Timothy Davis

Timothy Davis

出生 : , Massachusetts, USA


Timothy Davis is an American actor best known as Chef Ryan on the critically acclaimed hit Showtime series, Billions. He also stars as John Hutton in the movie Doe (2018).


Timothy Davis
Timothy Davis
Timothy Davis
Timothy Davis


John is a brilliant linguistic scientist with a loving wife and daughter but with a massive gap in his life. Eight years ago, he turned up out of nowhere, with no memories except a recurring dream. He is sent tumbling down the proverbial rabbit hole after meeting a man that shares a similar condition and learning that there are more like him, all amnesiacs with extraordinary abilities. He convinces his brother-in-law, private investigator Carl, to help him uncover his true identity before his past can rise up to destroy him and his family.
Lone Hunter
Lone Hunter is an intense dramatic thriller about gun violence and racism.
Le douanier
A real estate agent from Paris arrives in Los Angeles to settle his late mother's estate, but a found photograph sends him on an impromptu journey to Mexico to find a woman named Lola.
聞いていて不快な音楽やポルノグラフィー、そして焼けたふんを地面にたたきつけることがお気に入りの一風変わった男であるヘッシャー(ジョセフ・ゴードン=レヴィット)。ある日、自動車事故で母親を亡くしたばかりの少年TJ(デヴィン・ブロシュー)と、その父ポール(レイン・ウィルソン)のもとで暮らすことになったヘッシャーは、親子にとって特異な存在であったが……。 アナーキーで変わり者のヘッシャーと名乗る男が、母の死から立ち直れない13歳の少年とその父や、人生を見失った女の前に突然現れ、彼らの傷ついた人生を彼なりのワイルドな行動の数々で過激に再生していく過程を、ヘビーメタルの爆音サウンドと共に描くヒューマンドラマ。若手映像作家スペンサー・サッサーがメガホンを取り、愛と再生の寓話(ぐうわ)で長編デビューを果たした。『ブラック・スワン』のナタリー・ポートマン、『インセプション』のジョセフ・ゴードン=レヴィットら演技派スターたちの共演も見逃せない。
Chelsea is an in-demand call girl whose $2,000 an hour price tag allows her to live in New York's lap of luxury. Besides her beauty and sexual skill, Chelsea offers her clients companionship and conversation, or, as she dubs it, "the girlfriend experience." With her successful business and a devoted, live-in boyfriend, Chelsea thinks she has it made... until a new client rocks her world.