead ringer for Tatsuya. The duo is forced to take it on the lam when a corrupt colleague frames Karbo, and Hitomi soon finds herself torn between her love for Tatsuya and her blossoming feelings for her fellow fugitive.
A short drama that depicts the world of Edogawa Rampo's popular novels filled with the bizarre and fantastic in an omnibus format. This omnibus drama includes "The Kiss," "The Human Chair," "The Girl in the Locked Room," and "The Cliff," all based on Rampo's original stories, as well as the program's original "Contemporary Arc".
An office lady (Yasuko Tomita) who has a bitter memory of Christmas Eve breaks up with her affair partner (Shoji Sadaoka) and finds a new love.