Steve Evets

Steve Evets

出生 : 1959-07-26, Salford, Lancashire, England


​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.   Steve Evets (born Steven Murphy; c. 1960) is an English actor and musician, who found fame in the leading role in the 2009 film Looking for Eric. Description above from the Wikipedia article Steve Evets, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Steve Evets
Steve Evets


A Very British Christmas
Ben Ritchie
Opera singer Jessica's flight to her concert in Vienna gets delayed and she is stuck in a remote area of England. The only place to stay is a bed-and-breakfast in an enchanting village run by a handsome widower named Andrew.
Brother Terry
A faithful Jehovah's Witness is forced to shun her own sister because of a religious transgression. As the separation draws out, she starts to question the meaning of God's love.
Cowboy Dave
An English folktale set in the suburbs of Manchester that charts the coming together of a drifter, a war party, and a hustler.
Jan Zelenka
ヒトラー、ヒムラーに次ぐ、“ナチス第三の男”ラインハルト・ハイドリヒ。その冷徹極まりない手腕から、ナチス党内でもとりわけ忌まわしい人物として“金髪の野獣”と渾名され、ヒトラーさえもが恐れた男。ハイドリヒはナチス政権の高官として華々しい出世を遂げるが、第二次世界大戦に至るまでの年月とその戦時下において、ヨーロッパの人々に残忍で容赦ない恐怖をもたらした。貴族階級の妻リナによってナチスのイデオロギーを吹き込まれたハイドリヒは、<ユダヤ人大量虐殺>の首謀者として、誰も止めることのできない絶大な権力を手にしていく。だが、英国政府から訓練を受け、チェコスロバキア亡命政府によって送り込まれたチェコのレジスタンスグループが、この抑止不能な男を止めようとしていた。大胆にもパラシュートで潜入したヤン・クビシュとヨゼフ・ガブチーク率いる暗殺部隊が、綿密な計画の過程を経て、プラハの街を移動するハイドリヒの一行を襲撃し、致命傷を負わせる。これにより、ハイドリヒは第二次世界大戦中に殺害された唯一のナチス最高幹部となった。ナチス政権に揺さぶりをかけた歴史的瞬間は、それぞれの信念を貫いた、両極に位置する人々によって生み出された。史上唯一成功した、ナチス高官の暗殺計画の真実が今、明かされる――<フランス・イギリス・ベルギーの伝記映画。 第二次世界大戦中、その冷徹極まりない手腕から「金髪の野獣」と呼ばれナチス親衛隊No.2となったラインハルト・ハイドリヒを描いた映画>
North v South
For decades the criminal underworlds of the North and South bumped along begrudgingly. Like the Cold War, territories were respected out of the necessity to avoid apocalypse, with each side keeping tabs on the other’s capability. Such a precarious false harmony could not last forever. Now someone has crossed the line, and there’s no going back. An illicit love affair smolders, breaking taboo and threatening catastrophe at the smallest mistake. It is a romance of purest, unadulterated love, yet so forbidden that its discovery would wreak total carnage. The story is told through vignettes of strikingly original characters, with intertwining subplots that echo the complexity of life in the dog-eat-dog criminal underworld.
Sur les traces du FC United of Manchester
A look at the formation of the club
The Selfish Giant
Price Drop Swift
A hyperactive boy and his best friend, a slow-witted youth with an affinity for horses, start collecting scrap metal for a shady dealer.
Punk Football
A look at the rise of FC United
Spike Island
Teenage musicians travel to England's Spike Island in the hope of attending an outdoor performance by their favorite band, the Stone Roses.
Theodore Katavasov
文豪トルストイの名作を、「プライドと偏見」「つぐない」のジョー・ライト監督が映画化。19世紀末ロシアの社交界を舞台に、政府高官の妻と青年将校との運命の愛を描く。 19世紀末のロシア。政府高官カレーニン(ジュード・ロウ)の妻にして、社交界の花として人々から注目されるアンナ・カレーニナ(キーラ・ナイトレイ)。しかし、華やかな生活の裏で夫との愛なき結婚に空虚なものを抱いていた。そんな中、彼女は離婚の危機に陥った兄夫婦の関係を修復させようと、彼らのいるモスクワへ。駅に降り立ったアンナは、そこで青年将校ヴロンスキー(アーロン・テイラー=ジョンソン)と出会う。彼から強い思いをぶつけられて戸惑う彼女だが、自分にも彼を慕う気持ちで胸がいっぱいだった。
The Facility
Derek 'Morty' Mortimer
A group of volunteers find themselves fighting for their lives when a drug trial goes horribly wrong.
Wuthering Heights
Yorkshire moorlands, northern England, in the late 18th century. Young Heathcliff, rescued from the streets of Liverpool by Mr. Earnshaw, the owner of Wuthering Heights, an isolated farm, develops over the years an insane passion for Cathy, his foster sister, a sick obsession destined to end tragically.
“生命の泉”を目指して繰り広げられる、ジャック・スパロウの新たな冒険! 史上最恐の海賊・黒ひげが、永遠の生命をもたらすと言われる“生命の泉”を狙って動きだした時、ジャック・スパロウの前に、かつて愛した女海賊アンジェリカが現れ、呪われた航海へと誘う。時同じくして、ジャックの相棒ギブスの前に現れたのは、英国王に“生命の泉”を探す忠誠を誓い、海軍将校となった元海賊のバルボッサ。果たして、泉への鍵を握る“人魚の涙”を手に入れ、“生命の泉”へたどり着けるのは誰なのか―。
Brighton Rock
Mr Wilson
Charts the headlong fall of Pinkie, a razor-wielding disadvantaged teenager with a religious death wish.
Ragged Messenger
Looking for Eric
Eric Bishop
A man trying to put his life back on track gets some advice from an unexpected benefactor -- the ex-footballer Eric Cantona.
A Boy Called Dad
Ice Cream Man
When he becomes a father at the tender age of 14, Robbie's life quickly spirals out of control. Feeling angry and neglected by his own dad, he kick-starts a series of events that will catapult him at great speed into adulthood.
Shaun and Daz are vibrant kids, wasted by their experience of education. All they have is friendship and Shaun's first love Katy. From the moment Shaun steps into our world he is bound to lose. Labeled as a violent bully he destroys himself and Daz with him. Shaun has twelve years to reflect on an intense summer of love, sex and loyalty. But Daz's imminent death forces Shaun to confront his past.
Mr. Gilliam
Jamie Gilliam is a bright young rising star with Castlefield City, a first division club on the verge of promotion to the premiership. When lapdancing student Sharon goes out to a club with friends she bumps into him and ends up going back to his place. She wakes up the next day feeling ill and not being able to remember how she got naked in his bed. When she later goes to the police charging rape no-one believes her and the club settles with her privately to keep her quiet. But is Jamie as clean cut as he appears?
Flesh and Blood
Man at door
A man who was adopted at birth traces his real parents, and discovers that they have severe learning disabilities and do not know he exists.
Blood Strangers
Benny Nightingale
A mother is dealt a double blow when she learns that her murdered teenage daughter was working as a prostitute.
Diary of a Madman
An update of Gogol's comic story about a man who thinks the way to his boss's heart is by sending letters to her dog. Starring Steve Evets, Yasmin Mills and The Fall's Mark E Smith
A young boy who has lost his father. An old man seeking a connection with his grandson. A supernatural discovery that might provide them both with the answers they crave.