Kang Woo-suk

Kang Woo-suk

出生 : 1960-11-10, South Korea


Korean director best known for Silmido (2003), the Public Enemy trilogy (2002-2008), Moss (2010), and Two Cops (1993).


Kang Woo-suk
Kang Woo-suk
Kang Woo-suk


The Map Against The World
Kim Jeong-ho's father died due to an erroneous map. Because of this, Kim Jeong-ho has a strong desire to make his own map. He begins a complete block map of Joseon.
Fists of Legend
Three men who share a past participate in a mixed martial arts reality show where they have to fight against other contestants to win the prize money.
Ari Ari the Korean Cinema
Director Chung Ji-Young criticizes the thought that older directors have difficulties in making certain movies. Actress Yoon Jin-Seo agonizes over her identity as an actress. In 2009, before the movie "Unbowed" was made, they met and planned a documentary about Korean movies, including the processes a Korean movie goes through and difficulites. "Ari Ari the Korean Cinema" is a documentary with interviews of Korean directors, actors and actresses.
Romantic Heaven
The paths of three people intersect at a hospital. A lawyer who mourns the death of his wife, a taxi driver who is taking care of his grandfather that suffers from Alzheimer's, and a girl who is looking for a bone marrow donor to save the life her mother.
Kim Sang-nam (Jeong Jae-yeong), a hot-tempered former professional baseball player, is sent to the countryside to coach a team of hearing-impaired players in order to avoid media coverage of his recent involvement in an assault case. At first, Kim has a difficult time imagining how he can teach baseball to a group of boys who can't hear, but as he spends time with them he starts to believe that they can play the game. Motivated, Kim decides to help them prepare for the nationals. But things don't go the way Kim plans and their difficulties communicating with one another exacerbates the situation
1978年頃、ベトナム戦争帰りのよそ者ユ・モッキョンは村の祈祷院で修行に励み、人望を得ていた。 約30年後、息子のヘグクは父モッキョンが死んだと知らせを受け、疎遠だった父の葬儀のために村にやって来る。ヘグクは刑事だったが、失職して離婚。村は元刑事の村長チョン・ヨンドクによって牛耳られており、村人たちは喪主のヘグクを歓迎しない。葬儀後にはソウルへ帰ることを促す村人たちの意に反して、父の死に疑問を持ったヘグクは村にとどまる。
No Mercy
Forensic pathologist Kang is assigned to examine the dismembered corpse of a female murder victim. Detective Min points to a fanatic environmentalist, Lee Sung-ho, as the primary suspect. But when Kang’s daughter is kidnapped, a manipulative game begins between Kang and Lee, who holds secrets about the homicide case.
Executive Producer
A pawnbroker is found murdered in a remote town in a derelict building. Three people come under suspicion but all of them have perfect alibis and the investigation comes to a standstill. Almost fifteen years pass and the lead inspector decides to re-investigate.
Mr. Kim is jobless, lost in debt and has been dumped by his girlfriend. He decides to end it all by jumping into the Han River - only to find himself washed up on a small, mid-river island. He soon abandons thoughts of suicide or rescue and begins a new life as a castaway. His antics catch the attention of a young woman whose apartment overlooks the river. Her discovery changes both their lives.
Modern Boy
During the Japanese occupation, a Korean modern boy, who wants to fit in with the Japanese, falls in love with a Korean freedom fighter.
Public Enemy Returns
Kang Chul-jung has been a detective fighting crime for 15 years and is at it again against a mob boss who recruits young kids to do his dirty work.
A screenwriter dreams of success and has a boyfriend who is a member of an unsuccessful rock band. Her sister, an interior designer, meets an actor she falls for. Her niece is trying to figure out how to get her first kiss from her boyfriend. Three stories about life and dating.
A Korean reunification plan is upset by a Japanese invasion plot, revealing a century-old secret between the countries.
Blossom Again
Thirty year-old teacher In-young falls in love with her own student, Suk. What attracted her to the boy was the fact that he resembled her first love in every way, and even shared the same name. But with the sudden return of her long-lost love, and the appearance of a cute high school girl who confesses her love towards the boy Suk, In-young finds herself lost among the two first loves.
Another Public Enemy
A criminal psychopath from a wealthy family is confronted with Chul-jung Kang, a former classmate who no longer likes his activities.
Ghost House
Executive Producer
Park Pil-gi’s family has never owned a house for three generations. They have to live in a rented room all their lives. Quite understandably, his father’s will at his death bed was ‘get your own house,’ which became Pil-gi’s goal in life. He works at a shipyard by day and as part-time chauffeur by night. After 10 years he finally manages to buy a two-storey house near the beach in Geoje-do, with some loans and mortgage. On the day he moves in, he shouts “Father… I did it! I bought my own house!” But his joy soon turns to fear. A knife flies toward him, the actor on TV suddenly shouts at him to leave the house, and even crawls out of the screen.…
1968年1月、北朝鮮特殊工作部隊による韓国大統領府襲撃未遂事件が発生。同年4月、韓国政府はその報復として仁川沖のシルミド (実尾島)に死刑囚ら31人の男たちを集め、極秘に金日成暗殺指令を下した。こうして31人は、当時の暦から名付けられた684部隊の特殊工作員として、過酷な訓練を開始する。3年後、優秀な工作員に仕立て上げられた彼らに、いよいよ実行命令が下される。しかし、政府の対北政策は決行目前になって大きく転換、北への潜入に向け行動を開始した部隊に急遽命令の撤回が告げられる。
1968年1月、北朝鮮特殊工作部隊による韓国大統領府襲撃未遂事件が発生。同年4月、韓国政府はその報復として仁川沖のシルミド (実尾島)に死刑囚ら31人の男たちを集め、極秘に金日成暗殺指令を下した。こうして31人は、当時の暦から名付けられた684部隊の特殊工作員として、過酷な訓練を開始する。3年後、優秀な工作員に仕立て上げられた彼らに、いよいよ実行命令が下される。しかし、政府の対北政策は決行目前になって大きく転換、北への潜入に向け行動を開始した部隊に急遽命令の撤回が告げられる。
Spring Breeze
The cheapest and the stingiest! A man, who has never spent a dime on a date... A man, who prefers to double up on layers of thermals in the winter, instead of turning on the heater... A man, who insists on using his beeper in this 21st Century, a.k.a. The Age of Mobile Phones, to save his phone bill... He is the cheapest man alive! He's the infamous stingy writer, Seon-guk! As he wrestles with his unfinished (and very delayed) manuscript, an unexpected woman moves into his house. "I'm a respected man! I cannot live with a vulgar woman like her!"
Public Enemy
A notorious dirty cop makes an honest attempt to catch a serial killer who even murdered his own parents.
Guns & Talks
Four unlikely assassins question their assignments because they genuinely care about their customers and victims. However, they attract police attention and a prosecutor is on their trail.
Kick the Moon
Kick the Moon is about two high school students from a small-city high-school. One is a fighter who is involved in a legendary street-fight with a rival school, the other is a geeky wimp who loves to study and is one of the only students to not participate in the fight. Years later, the punk has grown to be a teacher in the high-school he attended and the nerd has become a mafia underboss and has returned to his hometown to set up operations. The movie revolves around the two men's rivalry for the affections of a local lady restaurant owner and the fighting of rival gang factions in the small city.
Paradise Lost
A couple fall deeply in love. Unfortunately, they are both already married to other people. The resulting affair leads to the man losing his job. Both divorce their spouses, but while travelling together, they decide that the only way for them to be perfectly happy is for them to commit double suicide.
Bedroom And Courtroom
Lee Kyung-Ja's husband is constantly away from home, working hard for Il San, a major conglomerate. When he is fired, she becomes angry and sues the company, requesting alimony for her poor love life. After discovering the vicious nature of well-known lawyer Myung Sung-Ki (and after realizing that he represents Il San), seh decides instead to hire his wife, Lee Ki-Ja. In court, Lee Kyung-Ja's husband betrays her, revealing intimate details of their sex life. Humiliated, she decides to drop the case, until her lawyer reveals that she has similar problems in her own marriage. The two women open their hearts to each other and go back to face the court anew. As the lawsuit progresses, the dispute between accuser and the accused runs deeper. At last, they await the judge's decision...
Holiday in Seoul
A hotel bellboy having recently been dumped falls in love with a leg model who's a regular guest at the hotel' she and her lover meet regularly in room 901. One day, her lover gets killed in a hit-and-run accident. Also around this hotel is a telephone operator, whom wishes to waste her time. Her fixation is with a taxi ride. When she gets into a cab, she doesn't tell the driver where to go, and the driver doesn't ask. They just speed along the city at night.
Holiday in Seoul
A hotel bellboy having recently been dumped falls in love with a leg model who's a regular guest at the hotel' she and her lover meet regularly in room 901. One day, her lover gets killed in a hit-and-run accident. Also around this hotel is a telephone operator, whom wishes to waste her time. Her fixation is with a taxi ride. When she gets into a cab, she doesn't tell the driver where to go, and the driver doesn't ask. They just speed along the city at night.
Two Cops 2
An unlikely pair of cops take part in a massive crackdown against the local mob.
7 Reasons Why Beer Is Better Than a Lover
Mom Has a New Boyfriend
Eun-jae, a children’s book illustrator, runs into Jin-woo at a bookstore. Jin-woo and Eun-jae met years ago on a train. Although each has a family to go home to, both believe that their meeting is more than coincidence and begin to see each other.
Mom Has a New Boyfriend
Eun-jae, a children’s book illustrator, runs into Jin-woo at a bookstore. Jin-woo and Eun-jae met years ago on a train. Although each has a family to go home to, both believe that their meeting is more than coincidence and begin to see each other.
How to Top My Wife
This 1990s South Korean film focuses on a man deciding to hire a hitman to kill his wife rather than file for divorce.
Two Cops
An easy-going corrupt detective is partnered up with a younger, more idealistic detective. The two try to influence each other to become more like themselves but must cooperate when faced with a strange case.
Two Cops
An easy-going corrupt detective is partnered up with a younger, more idealistic detective. The two try to influence each other to become more like themselves but must cooperate when faced with a strange case.
Mister Mama
Who Saw The Dragon's Claws?
Ji-won, a news anchor woman, witnesses Jung Yong-wook, an emerging leader of the ruling party, being terrorized. She sees the incident from car parked on a deserted road as she was enjoying a secret redez-vous with Park In-gyu, the presidential candidate of the opposition party. She barely escapes being killed herself. The country is thrown in turmoil with the news of Jung Yong-wook's alleged suicide, and Park In-gyu urges Ji-won to keep quiet.
I Stand Up Every Day
Happiness Does Not Come in Grades
In a high school second grade classroom, Bonggu (Gyu Seok) and Genija (Choi Soo-hoon), whose grades are low, love each other (Yi Yeon Yeon) and Niho teacher. The hard - luck Changshu helps his mother to clean the liquor, but the Eun - joo, who grew up in a rich environment, screams without understanding him. Eunju is always attracted to the innocence of the pure mind while maintaining good grades and suffering obsession with the grades due to the obsession of the parents. She takes her parents' cold eyes when she is pushed to the seventh place by the next exam. Eunju can not endure it and suicide. In the classroom, a flower is placed on the desk of Eun-joo, and the hearse and the children are tears as the hearse runs the school.
Sweet Brides