「壁の中には、"壁男"が潜んでいる」 TV局の情報バラエティ番組でレポーターを務める響子(小野真弓)のもとに、"壁男"に関する一通の匿名の投書が届く。興味を抱いた響子は"壁男"に関する取材を続け、TVのOAをきっかけとして謎の"壁"の噂は瞬く間に全国に広がってゆく。 そんな中、響子の恋人でカメラマンの仁科(堺雅人)は"壁男"に異常な興味を示し、何かに取り憑かれたかのように壁の写真ばかり撮り続けるようになる。彼の突然の豹変を心配する響子。そんな彼女の不安をよそに、仁科は次第に"壁男"と人間世界の関係に思いを巡らせ、"壁男"と交信することを考え始める。そして、仁科の行動も"壁男"の噂も更にエスカレートしていき、響子の周辺の人々をも巻き込んだ不思議な怪現象が次々と起こり始める・・・ -"壁男"とは、いったい、何者なのか?
Kaido is a professional pickpocket who works the Tokyo subway with his young foster-daughter, Rei: She lets herself be groped while Kaido relieves the groper of his wallet. More often than not they're observed by a middle-aged cop, who generally lets Kaido go free. Rei is unsettled when Kaido takes on a young street punk, Kazuki, as an apprentice -- with instructions to make Kaido stop drinking. Kazuki, however, would like to go into business with Rei.
Some students decide to set up a play written by one of their classmates, who has commited suicide. The play is based on a tragic and mysterious legend about a love affair between two teachers at the school long ago. Some girls then accidentally stumble over some information about the legend, and the girl who commited suicide. Shortly after, the girls start turning up dead in seeming accidents.
Kizaki, who moved to Tokyo from the Kansai region to become a manga artist, is assigned to work at a used electrical appliance store where he works part-time as a store keeper and repairman. One day, a woman comes to the store drenched from the rain. She is Setsuko, the only daughter of the store's president and a returnee. Since then, Setsuko often comes to the store. Kizaki becomes concerned about Setsuko, but Setsuko has something to do with Oshi, a senior who used to work at the store...