David Haines

David Haines

出生 : , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA


David Haines is a native of Philadelphia, PA. The love for film and acting began at an early age. David's Mother worked at the local movie house and would take Him and His Brothers and Sisters to work with Her because She didn't have a babysitter. David sat in awe as He watched many newly released films. As time went on, and in adulthood David successfully tried His hand at many things. His love for helping others landed him awards such as the Community Service Awards and the NAACP Student Image Award. He worked with abused children and even taught school. However, the desire to communicate via the arts was still alive in Him. One summer, David enrolled in Freedom Theatre, an historic theatre located in Philadelphia, PA. He took an acting class and that's when Acting now became a true reality. The next fall semester at Lincoln University, David strolled down to the Arts Department and auditioned for the lead role in Lorraine Hansberry's "A Raisin In The Sun". Which He booked the lead and did an awesome job as Walter Lee Younger.


David Haines


When a mysterious illness targets several children in the small town of Caroltyn, young single mom Kofi is forced to confront the past and the heartbreaking family traumas that haunt her.
Her Little Secret
When Lerrez finally manages to turn her life around, her dark past finds its way back in. How far will she go to keep Her Little Secret?
Nicky's Crew Tommy
Anything Is Possible
Captain Miles
Ethan Bortnick plays the leading role as Nathan,a young boy who's separated from his mother when she goes missing during a trip to Japan to help after the tsunami. The movie explores issues like homelessness, military family life and adoption. Ethan co-wrote the music with Grammy award winning songwriter and producer, Gary Baker and will also score the entire film. Ethan will become the youngest actor to co-write the soundtrack and play the leading role in a feature film. When Army lieutenant, MARGARET PETERS (Lacy Chabert) goes missing during a tsunami rescue mission in Japan, back in Detroit, her son, NATHAN (Ethan Bortnick), discovers that his father GEORGE (Jonathan Bennett) isn't his biological father. Learning that Child Care Services could take him away, Nathan runs away before his father can explain. While George goes on a frantic search, Nathan takes to the streets of Detroit where he meets CAPTAIN MILES, a homeless Iraqi war veteran. Captain Miles takes the boy under his ...
メン・イン・ブラック 3
Stand In
Gone Hollywood
Al gets an inheritance from his dad- but there's a catch, he must go back home to reopen his dad's bar. Along the way, he finds laughter and a woman who might change the course of his life.
Gospel Hill
Gospel Hill tells the intersecting story of two men in the fictional South Carolina town of Julia. Danny Glover plays John Malcolm, the son of a slain civil rights activist. Jack Herrod (Tom Bower) is the former sheriff who never got to the bottom of the murder. Their paths begin to cross when a development corporation comes to town with plans to raze Julia's historic Gospel Hill.
Other Young Executive
1981年のサンフランシスコ。妻リンダと息子のクリストファーと暮らすクリス・ガードナーは、骨密度を測定する新型医療器械のセールスをしていた。大金をはたいて仕入れた時にはこの機械を「革命的な機械」と信じ、妻とともに希望にあふれていたが、いざセールスをしてみるとその機械は病院関係者にとって「レントゲンより少し鮮明に見える程度で高価な贅沢品」という無用の長物であった。そのため機械のセールスはうまくいかず税金も滞納し、妻のパートでなんとか乗り切る苦しい生活を送っていた。 そんなある日、彼は路上で「真っ赤なフェラーリ」を見かけて思わず持ち主に二つの質問をする。 「あなたに二つ質問がある。仕事と、その仕事にどうやって就いたんだ?」 「株の仲買人をしていて、学歴がなくてもなれる」と返された彼は、株に興味を持ち始め、たまたま見つけた証券会社の養成コースに願書を提出する。半年間の研修期間で定員は20名、その中で選ばれるのはたった1名。しかもそのためにはまず研修生に選ばれることが必要だった。そこで彼は人材課長のトゥイッスルに近づき、彼が持っていたルービックキューブ(当時テレビにも取り上げられるほど大流行していた)を数分で完成させ、驚かせる。そうしてトゥイッスルに認められたクリスは研修プログラムに合格、参加することになる。だが研修期間中は無給であった。もし1名に選ばれなかったら半年間が無駄になる。 そんなとき、とうとうリンダが苦しい生活に耐えかね、息子を連れて出て行ってしまった。クリスは保育所から息子のクリストファーを連れ帰ったものの、大家には立ち退きを命じられ、駐車違反で一晩拘留されてしまう。持ち前の誠実さと機転で研修生にはなれたが、息子と2人で安モーテルに住むことになった。幸い機械のセールスはうまくいき、4ヶ月で売り切るが、一息つく間もなく税の未納分として、そのほとんどを差し押さえられてしまうのである。 行くあてもなく文字通り路頭に迷う2人は、駅のトイレや教会などを転々とするホームレス生活を送る。貯蓄も家もなく、明日も見えない辛い日々の中、クリスを突き動かすものは、この生活から脱け出し幸せになりたいという思いと、父親も知らず育った自分のような境遇を息子に味わわせたくない、という息子への愛情であった。
ALI アリ
Rudy Clay / Rahaman Ali