This documentary, produced by Hiroaki Fujii in 2005, features the crew of Yukio Mishima's 1966 film PATRIOTISM recounting their filming experience.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Ninth film in the long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin.
Ken Ogata plays Shiro Miyagi, a sprinter with Olympic aspirations whose dreams were shattered by WWII. A broken man, he leads the dissolute life of a gigolo until a chance meeting with a fiery young athlete named Hiroko (Michiyo Yasuda). Realizing that she has talent as a sprinter, Miyagi sees a second chance at Olympic glory in becoming her coach. Following Miyagi’s unconventional, military-style training, Hiroko sets a record for the 100-meter dash, but her greatest hurdle proves to be a “sex check” which all professional athletes must pass.
Director of Photography
Assistant Camera
Two characters on a Noh stage dramatize the rite of love and death of Lieutenant Shinji Takeyama and his wife Reiko.
Toru Emori leads the cast as Hirate Musashi while a Hiroshi Fujioka competes with him as Okamoto Musashi. They must not only contend with the Yoshioka and Yagyu fencing schools, but have to take on Chiyonosuke Azuma as Sasaki Kojiro, and deal with the women who pursue them for love. Unlike the Yoshikawa Eiji novel which is not historically accurate, this film offers a new view of Japan’s greatest hero! The film is based on the novel by Kosuke Gomi!