Emi Shinohara
出生 : 1963-08-08, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan
Emi Shinohara (born Emiko Shinohara on August 8, 1963) is a Japanese voice actress employed by 81 Produce. She was born in Fukushima Prefecture and raised in Nagano. She is married to tokusatsu actor Hiroshi Watari. She's known for playing Sailor Jupiter in the original Sailor Moon anime.
Daisy's mother (voice)
──あいしてるってなんですか? かつて自分に愛を教え、与えようとしてくれた、大切な人。会いたくても会えない。永遠に。手を離してしまった、大切な大切な人。 代筆業に従事する彼女の名は、〈ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン〉。 幼い頃から兵士として戦い、心を育む機会が与えられなかった彼女は、 大切な上官〈ギルベルト・ブーゲンビリア〉が残した言葉が理解できなかった。 ──心から、愛してる。 人々に深い傷を負わせた戦争が終結して数年。 新しい技術の開発によって生活は変わり、人々は前を向いて進んでいこうとしていた。 しかし、ヴァイオレットはどこかでギルベルトが生きていることを信じ、ただ彼を想う日々を過ごす。 ──親愛なるギルベルト少佐。また今日も少佐のことを思い出してしまいました。 ヴァイオレットの強い願いは、静かに夜の闇に溶けていく。 ギルベルトの母親の月命日に、 ヴァイオレットは彼の代わりを担うかのように花を手向けていた。 ある日、彼の兄・ディートフリート大佐と鉢合わせる。 ディートフリートは、ギルベルトのことはもう忘れるべきだと訴えるが、 ヴァイオレットはまっすぐ答えるだけだった。「忘れることは、できません」と。 そんな折、ヴァイオレットへ依頼の電話がかかってくる。依頼人はユリスという少年。 一方、郵便社の倉庫で一通の宛先不明の手紙が見つかり……。
Mirai's Mother (voice)
Kushina Uzumaki (voice)
This OVA includes 3 episodes featuring Hello Kitty's pet kitten, Charmmy Kitty: Fairy Kitty and the Magical Key Necklace, Charmmy & Friends, and Charmmy Kitty in Wonderland. Each OVA contains 4-5 short stories.
Giriamu (voice)
Bakuryuu Pteranodon
The team-up between Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger and Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger.
Bakuryuu Pteradon (voice)
The main theatrical release of Bakuryu Sentai Abaranger. This easily fits in between the events of episodes 21 and 22 of Abaranger as this is after Burstosaur Ankyloveilus's introduction, but before AbareKiller kidnaps Burstosaur Bachycelonagurus and Burstosaur Dimenokodon.
Charlotte Elbourne (voice)
「貴族」マイエル=リンクが、都の名門エルバーン家の少女シャーロットを拉致する事件が発生した。エルバーン家は、"D"に加え、「貴族」たちでさえ恐れる凄腕のハンター一味・マーカス兄妹にもシャーロットの救出を依頼した。 "D"、マーカス兄妹、マイエル=リンクと彼が雇った怪物の用心棒「バルバロイの民」が入り乱れての追跡行の行きつく先、最終決戦の場は、悪名高い女「貴族」カーミラの居城であった。
Kaho Mizuki
Kousaka Natsumi (voice)
Tachibana Shizuka
Tsunami is an ancient gaurdian fom days long ago when the Mother Spirit created Daemons and Gaurdians to aid a fledgling human race. Tsunami becomes involved with a woman who has just lost her fiance and her arm and now wants to figure out why this has happened.Meanwhile the Daemon leader is still alive and plotting to enslave mankind. Will Tsunami defend earth once again or be corrupted as two other gaurdians have been by the Daemon leader...
Ellen (voice)
Eri Ochiai (voice)
Arashi Kishyuu
Makoto Kino / Sailor Jupiter
A short movie based on the "Sailor Moon" TV series and movies about Ami rivaling with a boy she hasn't met nicknamed "Mercurius" who consistently ties with her for perfect scores on exams. When a spirit named Bonnone attacks her, Ami assumes it's Mercurius, but Usagi (Sailor Moon) knows otherwise.
Makoto Kino / Sailor Jupiter (voice)
Makoto Kino / Sailor Jupiter (voice)
As the nations of the world begin to merge, world peace is threatened by the private armies of individual corporations. The Kuryu Group has just discovered a weapon that will tip world power in their favor. The Genocyber: a nightmarish combination of cybernetics and psychic potential. Many desire to control this monstrosity, but can its hatred be contained... Battle erupts, and the cyberpunk world of the future is about to explode with violence.
Sara Kannazuki (voice)
Ushio is a freediver with strange powers. He and his friends are at a tropical land in search of a rare fish, the Blue Butterfly. This pursuit leads them to Ayuuru, a local girl who might know where to find the legendary fish.
Makoto/ Sailor Jupiter
Interactive Teribikko quiz video in which the Sensei battle a Daimon named "Quiz".
Mokuren (voice)
Alice is a Japanese schoolgirl who has never thought much about the past... that is, until her classmates, Jinpachi and Issei, tell her that they've been sharing the same vivid dreams ever since they were in junior high school. In the dreams, Jinpachi and Issei, plus five other scientists, are on some sort of base or research station on the moon. The seven of them are involved in some kind of work observing the Earth, collecting data. Alice doesn't think anything of it... until she has the same dream.
Sailor Jupiter/ Makoto Kino
Usagi and Chibiusa overhear two girls talking about the Sailor Senshi and Tuxedo Mask. Humorously, as the girls discuss which is the smartest, most elegant, strongest, and the leader of the Senshi, Usagi claims those titles for herself. Chibiusa shakes her head at Usagi's delusion.
Makoto Kino / Sailor Jupiter (voice)
Isabelle (voice)
A naïve young girl accidentally modifies her brother's secret superhero uniform and becomes the unwilling superheroine Moldiver.
Elizabeth (voice)
Rem is an ordinary woman in our world but, in the world of dreams, she becomes a dream warrior, defending humanity from the evils there. When dream demons reach the waking world, she fights them with the help of her pets which transform into a tiger and wolf.
Youko Mitsurugi (voice)
Fleeing from his own race, Orgun—an alien being with superhuman abilities and unearthly weapons—travels to Earth to find an answer to his origin. There, he bonds with a young man named Tomoru to defend Earth against the Evoluders, who seek nothing but destruction of other civilizations.
Stephanie (voice)
Based on the gag manga by Hisashi Eguchi. Originally released as a feature part of Studio Pierrot's video magazine show Anime V Comic Rentaman (アニメ・V・コミック レンタマン) along with Abashiri Ikka, Yumemakura Baku Twilight Gekijou and Akai Hayate.
Kekkô Kamen (voice)
The story takes place at the Toenail of Satan's Spartan Institute of Higher Education. This school is extremely strict, punishing the lowest scoring students with harsh whipping and public shaming. Kekko Kamen won't stand for that though, and rescues female students from being exposed in public while wearing nothing but her mask.
『プロジェクトA子』シリーズの外伝として制作されたOVA作品。遥か宇宙の彼方にある砂の惑星にて、一角獣ハンターを生業とするA子とB子。2人はひょんなことから財閥令嬢のC子と知り合うが、犯罪組織の手先によって彼女は拉致されてしまう。対潜クルーザーに乗り込み後を追うA子たちだったが、想定外の事態で仲間割れすることに? 本編との共通点はメインキャラクターのみで、まるで趣の異なるシリアスなSF冒険活劇に仕上がっている。『GLAY SIDE』、『BLUE SIDE』の上下巻にて完結。
Biko Daitokuji (voice)
『プロジェクトA子』シリーズの外伝として制作されたOVA作品。遥か宇宙の彼方にある砂の惑星にて、一角獣ハンターを生業とするA子とB子。2人はひょんなことから財閥令嬢のC子と知り合うが、犯罪組織の手先によって彼女は拉致されてしまう。対潜クルーザーに乗り込み後を追うA子たちだったが、想定外の事態で仲間割れすることに?本編との共通点はメインキャラクターのみで、まるで趣の異なるシリアスなSF冒険活劇に仕上がっている。『GRAY SIDE』、『BLUE SIDE』の2作品にて完結。
Biko Daitokuji (voice)
『プロジェクトA子』シリーズの外伝として制作されたOVA作品。遥か宇宙の彼方にある砂の惑星にて、一角獣ハンターを生業とするA子とB子。2人はひょんなことから財閥令嬢のC子と知り合うが、犯罪組織の手先によって彼女は拉致されてしまう。対潜クルーザーに乗り込み後を追うA子たちだったが、想定外の事態で仲間割れすることに?本編との共通点はメインキャラクターのみで、まるで趣の異なるシリアスなSF冒険活劇に仕上がっている。『GRAY SIDE』、『BLUE SIDE』の2作品にて完結。
Remi Masuda (voice)
In the city of Oedo 2808a.d., three Cyber criminals are given two choices, to either rot in jail or to join a special force of the Cyber Police to get possibly one more chance at freedom ever again. For each criminal apprehended, and for each successful mission done, the state will agree to reduce their sentences. Lead by Hasegawa, the new recruits: Sengoku, Gogul, and Benton will bring some hard justice to Oedo and possibly taste freedom again.
Yuki Shindou
Car racing anime, based on the manga by Kaoru Shintani that serialised in Big Comic Superior from 1988 to 1990.
Hiroki and Kanata have been together since they were children. One day Hiroki is caught up in an accident while trying to save a little girl. The next thing he knows, he is looking down on his own body. Seperated from his body, Kanata, and everything else, he tries to figure out just what is going on. Why is he outside his body which is living on as if nothing has changed, how can he convince Kanata that he is there, and who is the strange girl, Fhalei, who keeps appearing for him?
Biko Daitokuji (voice)
In the late twentieth century, the Secret Security Force was formed to stop the actions of the communist terrorist group known as the Red May. Angel, a beautiful, yet cold woman, has recently joined the small anti-terrorist group. But her first mission will be a true test of skill, for members of the Red May are being found dead, murdered by gruesome methods. Who is causing these murders? And why? Written by Chuck "Dark-Side" Williamson
Biko Daitokuji (voice)
春休みを控えた女子高生・魔神英子(A子)は今度こそ彼氏を見つけると息巻く一方、彼女のライバル大徳寺美子(B子)はA子と仲良しの寿詞子(C子)との旅行をアレコレと思案中。そんなA子は憧れのドレスを買うため、ハンバーガーショップでアルバイトをはじめるが、彼女が数日前に彼のバイクごと突き飛ばしてしまったカッコイイ男子のK君と店内で再会。運命の出会いに心ドキドキのA子だが、どうやらB子も彼が気になって仕方がない。実は、K君の意中にはガラスの靴の形をしたイヤリングの持ち主がいるのだが……。 本作の見どころは、A子たち登場人物の多くが何着もの普段着やドレスを披露する点。通常のアニメではなかなか見られない試みだが、これは本作の脚本家・川崎智子の意向で実現したもの。川崎はシリーズ初の女性脚本家ということもあり、今までとは少し違ったロマンス要素が盛り込まれている。
Newscaster (voice)
Yamazaki Ryouhei is a cool twenty-three year old, with an extremely high sex drive. A smooth talker with the lady killing eyes and a winning smile, we follow him in his never-ending search for the perfect woman. When Yamazaki catches the eye of the beautiful senior editor, Oda Yuki, you know he's not just going far, he's going all the way. He lucks into a job at Potato Boy magazine that seems just made for him, but just how far can you get if your only hobby is looking at naked women? Now he's aiming for the top, turning Potato Boy magazine into one hell of a publication. No one expected things to get so hot, so quickly, but Yamazaki knows what he wants and he knows how to get it. Don't think he will take no for an answer!
Nakano (voice)
When the school Karate club's star fighter quits and decides to go pro, he unwittingly fulfills an ancient interdimensional prophecy and becomes demon king of his dimension. Soon his high school becomes a battleground for demon slaying samurai, interplanetary law enforcement, and even his own traitorous demon minions. Well animated fight scenes ensue.
Biiko Daitokuji (B-ko) (voice)
Pon / Bon / Hon (voice)
In the midst of a violent invasion of Earth by unknown alien forces, photo-journalist Wakatsuki Tetsuya comes across a scantily-clad alien woman, cutting a swath of death through the Terran ranks with her sword. After a chaotic struggle, Tetsuya is knocked unconscious, only to awaken aboard her starship. To his surprise, she turns out to be Kahm, the invaders' princess - and she has picked Tetsuya for a starring role in her upcoming wedding. As the groom....