Yuriko Yamamoto

Yuriko Yamamoto

出生 : 1960-02-13, Hino, Tokyo, Japan


Yuriko Yamamoto


シンドバッド ~真昼の夜とふしぎの門~
Queen Sadie (voice)
魔法族の仲間を探し旅を続けるシンドバッド達を追う謎の敵ガリプ一味。 サナは一体何者なのか? ガリプ達の野望とは?辿り着いた”真昼の夜”の中に浮かび上がる”不思議の門” 。 世界を変える恐るべき秘密が遂に明らかになる…。
聖闘士星矢 天界編 序奏 ~overture~
Aquila Marin (voice)
冥界での死闘の後。冥王ハーデスの呪いによりすべての力を失った星矢は、アテナ・城戸沙織の介護のもとで静かに生活していた。しかしオリンポス十二神の月の女神アルテミスは、神に抗った星矢の抹殺のため、3人の天闘士(エンジェル)を送り込む。 沙織は星矢の命を救うため、女神の地位と地上世界の支配権をアルテミスに譲り渡す。地上の神となったアルテミスは地上への天罰として人類滅亡を企て、神としての力を失った沙織は自ら血を流すことで人類を守ろうとする。この未曾有の危機に、力を失ったはずの星矢が再び立ち上がり、紫龍、氷河、瞬、一輝もまたアテナのもとへと向かう。しかしその行く手を天闘士たちが阻み、さらにはオリンポス十二神のアポロンまでもが降臨する。全宇宙最強の神を相手に、人類の命運をかけた最大の闘いが始まる。
クレヨンしんちゃん 暗黒タマタマ大追跡
Yone Higashimatsuyama (voice)
スクランブルウォーズ 突っ走れ!ゲノムトロフィーラリー
Ramy (voice)
Take the characters from a number of sci-fi based animes, a stage not unlike "Wacky Races," super deformed madness, and general insanity and what you get is Scramble Wars. While Scramble Wars does include characters from the original Bubblegum Crisis, Gall Force and Genesis Survivor Gaiarth, it also has a few other characters from other animes such as AD Police and Riding Bean.
Hawaiian Breeze follows two twenty-something adults, Peter Honda, an illustrator, and Eri Todani, a planner, who have been living together for two years since meeting on vacation in Hawaii. They seem reasonably happy, but there's an underlying conflict. Peter really loves children. He wants to get married and start a family. Eri doesn't want children and sees no reason to get married. Their happiness gradually erodes, and eventually Eri leaves to "think about things." Peter's editor, Reiko, who wonders if she'd be a better match for Peter, unravels the underlying reason for Eri's reluctance. Peter must then make a choice. Will he give Eri up, in order to have a family, or will he accede to her feelings, in order to be with her? There's no easy answer.
Tomoe ga Yuku!
The title character of Tomoe ga Yuku! (Tomoe Will Go!) is gutsy enough to roller skate down freeways for thrills. After losing a friend in a roller skating accident, Tomoe joins a stunt group called Green Ship. Although still mourning her friend's death, Tomoe has no reservations about embracing a relationship with the group's leader, Kazusa. Soon she discovers Green Ship is a front for an assassin training camp. She must flee her new life and love and rekindle her fiery spirit in order to fight against the organization which wants her dead.
スーパーマリオワールド マリオとヨッシーの冒険ランド
Princess Peach (voice)
This is an interactive anime video based on the game Super Mario World. It is designed for use with Bandai's Terebikko system, which utilizes a telephone-shaped microphone to "interact" with the video. It asks the viewer multiple choice questions, such as what will hatch from Yoshi's egg.
花のあすか組!2 ロンリーキャッツ・バトルロイヤル
Second OVA of "Hana no Asuka-gumi!".
Yumeno Sally
This short movie tells the story of Sally, a teenage witch that came to Earth from the Magical Kingdom. For some mysterious reason, spring has not started yet. Sally and her friends have to find the cause and fix the problem.
ガルフォース 地球章
Lamidia McKenzie (voice)
yajikita gakuen douchuuki
Shinokita Reiko and Yajima Junko are second-year high school students who travel from school to school fighting bad guys, ninjas, yakuza and corruption. At this high school they encounter a secret ninja order and a corrupt administrator, as well as a tragic death in the distant past. With the help of Kotetsu, a skilled ninja, they set the school to rights, but not before leaving several broken hearts behind.
変幻退魔夜行 カルラ舞う! 奈良怨霊絵巻
Shoko and Maiko Ougi are apparently two ordinary schoolgirls in pursuit of graduating and having fun. Shii-chan is the more serious while Mai-chan is more fun-loving. In reality, the two sisters are powerful exorcists from the Karura temple. Each wields half the power... Shii-chan can see the spirits, and Mai-chan can banish them. This is a spooky series with heavy emphasis on traditionally Japanese occult themes.
爆走サーキット·ロマン TWIN
Hibiki Uchida
Hyoo Hino's birth was rocky. That, in itself, induced mental disorders to his mother, Kanae. Raised by his aunt right until reaching 17 years of age, he curses the day he came to this world and entertains suicidal thoughts. However, a girl, named Hibiki Uchida, became the beacon of his miserable life. She herself suffered from a tumultuous relationship with her ex-boyfriend, Kazuya, and even considered ending her life...
ザナドゥ ドラゴンスレイヤー伝説
The evil magician Reichswar has killed the King to gain possession of a magic crystal; now he means to use its power to rule the whole Xanadu. The princess Rieru is kidnapped. One brave young warrior, wielding the magic blade Dragonslayer, goes to her rescue.
昔々の中国が舞台であります。幼少の頃、武闘家であった父を、村を襲った窃盗団「毒蛇党」に惨殺された拉麺男は父の敵討ちに燃え、偶然に知り合った「超人拳」という拳法を使う「陳老師」のもと、超林寺にて修行を積む。 12年間もの苦しい修行の後、たくましく成長した拉麺男は、晴れて、超人拳正統継承者の証である「闘龍極意書」を陳老師より譲り受け、修行の旅に出る。途中「毒蛇党」に襲われた村で拉麺男と同じように家族を殺され、天涯孤独の身になってしまったシューマイという子供と知り合う。 そこで、拉麺男は譲り受けた「闘龍極意書」に従い、「毒蛇党」を台風の力と「百歩神拳」で葬りさった。その後、弟子入りしてきたシューマイ少年と二人で修行の旅を続ける拉麺男は旅の途中、様々な拳法家達と闘い、悩み、成長して行くのでした。
Rumy (voice)
A super deformed parody which depicts the "making of " Eternal Story and Destruction. A very humorous behind-the-scenes look (if "Gall Force" were a live-action series instead of being animated).
ハーバーライト物語(ストーリー) ~ファッションララより~
Miho / Fashion Lala
北斗の拳 TV総集編3 世紀末覇者の伝説 ラオウ死すべし!
Yuria (voice)
Compilation film covering the fourth arc of the Fist of the North Star TV series involving Raoh
禁断の黙示録 クリスタル・トライアングル
Miyabi Koto / Himiko
In times of olde, God gave mankind the ten commandments, and a message that has been lost to the centuries. In the present, Koichiro Kamishiro is a modern day Indiana Jones who scours (and often destroys) ruins for hints of the past, until one day he runs across a box filled with two crystal triangles. Having inadvertently run across the key to God's lost message, Kamishiro suddenly has a lot to deal with including assassination attempts by the KGB and the CIA, aliens hell-bent on destroying the Earth and the love of several women!
花のあすか組! 新歌舞伎町ストーリー
Based on the popular girl's manga Hana no Asukagumi! (The Glorious Asuka Gang!) by Takaguchi Satosumi.
トゥインクルハート 銀河系までとどかない
Berry (voice)
God's two daughters Cherry and Lemon have been tasked with finding the lost treasure of Heaven, referred to as Love. Together with their guardian Berry, their search takes them to a planet where stuffed animals have come to life, putting them in direct conflict with Cecilian and the nefarious Treasure Connection.
Yuriko Edogawa
Our heroine has been kidnapped and her two somewhat ditzy friends decided to save her in a war machine they found in her house. Unfortunately they have little idea of how it works so let the random destruction begin.
Rumy (voice)
スーパーマリオブラザーズ ピーチ姫救出大作戦!
The Great Toad (voice)
When Princess Peach is kidnapped by the monster King Koopa, Mario and his brother Luigi journey to the Mushroom Kingdom to rescue her.
超時空ロマネスクSAMY(サミー) ミッシング・99
Maki (voice)
A young schoolgirl Samy sees some bikers hurt some other girls and that makes the bikers come after Samy. While fleeing she gets the help of a boy and her dog, but she still ends up in a different world along with her dog. In there she helps a witch who has lost her glass eye. But bad demons search for her as well and soon she ends up in the fight between gods and demons because she holds a great power within.
Yuria (Julia)
北斗の拳 TV総集編1 ユリア!永遠に・・・ さらばシンよ!!
Yuria (voice)
Compilation film covering the Shin story arc of the Fist of the North Star TV Series
トゥインクル NORA ロック・ミー!
Nora (voice)
Nora Scholar is now an interstellar bounty hunter, pursuing a powerful psychic on the desolate mining planet, Dazzle. There she befriends a would-be dancer named Max. Together, they take on the ESPer, Fuuchino, and his oversized bruiser of a brother, Touchino.
ペンギンズ・メモリー 幸福物語
Child #1 (voice)
Nora (voice)
大型ポリティカルフィクション『ルサルカは還らない』などの人気漫画家・御厨さと美の原作による、OVA黎明期の美少女SFアニメ。21世紀末、スペースコロニー“フロンティア”を管理する、スーパーコンピュータ“アーティフィーンド”が突然、自我に目覚める。地球の歴史と人類の文明を精緻に膨大に修学したアーティフィーンドは、過った種であると人類への憎悪を自覚。軍事衛星の核ミサイルまで制御して、その照準を地上に向けた。コンピューター学者ザカライアセン博士、ドハティ教授とともにコロニーに来ていた16歳の美少女ノーラ・スコラは、持ち前の行動力と闘志でアーティフィーンドの制止を図るが? 同じ一族の子孫や先祖という設定も活用して、さまざまな時代で活躍する、原作者のコミック世界=御厨ワールドを代表するスーパーガール、ノーラの未来編のOVA化。作画監督は、テレビアニメ版『北斗の拳』や劇場アニメ版『地球へ…』で活躍する須田正己が担当。
Chico / Julie Rochelle
キン肉マン 大暴れ!正義超人
超人オリンピックV2達成、7人の悪魔超人撃破を果たしキン肉星へと凱旋帰国したキン肉マン。祝福のパレードの最中、キン肉族と敵対するホルモン族の女超人・ビビンバに命を狙われる。間一髪回避しビビンバを追いかけるキン肉マンだったが、負傷したビビンバの素顔を見て彼女に一目ぼれし、良い所を見せようと手当てをしたり、一族を裏切るなどアプローチをかける。そしてビビンバの父ホルモン・ヤーキの手引きにより彼女をデートに誘うが、それはホルモン・ヤーキによる罠だった。 美ヶ原にて罠にかけられ気絶したキン肉マンに剣を向けるビビンバだったが、自分を手当てしてくれた彼の優しさに触れ恋心が芽生えていた故に剣を振ることをためらう。キン肉マンは無意識にこれを破るが、見かねたキン肉大王らの手により地球へと強制送還される。 キン肉族打倒を狙うホルモン・ヤーキは、バーベキュー族のチャンピオン・シシカバ・ブーと彼に助力するブラック軍団を率いる宇宙暗黒帝王ブラック・エンペラーと手を組むことになった。しかしブラック・エンペラーは地球征服のために邪魔な正義超人打倒を目論んでいた。 そうとは知らず、キン肉マンは富士山にてビビンバを賭けシシカバ・ブーの挑戦を受ける。同じ頃、それぞれの夢を叶えるために故郷へと帰っていた正義超人たちにもブラック軍団の尖兵が襲いかかろうとしていた。
La Mîmé
松本零士原作の人気SFアニメを映画化。己が信ずるもののために生涯をかけて戦い続ける男「キャプテン・ハーロック」を主人公に大宇宙を舞台に描く壮大なSFロマン。 原作・企画・構成を松本零士、監督を勝間田具治が担当。
キャンパス・ポルノ ピエロの乳房
Pinku from 1974.