Trattoria tells the story of Sal Sartini (played by Tony Denison from “The Closer”), a “conventional” chef in that he has an upscale, brick and mortar restaurant, who anxiously scans every diner wondering if he or she is the famed Michelin reviewer or the local reviewer who can get him on the coveted “Top 100 Restaurants” list. The interplay between Sal and his son, Vince (played by John Patrick Amedori), who thinks he might want to be a chef and is willing to experiment with his grandmother’s traditional Italian recipes, creates some drama. When stymied by his father, who thinks that training his son involves having him wash dishes and plunge clogged toilets in the restaurant, Vince finds alternative outlets.
Sarah McCoy
In this bloody long-standing feud, two families seek vengeance against each other as they unmercifully attempt to destroy each other's loved ones.
When out-on-bail mob boss Bellavance discovers that $500,000 of his money is missing, he sends four hardcore hit men to send a "loud and messy" message to the suspected thieves' families. But when the killers invade the Rutledge home, they'll meet the household's emotionally disturbed young son Owen. Owen has a history of violent behavior, knows how to make lethal booby-traps and is about to teach these thugs some deadly lessons in extreme vengeance.
The Lovely Prostitute
Gunslinger Jonah Hex is appointed by President Ulysses Grant to track down terrorist Quentin Turnbull, a former Confederate officer determined on unleashing hell on earth. Jonah not only secures freedom by accepting this task, he also gets revenge on the man who slayed his wife and child.
A romantic cop thriller with a twist.
Georgina Carlyle
A romantic comedy about an actor and an actress who fake a real life relationship in order to get publicity for a movie that they both star in.
David Hyde Pierce, playing an alien (credited as infinity-cubed in the opening credits), narrates a courtship in a late-20th century American city as an extraterrestrial nature documentary. The relationship "footage" is played straight, while the voice-over (with its most often wildly inaccurate theories) and elaborate visual metaphors add comedy.
Former Girlfriend