Shin Kamen Rider is an upcoming Japanese tokusatsu superhero film written and directed by Hideaki Anno, produced to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Kamen Rider Series and is a reboot of the original 1971 Kamen Rider series.
Set in an alternative world of Bungo Stray Dogs, this "what-if" story imagines if Atsushi Nakajima was in the Port Mafia and Ryūnosuke Akutagawa was in the Armed Detective Agency, instead of vice-versa. The story follows Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, who vows revenge on a man dressed in black in order to rescue his sister. However, as he is about to starve to death, a man from the Armed Detective Agency appears.
Bincho-tan, an orphan lives alone in the forest, she always has a piece of coal bonded on her head. Occasionally, she ventures into the town situated near the mountain, in search of work opportunities. In gratitude for her work, the townspeople offer her food as a gesture of appreciation. Bincho-tan leads a challenging life, but her joyful and warm demeanor endears her to those around her, leading her to make new friends. As time goes on, one after another heartwarming stories unfold, Bincho-tan finally illuminates her smile like a happy child.