Karen E. Etcoff


Background Casting Director
A pair of teenage girls in rural Pennsylvania travel to New York City to seek out medical help after an unintended pregnancy.
Extras Casting
A teenager living with her sister and parents in Manhattan during the 1990s discovers that her father is having an affair.
Extras Casting
New Yorkers Paul and Meryl Morgan seem to have it all -- except that their marriage is crumbling around them. But their romantic woes are small compared to the trouble they find themselves in after witnessing a murder. To protect them from an assassin, federal agents whisk away Paul and Meryl to a small town in Wyoming, where their marriage will crash and burn, or their passion will reignite.
Extras Casting
Whatever Works explores the relationship between a crotchety misanthrope, Boris and a naïve, impressionable young runaway from the south, Melody. When Melody's uptight parents arrive in New York to rescue her, they are quickly drawn into wildly unexpected romantic entanglements. Everyone discovers that finding love is just a combination of lucky chance and appreciating the value of "whatever works."
Extras Casting
2001年9月11日午前8時42分にニュージャージー州ニューアークからサンフランシスコに向けて飛び立ったユナイテッド93便。テロリストに占拠された直後、乗客たちは家族との電話から彼らが今置かれている状況を知る。自分たちもどこかのターゲットに向かっていることを・・・ 愛する者に最期のメッセージを残して彼らは行動を開始した――。
Extras Casting Coordinator
Extras Casting
In the present, artist Tom Warshaw recalls his traumatic coming of age. As a 13-year-old growing up in New York City in 1973, Tom hangs out with Pappass, a mentally disabled man. With Tom's mother battling depression after the death of her husband, the young boy is left to his own devices. When Tom develops a crush on schoolmate Melissa, Pappass feels abandoned and begins behaving erratically.
Melinda and Melinda
Extras Casting
While dining out with friends, Sy suggests the difficulty of separating comedy from tragedy. To illustrate his point, he tells his guests two parallel stories about Melinda ; both versions have the same basic elements, but one take on her state of affairs leans toward levity, while the other is full of anguish. Each story involves Melinda coping with a recent divorce through substance abuse while beginning a romantic relationship with a close friend's husband.
Anything Else
Extras Casting
Jerry Falk, an aspiring writer in New York, falls in love at first sight with a free-spirited young woman named Amanda. He has heard the phrase that life is like "anything else," but soon he finds that life with the unpredictable Amanda isn't like anything else at all.
Extras Casting
Hollywood Ending
Extras Casting
Woody Allen stars as Val Waxman, a two-time Oscar winner turned washed-up, neurotic director in desperate need of a comeback. When it comes, Waxman finds himself backed into a corner: Work for his ex-wife Ellie or forfeit his last shot. Is Val blinded by love when he opts for the reconnect? Is love blind when it comes to Ellie's staunch support? Literally and figuratively, the proof is the picture.
Extras Casting
犬猿の仲の男女が恋の催眠術にかかってしまったら……? という設定のロマンティック・ラブ・コメディ。ミステリー風味も効いたおしゃれな作品だ。ウディ・アレン監督・主演作。
Luminous Motion
Extras Casting
A mom and her 10-year-old son motor around the country as she makes ends meet by turning tricks until her car breaks down. She then temporarily takes up with a hardware store owner until she gets her own place. Then the kid's father shows up to try to take the two over.
Extras Casting
Extras Casting
State of Grace
Extras Casting
Hell's Kitchen, New York. Terry Noonan returns home after a ten-year absence. He soon reconnects with Jackie, a childhood friend and member of the Irish mob, and rekindles his love affair with Jackie's sister Kathleen.