Rachel Grant

Rachel Grant

出生 : 1977-01-01, Luzon, Philippines


Actress Rachel Louise Grant De Longueuil was born on the Island of Luzon in the Philippines. She is related to British royalty through her grandfather, the late Baron Raymond De Longueuil (second cousin to Queen Elizabeth II of England) whose mother was Ernestine Maude Bowes-Lyon. Rachel is the middle of three sisters and spent much of her childhood in the English town of Nottingham. She attended drama school in London where she stayed on and pursued her career. Now Rachel lives in Los Angeles, California. Rachel has numerous hobbies including making sushi, origami, martial arts and weaponry. She has done some interesting theater work but got her big break as Nina in the British TV series, "Sci-Fright" (1999). Rachel has appeared in several global commercials including: Galaxy Chocolate (UK), Lynx Pulse (worldwide), Carlsberg Lager (UK), Lynx deodorant (worldwide), Anadin Tablets (UK) Bank of Bangkok (Asia), Gouda Cheese (Germany), Vics Menthols (Germany). Her first appearance in a feature film was as Bond Girl 'Peaceful Fountains of Desire', Bond's would-be assassin who poses as a masseuse in the James Bond film Die Another Day (2002).


Rachel Grant


Red Princess Blues
ZOE, a young teenage girl, is lured into an after hours carnival tent by the sleazy rock n roll carnie RIMO, and gets more then she bargained for. It's up to the mysterious PRINCESS, star of the new knife show, to pull her out of the wolf's den.
The Tournament
Lina Sofia
Every ten or seven years in an unsuspecting town, The Tournament takes place. A battle royale between 30 of the world's deadliest assassins. The last man standing receiving the $10,000,000 cash prize and the title of Worlds No 1, which itself carries the legendary million dollar a bullet price tag.
Brotherhood of Blood
Driven by vengeance, thirsty for blood... and damned to hell! Guarded by vampires and chained in a dark cellar by the mighty vampire King Pashek, crack vampire hunter Carrie Rieger's time is running out.her relentless quest to crush the world's undead scourge has brought her to the home of Pashek. But she is not here to hill him. Instead she wishes to join forces with her immortal enemies in an effort to rise up against an even more terrifying threat, one that would chill the soul of even the most blood-thirsty vampire; the mighty vampire demon Vlad Kossel.Thought to have been killed many hundreds of years ago, Kossel has now returned to wreak bloody vengeance on his kind before enslaving humanity. He will destroy everything in his path and there is only one hunter who can stop him...
Until Death
Maria Ronson
Anthony Stowe is a dirty cop who is hooked on heroin—and everyone hates him. After a serious accident, he is placed into an induced coma, but emerges from it a better person who wants to put things right.
The Purifiers
The story of martial arts clubs who have created their own city infrastructure after tiring of government initiatives. Responding to the greed and corruption creeping into the other clubs, headed by capitalist-wannabe Moses, The Purifiers battle to maintain the successful system which has rid the city of crime and violence.
ボンドは北朝鮮側の非武装地帯にある基地で、アフリカから不正輸出されたダイヤモンドと引き換えに武器の密輸を行なっていたムーン大佐抹殺の任務を遂行した直後、彼の父であるムーン将軍に捕らわれ、長きに渡る監禁・拷問を受ける。 14ヶ月後、中華人民共和国の諜報員3名を殺害したのち、逮捕されたムーン大佐の側近のザオとの捕虜交換が行われ、ようやくMのもとに戻れたボンドは思いがけない言葉を耳にする。それは00(ダブルオー)ナンバーの剥奪だった。1週間前に北朝鮮内部に潜り込んでいたアメリカの工作員が処刑され、ボンドが居た収容所から情報が発信された事から、北朝鮮での拷問でボンドが機密事項を洩らしたのが原因だと疑うアメリカはこれ以上の情報漏れを恐れザオとの交換でボンドを連れ戻したのだという。ボンドを疑うMは、ボンドの00ナンバー剥奪という決断に至ったのだ。 この結果に納得のいかないボンドは、自らのプライドと00ナンバーを取り戻すべく単身でMたちのもとから脱出。香港を拠点に活動する中国の諜報員ミスター・チャンの協力のもと、ザオがキューバに潜伏中との情報をつかみ、キューバに飛ぶ。そこでアメリカ国家安全保障局(NSA)の諜報員ジンクスと遭遇する。