Don Blakely

Don Blakely

出生 : 1938-07-26, Manhattan, New York, USA

死亡 : 2004-01-13


Don Blakely


George Wallace
George Wallace is a 1997 television film starring Gary Sinise as George Wallace, the former Governor of Alabama. It was directed by John Frankenheimer, who won an Emmy award for it; Sinise and Mare Winningham also won Emmies for their performances. The film was based on the 1996 biography Wallace : The Classic Portrait of Alabama Governor George Wallace by Marshall Frady, who also co-wrote the teleplay. Frankenheimer's film was highly praised by critics: in addition to the Emmy awards, it received the Golden Globe for Best Miniseries/Motion Picture made for TV. Angelina Jolie also received a Golden Globe for her performance as Wallace's second wife, Cornelia.
Persons Unknown
When former cop and current security expert Jim Holland has a one night stand with Amanda after getting in her way roller-blading. That introduction turns out to be a well thought out plan by Amanda and her sister Molly, to obtain security codes. The girls and their cohorts rob his client and stash the loot. All the while, detective Jim has been following them and he grabs the money for himself. Then his conscience gets the best of him and he falls in love with Molly. His client turns out to be drug dealers and he's forced to risk his life to protect Molly and Amanda.
Cook #2
CIAは監視システムおよび粒子ビーム砲搭載の人工衛星「グレイザー1」を極秘裏に開発していた。そして打ち上げに成功し一同は安堵するが、その場にいるはずの設計者のトラヴィス・デイン博士の姿はなかった。人格に問題ありとみなされた彼は打ち上げを前に解雇され、それを苦に自殺したのだ。 一方、海軍を退役し、レストランのオーナーシェフとなっていたケイシー・ライバックは、疎遠になっていた姪のサラとの仲を修復するために北アメリカ大陸を横断する豪華列車の旅行を計画し、駅構内に来ていた。父親を亡くしたばかりのサラと久々の再会をするも、打ち解けずにそのまま列車に乗車する。列車には、二人の他にも「グレイザー1」を打ち上げたスタッフが乗車していた。列車は走り始め、しばらく平穏な旅が続いていたが、突如ハイテク機器を装備した数十人のテロリストに列車ごと占拠されてしまう。
Wilson's Trainer
29th Street
Sergeant Jones
After winning $6.2 million in the 1976 New York State Lottery, he is arrested for throwing rocks at a church. He then tells his story at the police station.
Prime Suspect
The only witness to a young woman's murder has a nervous breakdown, is institutionalized, and escapes, tracking down the murderer.
The Telephone
A crazy out of work actress, Vashti Blue (Whoopi Goldberg), spends all her time in her small apartment with her pet owl and her telephone, which she uses to try and solve all her problems with life.
In the Shadow of Kilimanjaro
Julius Odom
There's a big drought in Africa. Food and water are scarce. 90,000 wild baboons suddenly start attacking humans and eating them in order to survive. Some people find themselves being hunted by the starving monkeys and must do whatever they can to stay alive.
New York City factory worker Eddie Marino is a solid citizen and regular guy, until the day a sadistic street gang brutally assaults his wife and murders his child. When a corrupt judge sets the thugs free, Eddie goes berserk and vows revenge.
Don't Look Back: The Story of Leroy
The story of Leroy "Satchel" Paige, the legendary pitcher, from his barnstorming days in the 1920s, hoping to break into organized "negro" baseball, to his emergence at age 43 in the major leagues with the Cleveland Indians the year after Jackie Robinson broke baseball's color barrier.
Jerome Boyd
The new warden of a small prison farm in Arkansas tries to clean it up of corruption after initially posing as an inmate.
Tommy takes up temporary housing in a New York neighborhood plagued by a violent gang called the Souls. Tommy is waiting for his next assignment as a seaman and though he tries to avoid the gang and his neighbors, it does not work. Soon he is battling the Souls and not only changing their attitudes, but the attitudes of his previously intimidated neighbors as well.
On the Yard
Chilly is "top con" on the yard, a title that gives him absolute power. Power to make the rules. Power to kill. When a young con confronts Chilly's power, he learns the vicious price of defiance.
Short Eyes
El Raheem
A young man who is charged with child molestation is placed in New York City’s infamous Tombs prison. When the other inmates in his cell block find out what he is charged with, life becomes extremely difficult for him.
Strike Force
Agent Jerome Ripley
A New York City detective teams up with a federal agent and a state trooper to bust up a drug ring.
The Spook Who Sat by the Door
Stud Davis
A black man plays Uncle Tom in order to gain access to CIA training, then uses that knowledge to plot a new American Revolution.
BM3 W.C. Bussell
Dramatization showing the 1968 seizure of the spy ship, Pueblo, by the North Koreans and the treatment of the Pueblo's crew during their year of captivity through flashbacks during the 1969 investigation of the affair.
An American soldier sent to Vietnam goes AWOL and returns to his hometown. His parents turn him over to military authorities. He is court-martialled and sent to the toughest military prison...
John Shaft is back as the lady-loved black detective cop on the search for the murderer of a client.
The Cross and the Switchblade
A film adaptation of a book written in 1963. It tells the true story of Wilkerson's first five years in New York City, where he ministered to disillusioned youth, encouraging them to turn away from the drugs and gang violence they were involved with.