Mayuko Fukuda

Mayuko Fukuda

出生 : 1994-08-04, Tokyo, Japan


Mayuko Fukuda, born on August 4, 1994 in Tokyo, Japan, is a Japanese actress who made her debut in 1998. She is contracted to talent agency FLaMme. Her father, Kenji Fukuda, is a drummer in the band Kasutera.


Mayuko Fukuda
Mayuko Fukuda
Mayuko Fukuda


A four-part film done in the unique style of each director, Matusbayashi Urara gives a portrayal of a struggling actress named Machiko who lives in Kamata. Machiko is the central axis of the movie as the film comically depicts what it means to be a "woman" and an "actress" in society through showing the patterns of life as conducted by her and the people that surround her.
Sakura Ueno has recently quit her job and decided to work temporarily in a nursery school at a friend's request. There she meets a whole lot of cute kids including a girl named Ai. Shindo, the girl's father, often comes to pick her up late after school. Seeing him pick up his daughter triggers a memory of her own father, following this, changes happen…
The vocalist of a broken up band tries to get the group back together.
Members of Kanna's university dance circle got together for the first time in a few years to celebrate the engagement of Kanna and Masao. Suspicion arises that Kanna and another member had sex, leading to fights and arguments between friends.
レ・ミゼラブル 終わりなき旅路
This feature drama, produced to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Fuji TV, is an adaptation of Victor Hugo's classic masterpiece Les Miserables set in the 1990s in Japan. In Kobe in 1993, Jun Baba gets taken to a juvenile prison due to a killing of a man who cheated his mother out of all her money in self-defense. One day, he hears that his younger brother, who has been desperately ill, is in a critical condition and breaks out. However, he finds out his brother is already dead. In the depth of despair, he tries to kill himself but is saved by a man who runs a self-support facility. He begins to live at the place, and befriends with Takumi Watanabe aspiring to be a lawyer. In 1995, the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake hits and their friendship comes to an end. Crushed under the debris, Takumi persuades Jun to live his life instead. Jun swears to live on assuming Takumi's identity.
A Taiwanese girl Yuwen comes to a village of Fukushima to study abroad. She thinks falling-in-love is a stupid thing and the land is unusually dry as Yuwen’s heart because of no rains. Yuwen struggles to speak Japanese but learns Japan culture and relationships from her host family and neighbors. As she opens her heart little by little, rain falls on the small village after a long time.
Bunsei era, at a time when Edo culture is at its peak, and barely 50 years before the arrival of the Meiji Restoration in 1868. Sabu is a cheerful, honest young man who left his hometown with the dream of becoming a policeman. He is an informant to the policeman Saheiji of Asakusa in Edo and stays with him and his daughter Midori. One day, Sabu encounters the cool master swordsman Ichi, who makes a living giving massages, and they become partners in an unexpected way. Although Sabu is still an informant, he and the blind Ichi collaborate in a way that compensates for each other’s shortcomings. Sabu becomes Ichi’s eyes while Ichi becomes Sabu’s right-hand man and solves cases with his well-honed skills of deduction as they search for the truth in difficult cases in Edo. One case starts with the discovery of two dead bodies in the Sumida River. The bodies have diagonal slashes and were left in boxes.
世にも奇妙な物語 25周年記念!秋の2週連続SP~傑作復活編~
「昨日公園」 「イマキヨさん」「ハイ・ヌーン」「ズンドコベロンチョ」「思い出を売る男」
Youths taking on the challenge of men's cheerleading is depicted in this coming-of-age drama by GOGO♂ike-men5 writer/director, Fukuyama Sakurako. Seven member song & dance group, "Bullet Train," star in their first film. Seven childhood friends who belonged to a youth group in their neighborhood association have grown up and gone their separate ways. Through unusual circumstances, they are entrusted with an event at the neighborhood festival and give their all to lift the spirits of a young girl, Hana (Iwasaki Miku) and her shut-in mother Usagi (Asami Reina) through cheerleading.
A meeting in the middle of Tokyo between Jan, a middle age French photographer who is living his life carelessly, and Flare, a 17 years old runaway girl with a complicate family background. Charmed by Jan’s works, a budding of love soon developed in Flare. While attracted to the wild life of Jan, she holds onto a complicated feelings. With this swaying conflicts inside of her, it painted a vivid picture of growing up in this Japan – France collaboration work of a painful love story.
Okazaki Minami
Hirosue and Nagase will play a married couple in this tearjerker, based on a true story of two parents who are told that their daughter Miho (played by Manatsu Kimura) has one year left to live due to a brain tumor. The drama depicts the family's remaining time together, including the 359 letters that Miho drew before her death. --Dramawiki
Shinko Aoki (voice)
20世紀少年 ぼくらの旗
Sanae Isono
Heaven's Door
Harumi Shiraishi
A young man Tomoya Nagase and a girl Mayuko Fukuda both learn that they have an untreatable illness and are nearing death. When one reveals that they have never been to the ocean, they embark on a comical adventure to see the sea.
霧の火 樺太・真岡郵便局に散った九人の乙女たち
Mizue (15-19 ans)
『霧の火 樺太・真岡郵便局に散った九人の乙女たち』(きりのひ からふと・まおかゆうびんきょくにちった9にんのおとめたち)は、2008年8月25日の21:00-23:18に、日本テレビ系列(NNS)にて放送された単発スペシャルのテレビドラマである。平成20年度(第63回)文化庁芸術祭(テレビ部門・ドラマの部)優秀賞受賞。ドラマは、晩年を迎えた生存者と、彼女の過去の回想を聞き取り記録する若い派遣社員との交流を軸足に描いている。史実を基にしたフィクションであり、実際の生存者から取材しているものの、主人公は架空の人物で、性的暴行など創作の部分も多い。
古畑中学生 ~古畑任三郎生涯最初の事件~
Asuka Tobe
Young Furuhata, a 3rd-year junior high student from Tokyo, transferred to a school in the countryside due to family circumstances. He doesn't fit in at first, but he eventually gains a reputation as a detective and opens his own detective agency. One day, he hears about the town's legend of buried treasure, and he immediately begins unraveling the mystery.
Akari Saito (young)
L: Change the WorLd
世界を震撼させたキラ事件が佳境を迎えていた頃、タイのとある村で新種のウイルスによるバイオテロが発生し、某国は事件の証拠隠滅のため爆撃によって村を焼き払った。そのウイルスはインフルエンザ並の流行性とエボラウイルス並の致死率を掛け合わせた恐るべきものだった。 自分の命とワタリの死という代償を負ってキラ事件に終止符を打ったLは残りの時間をかけて世界中の難事件をたった一人で解決していた。だがタイの事件の生き残った少年「BOY」と、ワタリに託されるはずだったウイルスを携えた少女・真希の来訪に端を発し、Lは「人類削減計画」を掲げる環境保護団体『ブルーシップ』が関わる事件の解決に動き出す。
Little DJ 小さな恋の物語
Taro is a 12-year-old into baseball and radio, especially "Music Express," a song-request show. Sound quaint? But it is 1977 and a small town in Hokkaido, a more innocent, pure-hearted time and place, we are told. Taro, however, has a blood disease that lands him in the hospital where his aunt is a nurse. Rounds of tests, transfusions and injections sap his spirit, despite the kindness and dedication of his young doctor and the Doctor's hospital-director father. The latter, a music buff who broadcasts classics over the hospital's PA system, asks Taro to relieve him as DJ — and soon the boy is ensconced in the hospital director's well-stocked library-cum-studio, spinning popular J-Pop tunes. He also becomes acquainted with Tamaki, a girl he first calls "the mummy" because of her bandages and full body cast — she was injured in a traffic accident. He later changes his tune when she is revealed as a cute 13-year-old — for him, an older woman...
Takako Maruyama (voice)
私たちの人生には、たくさんの“偶然”が転がっています。 そんな偶然と偶然が連鎖して、ふとしたことで幸せにつながっていく…。 あなたにも、そんな経験ありませんか? このドラマスペシャルは、そんなかけがえのない出会いの奇跡、人生を変えた奇跡の瞬間… そんな数々をオムニバスドラマとして紡いでいきます。 セレンディップとは…? この番組のタイトルにもある“セレンディップ”とは、「ふとした偶然をきっかけに、幸せをつかむこと」という意味です。 「セレンディップの三人の王子」という寓話をもとに、18世紀のイギリスの作家ウォルポールが「セレンディピティ」と名付けて、世界に広まりました。 この番組の主人公は、都会にさすらう男と女たち。 彼らのある時間の風景を描く事で、走り続けるうちに、人がいつの間にか忘れてしまう物の大切さ、様々な形で繋がる事が出来るゆえに、逆に難しくなってしまったのかもしれない「本当に繋がる事」の意味、そして、日々を生き抜くことで忘れてしまっていた、大切なコトを思い起こすキッカケになる「偶然の連鎖」。 そんな事を、改めて考え直すドラマとして紡いでいきます。
Kuraki Misaki
Chibi Maruko-chan SP1
Chibi Maruko-chan (Japanese: ちびまる子ちゃん?) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Momoko Sakura. The series depicts the simple, everyday life of Momoko Sakura in the times of when she was a little girl where everyone call her Maruko and her family in suburban Japan in the year 1974. The series is set in the former city of Shimizu, now part of Shizuoka City, birthplace of its author.
Emi Sugiyama (young)
Mari Michiki - Young
Shin is a professional voyeur who provides live camera feeds of everything from the street corner to the public toilet. He is also afflicted freakish phenomenon known as synesthesia - a glitch in his wiring puts his five senses in a blender and spits out something close to insanity. A high-profile murder propels him into a psychological odyssey in pursuit of Picasso - a serial killer, snuff peddler and fellow synesthete - who leaves deadly hidden messages in his victims' blood that only Shin can decipher. Lulling his victims into a trance with a spellbinding video game, Picasso leads Shin down a mysterious, hypnotic trail of death.
Young Momoko