William Zappa

William Zappa

出生 : 1948-10-13, Hadleigh, Essex, England, UK


William Zappa


The Butter Scene
Bernardo Bertolucci
Based on interviews given by actor Maria Schneider and director Bernardo Bertolucci about the infamous scene in Last Tango in Paris (1972).
Mal Deacon
「ミュンヘン」「NY心霊捜査官」のエリック・バナの主演で、ジェイン・ハーパーのベストセラー小説を映画化したクライムサスペンス。干ばつにあえぐ閉鎖的な田舎町で起こった、現在と過去の2つの殺人事件を通し、オーストラリアの社会が直面する問題をリアルに描いた。 メルボルンの連邦警察官アーロン・フォークは旧友ルークの葬儀に参列するため、20年ぶりに故郷の小さな町に帰ってきた。ルークは、自身の妻子を殺した後に自らも命を絶ったのだ。町は長らく雨が降らずに干ばつに襲われており、ルークが事件を起こした背景にもそうした土地の事情があり、いわばルークも犠牲者だと思われていた。しかし、町にとどまって捜査を行うフォークは、未解決事件となっている過去の事件とも向き合うことになり、数十年も隔てた2つの事件がつながっているのではないかと疑い始める。 原作にほれ込んだバナが自らプロデューサーも務め、本作で約13年ぶりに母国オーストラリアの映画に主演した。
Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears
Assist Commissioner Forsythe
After freeing a young Bedouin girl from her unjust imprisonment in Jerusalem, an Australian adventuress, together with her devoted police detective friend, begins to unravel a decade-old mystery concerning priceless emeralds, an ancient curse and the disappearance of the girl's mother and massacre of her tribe.
A disgraced sports star and gambling addict attempts to turn his life around with the support of his number one fan.
Dead Europe
In Greece to scatter his father's ashes, Isaac hears of a curse that hangs over the head of his family. Dismissing the idea, his trip begins to unveil dark truths that forced his father to flee years ago.
A Heartbeat Away
Edwin Flack
A young aspiring rock guitarist is forced to become the musical director of the local marching band when his father is hit by a bus just four weeks before a major competition.
Underbelly Files: The Man Who Got Away
Jack Jacobs
The story of David McMillan an Australian drug smuggler and the only person in history to escape from Klong Prem prison in Bangkok.
Shot Open
Jack Walsh
In 19th century Australia, an exiled Polish thief struggles to get to Sydney to start a new life. When he takes refuge with a young woman his understanding of the world, and his role within it, is permanently altered.
Men's Group
What lies in the hearts of men.
Gen. Vernon Sturdee
1941. A country in crisis. A new man in power. Leadership demands and personal demons are set to collide. The story of John Curtin as he faces his first six months as Prime Minister, confronting in quick succession, the tragedy of Pearl Harbour, the fall of Singapore, the bombing of Darwin and a furious battle with Churchill over the deployment of Australian troops. This is a raw and intimate story of a driven and inspirational leader - a man who struggles to battle his own personal demons while serving and protecting a country at war.
Steve Gerber
Agents of an oil tycoon vanish while exploring a swamp marked for drilling. The local sheriff investigates and faces a Seminole legend come to life: Man-Thing, a shambling swamp-monster whose touch burns those who feel fear.
The Illustrated Family Doctor
Adrian Kelp
Gary Kelp (Samuel Johnson) is losing the plot. As he edits a medical journal called The Illustrated Family Doctor, his life and his body seem to be falling apart. A black comedy about coping with the modern world, based on the novel by David Snell.
The Monkey's Mask
Detective Sergeant Wesley
A lesbian private detective falls in love with a suspect in the disappearance of a young woman. The film is based on the verse novel of the same name by Australian poet Dorothy Porter.
Sean Odkin loves to dance—much to his fathers distain. When the woman he loves cannot return his love, he goes in search of the only thing that can make him whole again—dancing.
Diana & Me
Australian Diana Spencer wins a competition in a women's magazine, and as a prize gets a trip for two to London, where she wants to meet her idol and namesake, Princess Diana. She goes there with her fiance, Mark, but during the garden party the Princess plans to attend, things get mixed up and Aussie Diana gets arrested with Paparazzi photographer Rob. Diana really wants to meet the Princess and follows Rob as he searches for Princess Di to take some photos.
Bill Trendle
Amy's father, Franco, was a popular rock musician accidentally electrocuted while performing on stage. The psychological trauma leaves Amy mute and deaf. So the 8-year-old is brought by her mother, Tanya, to Melbourne to diagnose the reasons for her continued silence.
Mr Reliable
Army Colonel
All Wally Mellish, an ex-convict in 1960s Australia, wants to do is live a quiet life with his girlfriend Beryl. Unfortunately when two police officers come around to disturb this, a misunderstanding quickly becomes out of control, resulting Wally, Beryl and her child being trapped in their house, surrounded by armed police under the impression that Wally is holding everyone hostage. Events quickly spiral into a media circus as, through the siege, Wally - inadvertently - manages to become a symbol for the anti-war movement.
Zone 39
In a time of misery and fear two enemies come together to prevent an apocalypse conspired by their leaders. 40 years of war between the Federated Republics and the New Territories Union has taken its toll. The cities are overcrowded, farming land is riddled with unexploded mines -- and still there is no hope of peace. In this hostile, decaying world of the future on thing remains constant for Lieutenant Leo Megaw; his love for his pregnant wife. Her access to classified information makes her an increasing liability for the government. When she's ambushed, Leo is forced into exile. As a border patrolman on the isolated outpost of Zone 39, ordered to kill anyone that tries to cross the border, he comes to understand that ultimate catastrophe forced upon his world by his government. The real enemy is not looming across the border but standing right behind him. Now he must reach across the border into enemy territory and form an alliance to save his world.
The Rat Tamer
Officer Ben Costa
In this Aussie prison drama directed by Kate Woods, no one can explain why inmate Kevin Jones (Hugh Jackman) arrived at Blackstream Penitentiary with brain damage and horrible bruises on his body -- least of all Kevin. Can a jailhouse psychologist (played by Deborra-Lee Furness) help Kevin regain his memory, or will it take an act of violence to bring out the truth? This "Correlli" TV series pilot "The Rat Tamer" was later released separately on DVD as a feature.
Colin Iseman
On the way to interview a novelist, Lane and Christina are involved in a car crash which leaves literary critic Christina brain-damaged. Lane undertakes the assignment and becomes attracted to the novelist's 15 year old daughter, leading to stormy emotions.
American Matt Quigley answers Australian land baron Elliott Marston's ad for a sharpshooter to kill the dingoes on his property. But when Quigley finds out that Marston's real target is the aborigines, Quigley hits the road. Now, even American expatriate Crazy Cora can't keep Quigley safe in his cat-and-mouse game with the homicidal Marston.
Inspector John Burke
Celia, an imaginative and somewhat disturbed young girl, fantasizes about evil creatures and other oddities to mask her insecurities while growing up in rural Australia.
前作から数年後、大戦が世界各地で勃発し文明は衰退し世界は貧困と荒廃が進んでいた。復讐を遂げたものの虚無感に囚われ荒野を目的もなく走り続けるマックス。ある日捕らえた男ジャイロキャプテンより今も稼動し続けガソリンが取り放題の石油精製所があると聞かされる。しかしそこにはガソリンを独占しようとするヒューマンガス率いる暴走族集団と精製所に立てこもる市民が日々攻防戦を繰り返していた。 なんとか精製所にもぐりこんだマックス。中の市民は豊富なガソリンを持って脱出をしたいがガソリンタンクを牽引する車を持って来ればガソリンを好きなだけ渡すという取引を行う。群がる凶悪暴走族の中、マックスは一人で突破を試みるが・・