J. Michael McClary


Annie O
When a 15-year-old becomes the first female starter on her high school's male basketball team, her achievement is marred by the treatment she receives at the hands of her teammates, her brother and even her boyfriend.
The Halfback of Notre Dame
A high school halfback must choose between the gridiron dreams of his football coach father, and his own dream of becoming a musician.
Curse of the Starving Class
Curse of the Starving Class is a play by Sam Shepard, considered the first of a series on family tragedies. Drama about a dirt-poor 1950's-era farm family. Dad's a foul talking drunk and Mom is desperately trying to save what's left of their family life.
The Turning
Director of Photography
Gillian Anderson in her first ever screen role. Anderson's psycho boyfriend, Cliff, returns to his home town seething with pent-up frustration and rage. Four years earlier his family was on the verge of breaking up. Now he's returned to put things right, fired by a psychopathic determination he is intent on destroying his father's new relationship...whatever it takes.
Additional Camera
ニューオーリンズの地方検事であるジム・ギャリソンは、昼食中に大統領暗殺の第一報を受けた。しかし、直後に逮捕されるリー・ハーヴェイ・オズワルドという人物に、彼は大多数のアメリカ人とは別のショックを受ける。ニューオーリンズの法曹関係者の間ではオズワルドという男は有名人であったからである。 オズワルドは不思議な過去を持ち、奇行を繰り返し、キューバ人の団体とトラブルを起こしていた人物だった。彼はすぐにこの人物の調査を始めるも、大統領暗殺事件の二日後にさらに事件が起こった。マスコミや大勢の警官がいるさなか、オズワルドが警察署の中でジャック・ルビーという男に射殺されたのだ。