Yumi Touma

Yumi Touma

出生 : 1966-12-20, Chiba Prefecture, Japan


Yumi Touma (born as Yumi Nakagawa) is a Japanese voice actress.


Yumi Touma


劇場版 NARUTO -ナルト- 疾風伝 ザ・ロストタワー
Sêramu (voice)
Fortune (voice)
The renowned Metal Gear Solid: Sons of Liberty comic book series by Ashley Wood and Alex Garner comes to life in this motion comic, complete with stylized animation, thrilling music, explosive sound effects and full voice acting. A retelling of Hideo Kojima's video game of the same name.
Super Robot Wars
Based on the popular video game series, this futuristic anime feature follows the plight of the Earth Federation, the last group of human beings on the planet, who are forced to defend themselves from elimination at the hands of an alien invasion. To give its troops a chance in battle, the Earth Federation Army has developed the "Personal Trooper," a mobile robotic weaponry system that fuses with the body of its human pilot to remain functional.
劇場版 AIR
Hijiri Kirishima
アクエリアンエイジSagaII~Don't forget me...~
Hokuto (voice)
Mayumi, the peaceful daughter of an E.G.O. leader, has never been able to come to terms with her faction's mission or her psychic abilities. Everything changes when, in the middle of a horrific attack on Earth, a mysterious boy named Hokuto appears. Mayumi is suddenly infused with a power she's never felt before. Hokuto convinces a new generation of E.G.O., ARAYASHIKI, WIZ-DOM, and DARKLORE members that the world is in danger. The POLESTAR EMPIRE, led by the ambitious Emperor, seeks to conquer the universe by resurrecting dead warriors. Four young women will discover their own personal strengths to face the ultimate evil in the Aquarian Age, a chaotic period rife with war.
Big Brother Pichu (voice)
大事なおつかいの帰り、汽車から吹き飛ばされてしまったピチュー兄弟。ピチュー兄弟は無事おうちに帰れるのかな? 森で出会った様々なポケモンたちとの愉快なミュージックファンタジー。
ポケットモンスタークリスタル・ライコウ 雷の伝説
Minaki (child) / Purin (Pink-chan)
Kenta, a Pokemon master in the making, meets up with his childhood friend, Marina, at a Pokemon Center, to see how their skills have developed. Their battle is interrupted by a thunderstorm and the arrival of Bashou and Buson, two Rocket-dan members using the Crystal System (which attracts Electric-type Pokemon). Their ultimate goal is to, under the guidance of professor Shiranui, bring Pokemon back to Sakaki. Kenta and Marina stumble upon this plan, and they try to stop it, but things get more difficult when the legendary Pokemon Raikou is captured.
ポケットモンスター ミュウツー! 我ハココニ在リ MEWTWO SAGA
Luka Carson (voice)
天候、気流が安定しない断崖絶壁の大渓谷「ピュアズロック」を通るとされる唯一のバスを乗り過ごしてしまったサトシ達一行は、近場で宿屋を営む女性ルナに一晩泊めてもらう事になる。 翌日、ピュア川の研究をする為に訪れた博士ペニシリーナとその助手ドミノが宿屋に訪れた。 その時、お約束のように現れるロケット団に捕まったピカチュウを助ける為にサトシ達一行はルナ、ペニシリーナ達と共にロケット団の気球を追う。 しかし、突然助手のドミノがロケット団の気球をサトシ達諸共撃ち落とし自分は小型ロケットで逃げてしまった。  実はドミノはロケット団のボス、サカキから命令を受けピュアズロックでミュウツーの行方を探していたのだった。 ロケット団と共にピュアズロックの頂上に落ちたピカチュウはそこで自分に対して何故か怒りを見せる見知らぬピカチュウと遭遇する。 見知らぬピカチュウはピカチュウに対して攻撃しようとするが、何者かが現れそれを制止する。そこに現れたのはあのミュウツーだった……
Kimawari (voice)
ここは海辺にある大きなお屋敷。ピカチュウたちはそこで「かくれんぼ」をして遊ぶことに。ピカチュウがオニに決まって、さあ、みんな上手に隠れることができたかな?! そのころヨーギラスは、ひとりぼっちがおもしろくなくて、大きな石をけったんだ。それが芝刈り機に命中して動き出しちゃった!ピカチュウたちを追いかけて大暴走! 迷路に追い込んでも海に落としても芝刈り機はへっちゃら。みんなで丸太を運んで道を作って小屋に入れるつもりだけれど、ドジなコダックが転んでしまって、さあ大変!ハラハラドキドキのファンタジー。
劇場版ポケットモンスター セレビィ 時を超えた遭遇
Nyula / Muma (voice)
現代の40年前の世界。ハテノの森を訪れた少年・ユキナリは、森の中でハンターに追われていたポケモンに出会う。そのポケモンは「セレビィ」といい、時を超える力を持つと言われるポケモンだった。セレビィをハンターから守ろうとしたユキナリは、セレビィの力でセレビィと共に40年後の未来へタイムスリップしてしまう。 現代。旅の途中でハテノの森を訪れたサトシ一行は、セレビィが時を越える際に起こる「森の声」という現象に遭遇。程なくサトシ達は祠の前に倒れているユキナリを発見。ハテノ村の長老トワ達に介抱されたユキナリはセレビィがいないことに気付き、サトシ達と共にセレビィを探しに向かう。傷だらけのセレビィを見つけたサトシ達はトワの下へ戻ろうとするが、そこへセレビィを追っていたロケット団幹部・ビシャスが現れ、セレビィを捕えようと襲い掛かって来た。ユキナリとの連携でビシャスのポケモンを撃退し、何とか逃げおおせたサトシ達は、生き物の傷を癒す不思議な力を持つ湖にたどり着き、そこで一夜を明かす事にする。
Sapphire / Phoenix (voice)
Osamu Tezuka is going to a 21st Century new year's party with all the characters he made. One thing leads to another and he ends up missing! It's up to his most popular characters to find out what happened to him and get him back safely before the rest of the guests show up.
劇場版 ああっ女神さまっ
Urd (voice)
Spinel Sun (voice)
Big Brother Pichu (voice)
Baby Felix & Friends
Baby Felix
A young Felix the Cat and his baby pals find fun and mischief along their travels.
Chun-Li (voice)
Increasingly disturbed by the dark energies building within him, Ryu is confronted by Shun, a boy claiming to be the brother he never knew. But before Ryu can consider whether Shun's timely appearance might be more than coincidental, Shun is kidnapped by Shadowlaw. To recover Shun, Ryu must undertake the ultimate journey of self-discovery and learn to control the power threatening to consume him.
Sapphire (voice)
Eievui (voice)
劇場版ポケットモンスター 幻のポケモン ルギア爆誕
Freezer (voice)
勿忘草 アニメ版 男はつらいよ~寅次郎忘れな草~
Otoko wa Tsurai yo: Torajirou Wasurenagusa
Anime adaptation of the "Otoko wa Tsurai yo (It's tough being a man)" film series by Youji Yamada. Kuruma Torajirou (or Tora-san), a traveling salesman whose sole possessions include only the contents of a small suitcase, the clothes on his back and some pocket money, wanders from town to town peddling his wares.
Jun Kazama (voice)
All of your favorite Tekken characters are here as they battle their way through each other to win the Iron Fist tournament, where fighters of unequaled strength from around the world gather to test their strength in the gladitorial arena. Of course, intrigue and danger abound, with professional assassins, champions of justice, and those whose prowess earns them fear and respect facing off.
Shaia Hishizaki
Stones of power are given to some chosen fighters, who are being trained by a master to defeat the master's darker tendencies of destroying humanity. The fighters do not necessarily get along even as the world heads toward peril.
Garzey's Wing
Leelince (voice)
Yesterday, Chris's biggest problem was getting into a good college. Now, his spirit has been hijacked by wings of light, and transported into an ancient world. Summoned by an enslaved tribe to lead a bloody revolution, Chris must quickly adapt to his new surroundings... or die.
A trio of bad boys comes across some ghosts and monsters. They decide to visit a pharmacist in their town to ask for his advice because he is said to have power to communicate with the spirit world. The mysterious old man says “if you meet ghosts and they attack you, you should show the cards and chant some spell which I will give you...” . Then gives the trio three cards which have odd spells written on them. The boys bravely fight against the monsters following the pharmacist’s instructions, but...! Why do the ghosts and monsters appear only in front of the boys?
Sofia (voice)
For one year, Master Swordsman Eiji Shinjo has been haunted by the memory of his battle with the renegade champion, Gaia. A battle that was cut short by the forces of the malevolent syndicate known as "The Organization." Denied victory, Eiji left the tournament followed by his opponent's mocking laughter. Worse still, Eiji walked away no closer to finding his long lost brother, Sho. But now, a mysterious warrior is hunting down the champions of the previous tournament and using their own moves against them, and it looks like that person may be Sho. Who is this powerful, new foe and who be his next target? Eiji and Kayin, his closest friend and greatest rival, struggle to unravel the mystery before they too join the ranks of the defeated. The answer lies at the heart of The Organization and its plans for world domination. At last, the ultimate battle between the greatest fighters in the world will be decided. But if Eiji loses, his friend, Ellis, may Die...
Millian (voice)
New York, USA. Hard has been making a living as a bounty hunter for years, but lately has been struggling to make ends meet due to alimony and child support payments for his beloved Momoko. A supposedly simple case devolves quickly into major mayhem and murder, and it's by no means sure he will be able to survive the crazy psychopaths trying to kill him for sticking his nose in their business. But he's not going down without a fight...
Sailor Victory
Takagi Reiko (voice)
In the future, five female high school students form Sailor Victory to command three giant ninja robots: Gion, Momoyama and Sagano, so that they can fight against evil in the virtual-future of Mikado City. In these two episodes, a disgraced and disgruntled city employee aims to humiliate the Sailor Victory crew by joining up with the evil Margarita. Little does he know that she is bent on destroying the city...
戦-少女 イクセリオン
Kai Nagisa, a normal high school girl who wishes to one day become a professional wrestler (despite having a strong cowardly side), is suddenly approached by a robot known as an Iczel. It urges her to help save the Earth from invading aliens under the command of the brother and sister team Chaos and Cross. To do this, Nagisa must merge with Iczel and become one of the battle-suited warriors that protect planets throughout the universe-- an Iczelion.
Kosue Matsumoto (voice)
秋田書店「週刊少年チャンピオン」で長年看板作品を務めている格闘コミック界の雄が、単発のOVAタイトルとしてリリースされたもの。 恐るべき格闘技の実力を秘めた少年・範馬刃牙は、空手の全日本王者である末堂厚と対峙し、これを打ち破った。そのことが呼び水となり、知る人ぞ知る地下闘技場へと招かれた彼は、恐るべき技を駆使する空手家・鎬昴昇と対戦することに。相手の神経を指先で斬り感覚を失わせるという鎬の得意技紐切りを食らってしまった刃牙は、片目の視力を失ってしまう。しかしその類まれなる彼の格闘センスは、一瞬にして紐切りのウィークポイントを見破っていた! 45分の尺で本作の魅力を描き切るため、原作における人気の対戦カードをピックアップ。実力派アニメーター・馬越嘉彦によって描かれたキャラクターたちは、作者・板垣恵介の独特のテイストを見事に表現している。OVAならではの激しさで迫る格闘シーンの作画にも要注目だ。
“時”凍てつき大地に間あるとき、白き地図人『風まく光』を示す...。 宇宙海賊リプミラは、託された伝説を千年に渡り負い続け、ついに銀河の辺境・地球へとたどり着いた。 そして、十鬼島ゲンと邂逅する。 彼は“マップマン”として自らの宿命に目覚め、旅立ちを決意した。 それは、後に遍く宇宙で語り継がれる、真の伝説の始まりであった!
Rin Kobayashi (voice)
Alice is a Japanese schoolgirl who has never thought much about the past... that is, until her classmates, Jinpachi and Issei, tell her that they've been sharing the same vivid dreams ever since they were in junior high school. In the dreams, Jinpachi and Issei, plus five other scientists, are on some sort of base or research station on the moon. The seven of them are involved in some kind of work observing the Earth, collecting data. Alice doesn't think anything of it... until she has the same dream.
劇場版 美少女戦士セーラームーンR
Xenian Flower (voice)
ビッグ・ウォーズ 神撃つ朱き荒野に
Dr. Lee
In the future, war rages on Mars. Captain Akuh and his crew are on a top-secret mission to destroy an enemy warship when an officer is stricken with an alien mind control plague. As the plague spreads, inciting madness and treason, Akuh must complete his mission, annihilate the alien battleship, and save the fate of the human race at all costs
Luna Kozuki
Far in the future, ecological disaster on Earth led humans to create a race of androids called Neoroids -- ostensibly to clean up the mess -- that promptly turned on their human masters and enslaved them. Enter a lone fighter named Casshan with a mission to free humanity ... and restore his family's honor.
Suke Banchiyo
Does being the only guy in an all girl school sound like paradise? It might be, if the girls knew you were a guy, but to stay in school teenage pervert Banji can't let can't let anyone find out his chromosomes don't match. Banji's status conscious parents want him to go to a good school, but not enough to spend the money on a good co-ed school. Now, in addition to studying math and science, Banji has to learn how to put on a bra and makeup. His life has become a living hell. Not only is he at the bottom of the social pecking order, he must also got to conceal his inner-masculinity from the pretty classmate girl who's stolen his heart while avoiding the female bullies who threaten to expose his less-than-feminine charms in the locker room.
Annie Brighton (voice)
Left on an orphanage porch, Candice White (Candy for short) always longed for parents. She watched as all the other children were adopted and her friends were taken away from her. Eventually, she gets adopted, but a child to love was not what her foster parent wanted; rather, Candy is to become a playmate for her step-sister Eliza. Eliza has no intentions of being friends with a commoner, however, and together with her brother they have made it their job to make Candy as miserable as possible.
Brighton, Annie
A young girl named Candice White who was left on the doorstep of the "Pony Home", an orphanage, when she was just a baby. The sisters took her first name from a doll she had in her basket, with the name "Candy" on it, and her last name from the snowstorm she was rescued from. Life is quiet and happy.. or.. as quiet as life can be with Candy around. She has a penchant for getting into trouble, climbing trees and tussling with the best of them. However, tragedy begins to strike.
21エモン 宇宙いけ!裸足のプリンセス
ドラゴンクエスト ダイの大冒険 起ちあがれ!!アバンの使徒
Hyoi and Ryoi, two brothers with the power to take the form of cats, must unravel the mystery of a creeping, tenticled, demon plauge before it consumes them and their classmates. Ultimately, they must confront their old Dark Cat master Jukokubo, though whether they can put an end to the evil he has released remains a mystery.
インフェリウス惑星戦史外伝 CONDITION GREEN
Barney Page / Candy (voice)
Keith, George, Edward, Yang and Shaw are Platoon #801, the five-man team formed to protect their homeworld in the Inferious galaxy from alien invasion. Gazaria's evil emperor Vince conquers the neighbor worlds of Kal and Granad, and suddenly only Platoon #801, also known as Condition Green, stands between him and the conquest of Emerald Earth.
Irene Lew
A long time ago, there was a war between the Evil God and the Dragon God. The war finally came to an end when a Dragon Ninja, who had the power of the Dragon God, sealed away the Evil God.Several thousand years later, in New York, a young ninja named Ryu is attacked by a couple of men in black suits wearing white masks. He notices that they are related to someone worshiping the same Evil God of the past and resolves to fight against them before the Evil God is unsealed again.
Michi Kanzaki (voice)
Fleeing from his own race, Orgun—an alien being with superhuman abilities and unearthly weapons—travels to Earth to find an answer to his origin. There, he bonds with a young man named Tomoru to defend Earth against the Evoluders, who seek nothing but destruction of other civilizations.
Cecily Fairchild / Berah Ronah (voices)
宇宙世紀0123年。月の周辺に新設されたフロンティア・サイドのコロニー、フロンティアIV。その内部にあるフロンティア学園では学園祭が開催され、いつもと変わらぬ平和な一日が過ぎようとしていた。 そんな中、フロンティアIVに近づくMS部隊の姿があった。彼らの名は、クロスボーン・バンガード。庶民のための真の貴族による支配主義「コスモ貴族主義」を標榜するマイッツアー・ロナが創設した武装集団に所属するMSだった。
ふくやま劇場 なつのひみつ
Several short animated mini-stories based on the short stories and four-panel manga of Keiko Fukuyama, including My Father the Mouse, The Rabbit Brothers, Summer Secret, The Mysterious Fairy, How Very Strange, and Kuro.
トランスフォーマー ゾーン
Emusa (voice)
デストロン九大魔将軍に襲撃されたフェミニア星の救援に向かったビクトリーセイバーは、破壊される惑星の爆発に巻き込まれ行方不明となってしまう。 総司令官不在のサイバトロンは、地球に眠る超エネルギー・ゾディアックを狙うデストロン九大魔将軍に苦戦を強いられる。そこにパワードマスター・ダイアトラスが現れ、ゾディアックの力を得て九大魔将軍を撃退。 ビクトリーセイバーより総司令官の地位を譲り受けたダイアトラスは、新破壊大帝バイオレンジャイガーに立ち向かう。
Kennosuke (voice)
A comedy about a family of old-fashioned samurai living in modern-day Tokyo whose young son has to head out for an important date.
女戦士エフェ&ジーラ グーデの紋章
Kilian / Yurion (voice)
花のあすか組!2 ロンリーキャッツ・バトルロイヤル
Second OVA of "Hana no Asuka-gumi!".
Adapted from the manga of the same name by Hisashi Eguchi, and directed by Minoru Kawasaki and Rintaro, this is a series of random skits featuring anime, live action, and puppet show segments, exploring love, sex, death and many other sometimes controversial subjects.
Naomi (voice)
Goku, the lone wolf private detective is back, contracted by Yoshiko, a mysterious, beautiful and very afraid woman, to find and save her brother, Ryu. Will Goku be able to protect Yoshiko from her step father`s soldiers long enough to find her brother? Meanwhile Ryu, the unfortunate subject of a military experiment gone bad, leaves a trail of bodies behind him and has no intention of being found or saved by anyone. Will Goku have to kill the man he is supposed to save? Will even his omniscient cybernetic eye and sceptre be enough to help him defeat this indestructible killing machine?
メガゾーン23 III イブの目覚め/解放の日
Tatsuya (voice)
Fire-safety PSA short based off of the Super Mario Bros. series.
ARIEL: All Round Intercept & Escort Lady
Mother (voice)
The Earth is being invaded by aliens. Fortunately, the aliens are so concerned about budgets and the cost of the invasion that they haven't succeeded yet. To defend the Earth, Dr Kishida has designed ARIEL, a giant robot shaped in the likeness of a woman with body-armor. Unfortunately, he has selected his relatives (his grand-daughters Aya and Kazumi Kishida, and his niece Mia Kawai) to be the pilots, and they are far more interested in their own lives.
Crying フリーマン
Emu Hino, a 29-year-old virgin, witnesses a mob hit and fears that the killer will now find her and kill her. Indeed, he sets out to do so; he's Yo Hinomura, a talented potter and artist who's been conscripted against his will to be the prime hitman for the 108 Dragons, a gang within the Chinese Mafia, who are determined to push aside Tokyo's local crime lords. He breaks into her house, and she asks that he make love to her before he kills her; she connects to his inner self, and he becomes her protector. Now he must defend her against the local crime gang, who have connections with corrupt Tokyo police. Will Yo and Emu make it out alive, and will the 108 Dragons triumph?
Akira (voice)