Hélène Roussel

Hélène Roussel


Hélène Roussel


The Judge
とあるクリスマス。ヴュイヤール家では、母ジュノン(カトリーヌ・ドヌーヴ)の病気をきっかけに、長女エリザベート(アンヌ・コンシニ)、三男イヴァン(メルヴィル・プポー)ら、子どもたちが集まっていた。しかし、絶縁されていた次男アンリ(マチュー・アマルリック)の登場で、穏やかなクリスマスに波風が立ち始める。 フランス映画界を代表する面々が出演し、2008年のセザール賞で9部門にノミネートされたヒューマン・ドラマ。クリスマスに集ったある家族の物語がドラマチックにつづられていく。監督は『キングス&クイーン』のアルノー・デプレシャン。大女優カトリーヌ・ドヌーヴをはじめ、『潜水服は蝶の夢を見る』のマチュー・アマルリック、『ブロークン』のメルヴィル・プポーらが集っている。豪華キャストによる極上のアンサンブルが魅力だ。
Another Woman
Mamie Rose
Before Nicholas had a family and children, he was a doctor. It was 10 years ago when he left them to create a new life. Now Nicholas is Lea. When a business trip brings Lea to Paris the urge to see her children again is too great to resist, Lea pretends to be a musical journalist and interviews her daughter Emma, a pianist. Through gradual revelation the children learn the truth. Lea’s unwavering determination and spirit lead her to find reconciliation with her family no matter what the price.
The Eighth Day
Julie's mother
Georges has Down syndrome, living at a mental-institution, Harry is a busy businessman, giving lectures for young aspiring salesmen. He is successful in his business life, but his social life is a disaster since his wife left him and took their two children with her. This weekend his children came by train to meet him, but Harry, working as always, forgot to pick them up. Neither his wife or his children want to see him again and he is driving around on the country roads, anguished and angry. He almost runs over Georges, on the run from the institution since everybody else went home with their parents except him, whose mother is dead. Harry tries to get rid of Georges but he won't leave his new friend. Eventually a special friendship forms between the two of them, a friendship which makes Harry a different person.
Lou Didn't Say No
The turbulent relationship between a filmmaker and a volatile actor.
My Dear Subject
From birth to death every subject remains intact. Three ages, three women. Daughter, mother, grandmother. Each of them before and after still and always. And the men too, those they meet those they love.
Death in a French Garden
The wealthy Tombsthays hire a guitar tutor, David Aurphet, for their daughter Vivian. The wife, Julia, begins a passionate affair with David. Edwige, Julia's new neighbour, also takes an interest in David. David is attacked one night on returning home but saved by a mysterious stranger Daniel who reveals himself to be a hired killer. David begins to suspect that his affair is no longer secret.
The Three Musketeers
The Three Musketeers (French: Les trois mousquetaires) is a 1959 French TV film based on a play adaptation of the 1844 novel by Alexandre Dumas. It is notable for featuring Jean Paul Belmondo in the lead.
There's Always a Price Tag
Une secrétaire
Adapted from James Hadley Chase’s novel, plot finds Robert Mabillon Gelin as a struggling artist who saves Eric Freminger from a drunken suicide attempt, and promptly gets offered employment as a chauffeur by way of gratitude. Once back at the Freminger residence, Robert finds Eric is a severely depressed man with a host of problems. And then Helene Freminger arrives on the scene, hostile, suspicious but ever so sultry, it’s the kick-start of events that can only lead to misery – or worse – for all involved.