Sam Sako


Salim Khan
A young American real estate agent of Middle Eastern descent is framed by his co-workers in the wake of the September 11 attacks and sent to prison at Guantanamo Bay. Thirteen years later, he returns to Los Angeles under a false identity to exact revenge.
Girl Rising ~私が決める、私の未来~
Nine filmmakers each profile a young girl from a different part of the world to weave a global tapestry of youth in the 21st century.
Red Sands
Extras Casting
A group of U.S. soldiers on a mission in the Middle East find themselves with nothing to do in their free time. Out of sheer boredom they end up destroying an old statue in the desert, only to unleash a horrific entity.
Dialect Coach
巨匠リドリー・スコットが突きつける、空前のアクション・サスペンス大作! レオナルド・ディカプリオと、アカデミー俳優ラッセル・クロウ――ハリウッドきっての豪華2大スターが顔を合わせ、いま至極の「嘘の世界」〈ワールド・オブ・ライズ〉が、その幕を開ける! 世界を救おうとする2人の男。CIA工作員のロジャー・フェリス(ディカプリオ)と、彼の上司であるベテラン局員、エド・ホフマン(クロウ)。 フェリスは、世界中の情報網の中枢に潜入し、現場を知らない上司にキレながらも、命を張って働く男。一方のホフマンは、平和な自宅や安全な本部から電話一本で命令し、部下の意見は無視する冷酷な男だ。 そんな生き方も考え方も違う2人の目的はひとつ。地球規模の爆破事件のリーダーを捕まえること。 足跡すら残さない正体不明の犯人をおびき出せるのは、「世界一の嘘」しかない。フェリスとホフマン、そして他国の諜報部の、息もつけない頭脳戦が始まった!  果たして世界を救うのは、いったい誰のどんな嘘か──?
Prince of Arabia (uncredited)
Two clueless homegirls move to L.A. to become dancers, but instead find themselves scamming a dying millionaire to eventually become B*A*P*S (Black American Princesses).
Terror In Beverly Hills
Abdul's Bodyguard
When the President's daughter is kidnapped, it's up to an ex-marine to save her. The problem is that the terrorist leader has a lingering hatred for him, as he has been wrongfully blamed for the death of his wife and children. The action heats up, as the two mortal enemies confront each other with extreme violence.
Body Guard
Down and Out in Beverly Hills
Call to Prayer Imam (uncredited)
Beverly Hills couple Barbara and Dave Whiteman find their lives altered by the arrival of a vagrant who tries to drown himself in their swimming pool.
The Man with One Red Shoe
Dock Worker
A man is mistaken as a spy by the CIA when he arrives at the airport with one red shoe.
Flesh and Bullets
Two men who meet in a bar in Las Vegas discover that they have one big problem in common, their wives. They decide to do something drastic about it.